First random post of 2008

Jan 03, 2008 20:31

a. It's been snowing on and off all day. Half of the country looks like

Pretty, but it doesn't look like that around here, because the snow it is not sticking. It's supposed to be moving West overnight, with snow drifts and blizzards, so we'll see how things look in the morning. And also see if I'll be able to get out of my street. :\ They don't grit the roads down here which makes driving up the hill to get to the main road very difficult.

b. I've had my first Callum dream of the year! And he was nekkid apart from his sock-covered feet! Sadly he was not giving come-hither looks to me in my boudoir, it was only some random movie he was supposed to be in (nekkid! with his socks on!?) I can't remember what the movie was supposed to be called, but as usual with a lot of CKR-related media, I fast-forwarded through the dvd to find his scenes, finally realising I'd found him when I caught sight of his bum cheeks. Heh.

Callum Keith Rennie: the actor with one of those bums you know you've seen somewhere before. ;)

c. I feel like I'm getting a cold. I blame BluebelleSister and her boyfriend, for they had it over Christmas/New Year. Blahh.

d. My New Year itself was quiet, apart from the fireworks, which went on for EVER. Basically, stayed in, had some drinks. Watched the Rocky Horror Picture Show. Didn't do the Time Warp. Had some more drinks. Decided food would be good too. Watched Ewan McGregor's Long Way Down which turned out to be the final episode. Wished I'd seen it from the beginning. Had some more drinks. Fell asleep at 6am.

New year's day wasn't as rough as it could have been in spite of my tradition of not getting out of bed before 3pm disrupted at noon by BluebelleSister who wanted me to design party invites for her. o.o She attempted it herself, but I had to elbow her out the way before she wrecked my computer. *sigh*

e. I definitely have no resolutions. Apart from trying to eat a bit healthier, (have failed already by going to McCrappy's yesterday. Woe!) and maybe taking more photos. That is it!

random,, ckr

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