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Jul 21, 2005 11:21

Since it's been almost a month, I'll post an update...

Finished up my two courses, although I still don't know what my grade was in my film class. Im suprised I haven't gotten anything in the mail about that yet. MassBay is being sluggish about sending my transcript, so I need to call them and get that straight.

Got a new car! Well, not new new, but new to me. It's a 1998 Toyota Corolla. It's a blueish green (the registry calls it blue) and it's a pretty basic car. No AC, tape player, manual door locks and windows (I actually prefer that), tan interior, automatic transmission, although it does have a slightly bigger engine than my other car which is nice on the highway and in tight situations so I can actually step on the gas and the car goes lol...

Finally got a job, although it's not a teaching one but that's okay. I'm working as a Health and Wellness Associate at Fidelity Investments in Marlborough...so if you have Fidelity for insurance or services of any kind (anywhere in the USA) and you need to talk to an associate, starting in September, you might be talking to me. There's a 5 week training course thingy that starts August 1st, and I'll work the job until I can find a 2nd or 3rd grade classroom. The place seems uber friendly, and the people are awesome. You have to be obnoxiously cheery to do a job like that.

I'm going to North Carolina with my family on Friday until the 29th, and that should be interesting. I was torn between going and not going (it's my step-mom's family) but I can't sit around here for a week with no job and very little money. I'd go batty. I also can't depend on other people coming here to entertain me, cause that's just mean. So, I'm going. The only dilemma I have is my fish. No one will be here to feed my fish! And I only have one, so getting one of those auto feeder things is just assanine, seeing as he only eats 3-8 pellets of food a day. I suppose he'll be fine. If he gets really hungry he can eat the pellets off the rocks he lets drop all the time.

That pretty much wraps it up for the major stuff. Dave and Kirstyn are happily married and still the unconventional couple they always were...except that Kirstyn has my last name now lol...and they've been sorting through wedding pictures constantly. K started a new job the other day, so hopefully that'll work out for her.

Oh, and for all those people *coughshawncough* I've been meaning to get together with, soon! I promise! The "I don't have any money" thing won't be an issue by the middle of August, and I don't have a job I have to come hope and stew over like teaching would be, so drinks and visits will happen soon!

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