Feb 10, 2010 17:46
Here I am! In front of the oscillating fan, under the ceiling fan. I have two pieces of mail to read: a postcard of F-15 Eagles flying in formation over Hampton, VA (just read it; very neat writing), and a small padded bag of chocolate from Helsinki, Finland... must open, must open... Awww, there's an "I LOVE YOU" candy hearts postcard inside, and the chocolates are full-on melted! They're both Fazer brand, if anyone's interested. One's called Pätkis and the other's Karl Fazer. Oh, it's like a Top Deck: white chocolate on top of brown chocolate. It says "sinister" on the packaging - awesome! (OK, it says "sinistauml;" and I don't know what it means.) I wonder if it will harden with a marbelised pattern or just some wonky formation. It's warm inside but not too bad. It's baking outside. HEY! I'm hungry. 5:37pm and of course I haven't had lunch (as per yooozj) so I'ma eat a Pätkis. It says "maitosuklaalla kuorrutettu minttutryffeli" and "mjölkchoklad överdragen minttryffel" so I'm guessing it's milk chocolate-covered mint... truffle?
And that's my scintillating update.
Oh, it's kinda yum - for mint. Sugary (I need!) but only an 18g bar. Nice.