(no subject)

Jul 02, 2005 10:44

I love this and I was looking at my old one and I realized how much I've changed.
(my old answers are on the left and my new ones are on the right)

*YES or NO*
--drink: not really/ ocassionally
--cuss: fuck no!/ more than i'd like to
--.pets: a fish one goldfish.. pathetic but i love him to death!!/ my fish died.... but i have pets!
-- believe in yourself: i guess so/ yes

*in the past month...*
-- drank alcohol: no/ yes
--made out: nope/ yes
--gone on a date: nope/ yes
-- gone to the mall: no/ yes
--been on stage: DUUUUUUUUUUUH!/ yes (banquet?!?)
--made homemade cookies: YUP!!!! for martha and vanessa's birthday/ *tear* no

-- how do you want to die: either in my sleep or doing something really cool and dangerous/ on a carosul
-- where you want to go to college: SUSF/ Galladette
-- your most overused phrase: IM A JEW/ I sold my soul to six flags
-- your thoughts first waking up: omg i cant wait for 5th per.!!/ shit, work
What time is it now: 6:39 pm/ 11:24 AM
--What are you going to do after you finish this: I have no idea.. probably post up pictures of my hair/ Go to work
--What was the last meal you ate: lunch/ Breakfast
--Are you bored: noish what do you care?/ no, I'm nervous!!
--Last noise you heard: the sound of john mayers voice/ the sound of life house
--Last smell you sniffed: salsa/ Shampoo
--normal daily online time: trying to cut down/ like two seconds if im lucky

* # of....*
--piercings: 3/4
--scars on my body: i gots alot want me to start counting? 1..2..3..4..5..6..7......../ 20
--things in my past that I regret: this guy i hooked up with/ 0, i regret nothing, I've learned that everything happens for a reason
--people you’ve made-out with: i think 2/ 5
--of people You’ve see naked: im not gonna bother counting/ about 5 more after that shower (you know who you are)
-- big marsh-mellows you can fit in your mouth: ive got a HUGE mouth im guessing 15/ the mouth grew 20
-- people you loved(beside family): well... 6 i think/ 10
--times you’ve watched your fav. movie: wow lemme see 28/ 50!

--Saw you cry: either amanda or my mommy/ Greg
--Made you cry: "friends"/ Greg
--You went to the movies with: ha ha.. my parents/ Jonas
--You talked on the phone with: Stacy/ The pope
--You kissed: Josh, i think/ Greg
--You had a good long convo w/: Stacy/ The pope
--Saw you naked: amanda and megan/ Amanda, Megan, The pope, Jackie, Angel
-- Helped you w/ a big EMO problem: Stacy

and thats really all thats changed
i miss you guys and we all need to talk
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