DVDs + not enough time (again)

Sep 03, 2007 01:43

September is 2 days old, and so far I have acquired:

a. The cold. Bleh.
b. Unwanted clothing my Sister has no need for anymore, which includes bras. o.O Why she feels the need to pass on her unwanted undies to me is anyone's guess.
c. Callum.

I've not had much sleep the past 48 hours, due to work crap and early meeting. Oh, and really wanting to watch dvds instead of going to bed... It's all my own fault I'm so tired and full of the cold, really. Plus point of weekend? I has a couple extra Callum DVDs. :D

Yesterday two little packages arrived: one in a nice white box (Flower & Garnet) and one in a yellow jiffy bag which had an aura of 'I am teh evil' about it. Okay, maybe I'm nutty but they never sent me a DVD in the yellow bag of dodgy before. It meant only one thing - Psycho Norman had entered the building. :| Not that Psycho, who's a fluffy bunny by comparison (in my head at least). Callum's psycho Norman from Unnatural and Accidental. I'm feeling a bit sick about it, but I will get through it once, probably only once, for the sake of seeing derangedCal at work. *wibbles*

Flower & Garnet, on the other hand... I couldn't wait and watched it when I should have been sleeping. Wow, that was good. The little boy. And the Callum. The tension. The tears. I need to watch it again properly, when I'm more awake and less fuzzy in the head, but I think it was worth waiting for.

I'm almost at the end of S2 Battlestar Gallactica, which is just as well because S3 was dispatched today (yay for pre-order!). Then there will be nothing from Amazon for a while. Nope, not a thing. Do you hear me, Amazon? Please do not be tempting me with anything else for at least a month! *glares at it*

shiny new things, ckr movies, ckr

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