I've been getting a bit nostalgic for things I've never actually experienced. T. said he wouldn't use the word "nostalgia" for it but that's just it. That's exactly how it feels. You definitely can miss what you never had! Here are some of the things I miss desperately:
· pennyfarthings
· dark, unassuming '50s diners (I dream about them all the time)
· 1960s San Francisco
· the pioneering days of the ex-convict Free Settlers
· school desks where the ink well holes in the corner actually had ink wells in them
· sanitary napkin incinerators in public bathrooms (there was a rusty, defunct one at school)
· general stores and goods wrapped in brown paper
· the original BIBA in London
· furniture of the Arts + Crafts movement when it was new
· 1930s furniture when it was new
· Rowe Street, Sydney (I'll probably do a whole post on Rowe Street in the near future)
Where Rowe Street (the lane with
bollards) met Pitt Street, Sydney.