Shattered 1x09

Nov 15, 2010 23:50

Bit behind with the recap for episode 12 9, spoilery thoughts will commence shortly.

A. I watched due South today (BBC2 lunchtimes never used to be this exciting), the episode where Vecchio had to shoot the Riv. *memories*

2. Good news about Callum on The Hour this Friday - I know a few of us have wished he would get the interview treatment on ( Read more... )

tv boyfriends!, tv ponderings, fannish, ckr, callum's special skills

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idreamedmusic November 16 2010, 22:49:26 UTC
Cool review! Totally agree with your observations and reactions (charcoal burgers, LOOOL!)

Loved the opening and how we got the story as well as the triggers. I also think we missed the swing bit due to Global being bastards.

I do think that weeBen's alter was the first to manifest, just not sure if that's the child alter as he reminded me of Ivan in Don't Wanna Die. But definitely an alter or he wouldn't have a one-year blackout.

Hey, it's the General from the Perfect Strangers episode of Due South! Ahem.

Aaaaah! That's why he looked familiar. So two peeps in this ep who've worked with CKR before, heh.

"Take solace in the fact you'll be free soon." Hmm. I wonder if this is what Ben hopes for himself too?

Ya, I think so. Which ties into the missing chapter which would be perfect for S2. Please, S2????


bluebelle789 November 18 2010, 03:08:09 UTC
Aaaaah! That's why he looked familiar. So two peeps in this ep who've worked with CKR before, heh.

What's that saying? There's only 20 actors in Canada? Heee.

I would love it to have a Season 2, it would certainly give them more time to explain all these things.

Not long to go until we get to the conclusion! *bites nails*


idreamedmusic November 18 2010, 19:43:42 UTC
What's that saying? There's only 20 actors in Canada? Heee.

Hahaaa, indeed!

BTW, re the swing trigger - am rewatching the ep right now while capping and it was the chain that held the punching bag that triggered the swing flashback. You can see Ben looking at it and then it cuts to the swing.

Seen the finale, yet?


bluebelle789 November 18 2010, 20:32:34 UTC
Seen the finale, yet?

Watching it now. Omgomgomg.*flails*


idreamedmusic November 18 2010, 20:36:24 UTC
EEEEEEEEEEE, enjoy! ;)


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