Never enough hours in the day

Aug 27, 2007 21:50

I don't know if I'm coming or going today. Work is not being kind and has me on the crappy schedule of hate, which is making me Ms Cranky Pants. Last night I was getting so angry with The Most Irritating Co-Worker in the World™ I resorted to thinking Callum-thoughts so I wouldn't throw things at co-worker's head. Which led to having to think of something else by the time I got in the office because, well, Callum-thoughts are very distracting. *blushes*

I have to slap myself (again), because I bought S1 House after work last night for the bargain price of £11, thank you ASDA. Don't know when I'll get around to watching that - I have BSG/CKR priorities here. My little eyeballs will be going square, nay, widescreen, at this rate.

AND FINALLY, I just noticed there's only 3GB of space left on my hard drive. Oops. I think a spring (summer?) clean is in order, possibly with a trip to PC world to get an external hard drive/other storage space, before my precious old clunky has a breakdown on me. GAAHHH!

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