1. DW-LJ imports are back up and running after being halted because of the DDoS attacks. Attempting to backup in 5,4,3...
(ooh it's done my tags already. *is easily impressed* :)
2. Watched the Walking Dead on Sunday night and had horrendous recurring dreams all night afterwards that I was stuck in zombie-infested world of woe...with Ryan Stiles as my apocalyptic hero. WTF. He's not even in the show!
2½. I did actually enjoy the Walking Dead, and am looking forward to the next episode. Even if channel5 put adverts on every 10 minutes which really breaks up the momentum and annoys the hell out of me. Grrr!
3. Callum continues to have not much screen time in the Killing. :(
But he does use his time wisely. Observe:
We have A. smiley slouching in a chair. and B. twitching FEEEEET. :D Hey, any Callum is good Callum as far as I'm concerned. *g*
4. Seem to be flirting with a cold at the moment. Head is slightly fuzzy and throat does not feel good. /o\ I think I'll go to bed and watch tv, preferably something without zombies in it!