why am i so obviously insane

Sep 04, 2006 21:45

singin' oh ohhhhh oh ohhhhh

I heart Weeze Weezer. There's a website selling Weeze shirts. I kinda want one.

Anyway, onto important-ish matters. Went to HoosTrak/MonsterTrak orientation meeting today. Got registered, bladeeblah. Now I can start submitting my resume to companies. They have on-grounds interviews so that'll help. And mock interviews which should definitely help (which I definitely need). I dunno, I'm not as scared as I was before. My resume is empty as all get out, but I'm somehow relatively confident I can still find a job when I graduate. I'm gunna do my damndest to interview like crazy. Hopefully Jonathan gets into VCU's dental school cuz that would make things a lot easier.

I spent the afternoon with Chad (Kyn's bf) looking at apartments and houses in the Richmond area. I realized after about 10 minutes of him looking online that I really really don't want to deal with upstairs or downstairs neighbors ever again, so town house. Dude, he found the sweetest 2 story, 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath town house under $1000. That's cheap as dirt split among 4 people. Holy crap! And it's sooo cute! Plus it allows pets under 25 pounds ^^ Kyndal wants a Maltese.

Kyndal & I planned our little lives together, too, hahaha. We figured if she gets into VCU's pharmacy school and J gets into the dental school, it's easiest to just move in together cuz it's cheap as hell. It's kinda ridonkulous to get two town houses next to each other that cost $900 when getting one together is another extra $100, then split 4 ways. She wants a Maltese, so enter Belle into our lives, haha. She & Chad get the master bedroom (which is fine by me) cuz J & I can make the 2 bedrooms into an office and bedroom. Then downstairs is the living room where we can actually PLAY DDR. YES.

But I also really want to live with Linda, assuming she goes to University of Ricmond Law school. That'd be awesome, too. But she doesn't know =( And there aren't any 4-bedroom town houses (and J & I can't share a room.. that's just a disaster waiting to happen). It should be interesting. Plus I'm excited for a town house. I don't want neighbors anymore. They drive me nuts.

Then we all looked up salaries in the Richmond area. An entry level engineer makes $46,000 to $52,000 a year. That's over $3000 a month for me! Hell yeah! This is assuming I'm not too dumb for that *sad face* I'm worried but not worried. Everyone assures me that as an engineer, I can find a job when I graduate. But I also don't have any experience yet. They say it doesn't matter, but you still can't exactly stop the worrying.

Crazy grown up ness. It's nuts. Told Fluffy about my plans and she was actually really happy to know that I was starting to plan and get things in order after I graduate. Need to move out asap after graduation & Jessica's wedding cuz I'm gunna do my Europe Thang ;) LINDA you BETTER GO!! *anger*

... my schedule definitely is a lot more chill than I thought it'd be. 13.5 hours is pretty damn nice, I have to say. After two straight years of crazy ass hell, this small lull is nice. Very nice. I heart it.

ps. rip steve corwin :(

job hunt, richmond plans

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