Further proof I fail at being an adult...

Feb 12, 2008 06:15

...and proof I am not dead. *waves* I haven't updated in a week. Oops. My life is not that busy, honest. :P

A.nyway, boring stuff out the way first: last week, after the car insurance disaster, I discovered the insurance company I was originally with had taken money out of my account to cover the next 12 months. Not that they bothered to inform me they were going to do this and I can't actually remember if I wanted automatic payments set up, but you know, some sort of renewal warning letter or email or smoke signals would have been nice. My car is now possibly the only car in Scotland that is insured twice over until I send back the policy I bought in error and get all that money back. SO much WTFuckery. Hmph.

B. I have had a Hugh Dillon dream, which I put down to mainlining Headstones music before bed. I can't remember what the dream was about, I woke up too quick to grasp details. But he was there. And he wasn't bald. Heh.

C. This put me in the mood to find pictures of Hugh With Hair. By the power of Google image search, I found one, where not only did he have hair, he had morphed into someone else...

D: I...didn't have a Callum dream. :( But I watched Falling Angels and Wilby, which I haven't watched in ages. Awww. I WANT A DUCK of the non-feathered variety.

e. Ok I'm done being random for now. *goes back to bed*

random, real.life, fannish

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