That Potter dude...

Nov 23, 2010 00:57

So my friend and I just spent the best part of the last 3 hours making fun of Harry Potter. In a good way, you understand. This was to help me through being a Potter virgin. Why yes, I AM the last person on the planet to ever see a Harry Potter movie, and the one I see is the second to last. Go me. Anyway, friend was literally bouncing up and down yesterday, pleading with me to go. Her other half refused, so I, like the dutiful muppet, went along.

I have not read the books. I have not seen a single wizard-type thing on big screen or small (aside from trailers, obviously.). But I'm all for a challenge. *g*

It was quite entertaining, even if I was CLUELESS. We resorted to commentary at certain moments:

"Hermione is ACTUALLY Mary Poppins... I think I want that bag."
"Is that tent getting bigger? They'll have a chandelier next."
"WTF. DANCING. He's going to regret this scene in ten years time." (a particularly loltastic/cringeworthy moment.)
"Why don't they magic up some proper winter coats instead of shivering with crappy blankets all night?"
"Harry is stripping. AGAIN."

etc.etc. We were in a screen by ourselves, in case you wondered. I'm usually a quiet little movie watcher, hehe.

So, good natured mocking aside, I liked it! It has it's dark creepy moments, and a few giggles too. There was one part in particular I enjoyed: an animated sequence about the Deathly Hallows. Stunning artwork. I just... wow. :D

And that concludes my first Potter experience. *thumbs up*

Trailers: Narnia: Voyage of the Dawn Treader, Red Riding Hood, Yogi Bear, Megamind, Tangled. (they will run out of fairy tales one of these days!)

I have a Due Date with RDJ next. And I'd REALLY like to see Unstoppable because... well, I love Denzel Washington in pretty much everything he does and there is also Chris Pine, who will not be dressed as a Starfleet Captain as he tries to stop a runaway train. The movie sounds ridiculous, and has been done a million times before, but still. Fun times! :D

movie watching

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