hi steph meyer. there's 3 hours of my life i want back.

Nov 22, 2008 00:07

So... since basically everyone who's wanted to read Twilight already has, screw the cut. This isn't even spoilery. It's pretty much just... poo. Literally.

We wanted to watch the 720 showing at Tyson's, but no, that was sold out last night. Okay, we order tickets for 830 showing instead since tickets were selling out so fast. Today we show up at 530. Not so bad. Mike, Linda, J & I go eat dinner at CPK, finish at about 7, meet up with Soy and check out to see if crazy bastards have lined up yet. Why yes, yes they have. About 100 or so people in line an hour and a half before the movie o_O

I was okay with that because I was hopeful about the movie. I probably shouldn't have been, but I was. I had a certain level of expectation which I should've dropped :P Anyway, so fine, we wait with freaking annoying 12 year old fake Ugg-wearing Blackberry/iPhone users (wtf is up with teens these days?! how the eff do they afford that crap?! god). Also crazy, the 5pm-10pm showings (of which there was 1 an hour) were all sold out...

Movie starts and I think, "Sweet mother of pearl, it's already getting campy." We start laughing hysterically about 5minutes into the movie. It wasn't a funny part. It was just... Edward looked constipated. He was supposed to look.. something else. Words did not transition well at all onto the big screen. He just looked constipated. He looked like that about 90% of the movie. Annoying? Yes.

Bella? Kristen Stewart is a good actress. She was good in Speak. I know she can act. So WTF HAPPENED?! She just blinked a lot. At least she wasn't the annoying Bella.. just.. blinky. So that wasn't too bad.. just the scenes were so awkward. What was portrayed as epic love in the book transpired to be... epic freaking fail T_T They stared at each other too much which was described pretty well in the book without being awkward. But who the hell can sit there for a 2hr movie and have about an hour of it be STARING?! -_-

It followed the books down to the lines. Which, ok, I understand movies have to follow the books, but it does NOT have to be a play-by-play. Take a note from Harry Potter. The others did better than the first because it was a MOVIE, not a BOOK.

Not to mention I don't think Robert Pattinson is a very good Edward. The only time he looked hot was when he rolled outta his white Volvo with a cocky ass smirk and sunglasses. So very much better than the constipation :P

So in summary, I want my money back. And about 3-4 hours of my life I spent with annoying pre-pubescent fangirls who wouldn't stop effing taking pictures of themselves in the movie theater. NO ONE LOOKS AT YOU ON FACEBOOK. STFU and GTFO. I had to apologize to Linda and Wu for asking them to come to the movie. It was that bad.

I swear, if they make the rest of the series, they better get a new director and writer. I don't think I can wait in line for another one of these... SRSLY.

Harry Potter, why did you leave us T_T Why did you move to July. I need to go to a midnight showing of that to make myself feel better.....

twilight, movies

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