The One where I realise Canada will always be with you...

Jan 08, 2008 19:21

Decorations are all packed away, and the house looks really bare. Now it is the season for being germ riddled. Woo! Three year olds at the Kentucky Derby have nothing on my nose. *reaches for more tissues* I could lay the blame for this on my sister and her boyfriend (and the dog who also had the snifflies), but half the staff at work are suffering from it too, so it was bound to get me sooner or later. I sneezed my way through work last night. Ugh.

I’ve been aimlessly wandering around the internets, when I should be in bed sleeping this off. I’ve not been able to concentrate on much of anything thanks to fuzzy brain. However, in my wandering (where it turned out I got no further than IMDb) I have learned a couple of things that will be of no interest to any sane non-germ riddled persons:

Two of my favourite TV shows from childhood were Canadian! /newsflash.

I have no idea what prompted me to look for them; I could be having a breakdown, or it might just be the fever. But, but, Canadian! Yay? One was the Littlest Hobo. IT WAS AWESOME. When I was five. Followed by Huckleberry Finn and his Friends. I think I had a crush on the kid who played Tom Sawyer. Hmm. Anyway, I discovered Bernie “You’re the king, Pipe” Coulson had been in it, too. He must’ve been about 14 or 15 at the time. Sadly I do not remember much about it apart from the theme song and the Tom Sawyer kid I apparently had a crush on. But oh, Canadian 6 degrees. How nice it is to know you've always been there, lurking like a big... lurking thing. ♥

I restrained myself from buying Huckleberry Finn off Amazon (seriously, it’s the fever) and bought Double Happiness instead. Canadian! And also

the lure of Callum-as-sweetly-obnoxious-Mark was much too great to resist.

Oooh goodies have been dispatched email! already! Wheee!

random, ckr movies, tv ponderings, canada!

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