More Joy Day part the fourth!

Jan 13, 2011 22:28

It is More Joy Day! :D! For this blessed day I am passing on links to some fan vids that make me happy. I tried to find one of Spanish Buzz dancing with Jessie in Toy Story 3 because JOY! And also, crazycakes. Ahem. But alas, Youtube is a scary scary place where animations are concerned and the things that are out there... *shudder*

So! Here are some vids which you may have seen before, but if not, well, ENJOY!

1. Happiness - by icepixie. (Fred & Ginger dancing. Does exactly what it says on the tin. :D!)

2. Improper Dancing - by marycrawford. (MOAR DANCING! :D! Multifandom.)

3. Oh Canada - by gigglemonster. (Needs NO explanation to C6D peeps. ♥_♥)

Aaaaand have a bonus Harry gif:

Because he just wants to smish you all. ;)

Happy More Joy Day! <3

joy!, canada!, video linkage, callum's special skills

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