where i reveal some scary (to me) dreams

Apr 09, 2008 23:11

I was back at work by the weekend and just when I was getting into a better sleep pattern, too. Give me more holidaaaaays. /whine

1. Weird dreams experienced this week:

* Some random dressed as Indiana Jones was stalking me. Sadly he was not Harrison Ford, or I wouldn't have minded the stalking bit too much.

* While wandering around a nameless city there was a sudden mass panic amongst the crowds in the street as they found out Godzilla was coming to kill us all. I was more concerned with the giant futuristic advertising billboards shaped like spheres that were floating above the river - they were advertising a string of really bad movies - so when I turned around to see the feared Godzilla was actually a two foot tall lizard making it's way down the main street, squeaking a little? Yeah, not terrified at all. But the peoples! They ran screaming everywhere, anyway! Bunch of wusses. Pffft.

* I was trying to sell a baby to Al Pacino, which I think was supposed to be my baby? I don't really know why. So, let's see, there's my RL friend J dreaming that I'm pregnant and roaming Canada, and then there's my dream of trying to flog an infant to unsuspecting star of the silver screen. Hmm. (Note to universe: I am not With Child. KNOCK IT OFF.)

* And finally in somewhat ironic dream from last night, I was having that dinner with Callum and it was not awkward in the slightest. Okay, maybe it was just a little bit. Today? eBay has pulled the whole auction from the site so dinner is not up for grabs anymore anyway. Woe!

(I hope they relent, and the auction gets the go-ahead to continue. They were raising a lot of money for Babz there and now it is gone. Bastards.)

2. The Tinman DVD still sits unwatched. I did put the disc(s) in to check it was working properly and might have skipped through it to find Zero's scenes but have yet to watch it properly. I will get to it sometime.

3. "How I don't keep up with shows of today: part threebillionandsixty" - I caught a bit of Torchwood today and saw James Marsters! It was a surprise to see him on tv again as I haven't really seen him since he was blonde and went by the name of 'Spike'. Oh well. I tend to stick to other things. Occasionally, things with Mounties in them. (I watched Some Like It Red the other night. Heeeeeeee!)

4. I opened this tab hours ago and forgot to post it. Ah, the powers of distracting internets! *posts and runs*

weird dreams, random

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