Book Fair Purchases. Or...?

Jul 18, 2007 01:28

Here are the books I bought and please notice that I paid more for each one than I implied in my last post. Still, dirt cheap if you ask me but you can't - well, you can but I can't hear you and anyway, I'll probably be asleep by the time you read this. I'll grant you one vista here and all the rest I'll put under a cut 'cos if I don't then people - I assume - will take me off their daily reading list. I never do that! I download an all-encompassing fList every time and I don't mind photos. In fact, I love them.

I'm gibbering on because the photos are taking so long to upload because my ISP 'shaped' our internet powahz (speed) because we overstepped our bandwidth limit yet again, and we're not even on the lowest one available. I look at lots of pix online, the occasional YouTube vid, the occasional mp3, and Todd downloads mp3s by the album, but be that as it may, our ISP are misers. And we pay them $60 a month!

The normal bandwidth speed will resume at non-prime time (2am - 12noon) which is not for another 25 minutes and I can't jabber on till then because I'm tired and I have a doctor's appointment in the morning over in Baulkham bloody Hills. I've just been doing bills, if you care to know. Well, not paying them. Organising them, writing a list of Must Pays, opening and filing mail, making that phonecall I kept postponing (actually, she rang me back - just a chat!), addressing and stamping envelopes, the book photos are still not uploaded grrrr, and neatening up papers on the desk. I was very efficient and worked without a break for a couple of hours at least.

OK, something's wrong. I'll do this post a bit later. Stay tuned or drop me from your reading list. Either way! (Hoky grin in asterisks.)
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