Anda one!

Apr 12, 2008 07:57

Masterminds has appeared in my TV listings. It's been a while since I caught a Callum Movie right there on the box, and this afternoon I will have the pleasure of watching him get dirty. *glee* He didn't have a huge role, but he gets wet and blows stuff up, which is good enough for me! I mean, as Callum roles go, I like Ollie. He's fun. He has a strange cockney accent, and looks like a Billy Idol soundtrack should be blasting everywhere around him:

I'm torn between 'White Wedding' or that 'Speed' song, personally...

I mentioned he gets dirty, yes? *dribbles all over keyboard*


Then there's the blowing things up part, of course (because Patrick Stewart wanted him to!).

(Look! His rings are still so shiny!)

So, uh, yes. I'm spending a possibly rainy Saturday afternoon lounging about watching some daft kids film, and flailing a little whenever Ollie appears on the screen. My life is so complex. ;)

ckr movies, fannish

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