
May 01, 2004 13:23

I woke up today at 6:45 feeling rather sick. I couldn't fall back to sleep soooooo I got up. And stumbled through the day only a couple centimeters awake. I must have spent at least a couple hours lying on the couch wishing I was asleep. I got some stuff done. It really was a crummy day anatomically-wise. My voice also sounds congested. So I basically feel like I have mono and allergies. Monogies? Allergo. No, it doesn't work. If it sounds that bad, then I must not have it. I would very much like to be healthy. The day wasn't all that bad, though. I just wish I could have gotten more sleep! For my birthday, I want many many hours of luscious sleep. Cosy, summer, warm, delicious sleep....succulent...flavorful....sleeeeep. Many some weird dreams thrown in there, too. That would be great, thanks! I realized some more mistakes I've been making. Which really is rather nice, because I can kick back and look at my life from another angle. And chuckle about it, some. I finally finished "Brave New World" and wasn't so thrilled. It was a good book until I really started reading it. Then it became a bit too predictable. I guess the point wasn't to smashingly surprise the reader...but it's nice to be surprised now and then. I want a surprise, actually. I guess everything surprises me, just because, stuff creates new sensations. Sensational surprises. I have to stop the onomotopeia. Or whatever. I want to dance. I was going to take hip-hop last year, or sometime. I never actually did. Maybe the time has come to actually get around to doing the things I want to do. Or trying, anyway. I am usually pretty good about that, though. I kind of want a new stomach. Don't get me wrong. I am very satisfied. I'm just thinking about stuff that would be nice to have. Hehe. Tomorrow. I might go into the studio..but then again..will I be able to move this sleep-deprived lump of a thing? My ass, I mean. No-don't worry, not my ass. Oh, speaking of my ass- I was thinking it's probably bored. If you sit all day, does your bum get bored? I bet mine does. I'm really not a loser, I promise. But if ideas like those pop into my head, I might as well let 'em out into the open for you guys to digest. For now, I will TRY TO SLEEP! I WILL SLEEP! Yes...sleep. It actually sounds really good right now.
Sometimes people seem mean but they're really too nice.
People should consider slapping sense into me when I'm an idiot.
Then again, maybe people are mean and that would be the nice thing to do.
But violence is not the answer!
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