I just finished S2 of the A-Team...
Murdock gets SHOT. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. But it's okay because B.A. won't let him die! Face disguises himself as a military police dude and steals a first aid kit! Hannibal removes the bullet! All while Decker and the MPs are closing in on them. No man is left behind, you see. THEIR BOND IS A THING OF BEAUTY. ♥♥♥♥!
*and breathes*
Oh, and I went to see the movie again. Turns out the Expendables wasn't showing. What a shame... *g*
If I keep going at this rate I might be finished all 5 seasons by the time Shattered comes out, and then my head might NOT actually explode with all the squee. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. CALLUM. SOOOOOOOON. :D!