what? when?

Nov 16, 2008 18:52

Totally left work early Thursday to come home to play the new WoW expansion. James sorta shoved me out of the office and demanded I go home and play. I couldn't say no o_O JR took Thursday and Friday off in attempt to level to 80 this weekend.. wonder if he did it.

It's taking forever to get to 80, though. The death knights are pretty badass, but I feel that my warlock is... useless :( I spent about 9 hours playing on Friday and I only got about 3/4 of the way through 70... SO RIDICULOUS. Ohwell. My friends and I sat at home Friday instead of hanging out like usual so we could explore the areas XD haha. They randomly showed up yesterday cuz Mike wanted his hookah (which he leaves here), so they just.. sat on my balcony and hookah'd. Whatever floats their boat?

Saturday Karen was in town from NYC so I met up with her and George. They stayed at Scott & Tony's so I got to see them again XD Scott is Tony's partner and is also a Presbyterian minister, so I asked if he'd do the honors of marrying Jonathan & I :) He agreed \o/ SWEET! Apparently we have to do 3 hour-long sesions of marriage counseling before he'll agree to marry us. Understandable, since he probably doesn't want to marry people he thinks are incompatible. So to make it fun, we're driving up to Maryland to stay the night with them at some point to play video games :) They're kinda not that up on technology, but they have an xbox and some games ;) It's cute.

It made things more real after I asked Scott o_O Jonathan & I really settled on May 22, 2010. It's a bit on the frightening side. So after lunch with them yesterday, I spent a good portion of today looking at reception sites. I found a pretty affordable one (being UNDER fifteen thousand dollars! HOLY CRAP) and mother approves. I called a bunch of hotels and stuff.. those look ridonkulus. Like the Hyatt? OHEMGEE *cry* It was beautiful but it was also an arm and a leg. And probably a liver.. kidney.. yknow :P

So.. my wrists are in a lot of pain from writing a paper o_O I haven't really done that in a while. And with the intense amount of WoW-playing I've been doing, my carpal tunnel is escalating. I sound like an old hag....

from heather:

a. people who have been tagged must write their answers on their blog and replace any question that they dislike with a new, original question.

b. tag eight people. don't refuse to do that. don't tag who tagged you.
...maybe if i had 8 friends to tag? hahaha -_- how about anyone who has free time :)

1. What are your nicknames?
tiffy, tiff-tiff.. the usual

2. How do you style your hair?
bed hair! .. no really. i kinda roll outta bed, brush it down, then go XD it totally works, lol. occasionally pony tail depending on the weather

3. What's new in your life right now?
world of warcraft expansion... ? godawful, i'm nerdy T_T

4. How many colors are you wearing now?
variations of baby blue... seriously. i'm in my pjs which happen to be a random baby blue tee, blue plaid pants, and a baby blue bathrobe.. (bathrobe wtf? i sound like i'm so OLD!) .. why do i own so much blue?

5. Are you an introvert or extrovert?
generally an intovert. i hate starting conversations and talking to people i don't know.

6. What was the last book you read?
finished re-reading wicked and am in the middle of son of a witch

7. Do you nap a lot?
depends on how bad work is that day, but i've been loving these ritual naps on friday afternoon cuz i get off work around noon XD so i sleep from about 3-4 so jonathan can wake me up when he gets home from class

8. If the person you secretly like is already taken, what would you do?
be emo about it.. kinda what i did in high school.

9. Is there anything that has made you unhappy these days?
not in particular.. stress of work and.. life planning i guess, but nothing's that major

10. What was the last thing you ate today?
piece of bread with some peanut butter on it

11. How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
20-30 minutes.. contacts, teeth, hair, get dressed, breakfast, a bit of the interwebz, then i'm out

12. What websites do you visit daily?
livejournal, gmail (although i guess that doesn't technically count), facebook (almost everyday), and perezhilton

13. What classes are you taking right now? and if you're not in school anymore, what's your job?
program mangement.. and i'm a programmer. so unrelated.. unless i wanted to become a program manager. but i kinda plan on being a code monkey for the rest of my life

14. Do you like to clean?
not particularly, but sometimes it's a stress reliever. go figure

15. What's the last song that got stuck in your head?
rihanna's disturbia

16. What are you doing right now?
waiting for the virus scanner to stop since everytime i open WoW it detects a virus o_O

17. What's better: eternal love or memorable love?

18. What would you do if you see $100 lying on the ground?
that generally happens at the mall.. and i kept it =X

19. Best time of your life?
this past year. it's been so chill. first year of my job where my boss is great, my coworkers are fun, and i met mike & co who are freaking awesome friends. j's always busy these days, but we don't fight like we used to since i'm not stressed from school. most the time it's just pretend angry bantering. college was supposed to be like that, but e-school made it damn near impossible for me to enjoy any of it. i was always so tired and stressed.

20. Tell me something good.
i'm hungry.

sisters, wedding planning, wow, meme

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