I fail at being a grown up.

Feb 05, 2008 21:32

Remembered at some obscure time this morning that my car insurance expired last night. Umm, no, I wasn't driving uninsured after midnight. At all. *shifty eyes*

Boo to legalities. Spent some time today trawling the interwebs for quotes and the like. I thought this would be simple. HAHA.

Website A: after putting in my car details, decided car didn't exist. ?!

Website B: wouldn't insure me. At all. Meanies.

Website C: would not accept my bank card of doom.

Website D: I had moderate success, until after I clicked the "buy" button and then a big angry box popped up demanding proof of no claims by sending them previous insurance certificate. There is no such thing printed on my previous certificate. Fuck. o.o

Soooo because I have no proof, when I receive the nice shiny new documents through the post, I'm going to have to send it straight back, get policy cancelled, and get a refund. At least they will do this, no problem.

But I'll be uninsured again. Woe. I'm going back to website C (my original insurance company) and use a different bank card. I should have done that in the first place, but it means I'll have to use different bank account that is running low on funds.

Fail, self. FAIL!

I should just be cocooned in a padded room or something. /o\

real.life, blah

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