TV boyfriends!

Mar 25, 2010 20:26

Of all the TV boyfriends I've acquired over the last couple of months, I am drawing the line at Clint Eastwood. Before anyone points out the dude will be 80 this year (o.O I KNOW!), The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly was on TV; the classic spaghetti western (why are they even called that?) where Clint breaks out the poncho and blows up a bridge before finding gold in a cemetary. I did not watch it all, just the last two hours, and do you know why I watched? Because I thought young Clint was a stud and could not bring myself to change the channel. WTF SELF! Self says: He was HOT, yo. I think it was the scruff.

He did kind of remind me of someone else with scruff:

Hmmm. I guess you had to really see him in motion? :\

*distracts with bonus poncho*

Ahem. *g*

Moving on back to this century, I have watched the entire Season 1 & 2 of NCIS. \o/ It's not like I hadn't seen most of it before, but to mainline it properly instead of which ever episodes FiveUSA decide to show was just awesome. Hearts in my eyes over Gibbs & Tony, but really I love all the characters and the way they interact with each other. It gave me the same joy that due South does, and THAT is a special thing indeed.

I bought S3 so my squee can continue next week. :D \show/

i like westerns apparently, random, tv boyfriends!, ckr pics

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