Money and movies and teevee, oh my.

Oct 19, 2010 00:29

I won the lottery! *drumroll plz* A WHOPPING....£10. Yes, that is ten pounds. Hee. So it's not a champagne-popping amount but I've never won on the lottery before. It was very exciting for me. :P

Went to see Ryan Reynold's latest flick, Buried. It didn't feel like it dragged considering he is the only person on screen for 95 minutes. Clever film making. But oh, the woe and the angst. (and the claustrophobia. eep!) The hope is built up, but it's only to fool you. My friend and I felt a wee bit let down by the whole experience, not gonna lie. Also, it took a good 10 minutes of squinting for eyeballs to focus properly when we came out the cinema afterwards - dark movie is dark. On many levels. :\ Safe to say I'll skip it when it comes out on DVD.

Trailers: Paranormal Activity 2, Saw 3D, Easy A, Machete, and The Kids Are All Right.

Film4 were having a Star Trek weekend showing all the movies in the franchise, bar the Reboot. I managed to see about 3 of them between babysitting and work: The First Movie, Generations, and Nemesis. I missed the one with the whales, damn it! I always liked that one. *g* Now I want to watch the Reboot again. I should really get that on DVD at some point...

Shattered began it's UK airing tonight. :D The Universal channel are giving it a lot of love, and a spiffy website, which is more than can be said for Global. Global are skipping another episode next week, who knows which episode they will show after that. So confusing. I don't think the viewing figures are helping Shattered's case either (273,000 for ep.6. *cries*), but when Global keep messing it around how are folks expected to follow it properly anyway? ARGH.

ETA: First review in after the UK airing, and there is a lot of praise for Callum! ♥

random, movie watching, article, ckr, callum's special skills

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