Fort's Firstday Party (Part 2)

Mar 30, 2009 19:16

RL Date: 3/29/09
IC Date: 5/1/19

Phara stiffles a giggle for Hattie. "I'll be sure to form the rescue party," she promises and then gives a nod to R'uen across the way when he catches her attention. "Want anything?" she asks Hattie, indicating R'uen and Su sampling fare over there.

"I'm sure I'll catch up to her for that dance later," T'rev answers disarmingly as he clears his mouth. His glass is lifted and he takes a long swallow, smiles over the rim at Kaida. "I wouldn't abandon you so early in th'evenin' or without a promised dance," the bronzerider claims and nods down a little ways. "Looks like she picked up some company," he notes good-naturedly and picks up his plate again to finish off its contents. His glass follows and both are piled together neatly. "Well then, if that's your style, Kaida, how about it?" he offers as he rises, sweeps a little half bow and offers his hand to the weaver apprentice.

Eventually it's time for Kwei to take to the stage with another group of harpers. The trio settle themselves in while one of the Journeyman calls out to the floor. "Grab your partners for an upbeat number, we'll be doing the Benden Reel." He starts calling couples to the floor to explain the dance before the musicians start up, Kwei amongst them.

"Mmph," is Kaida's responce, with a lifted finger as she drains the dregs of her juice. With a grin and a laugh, she notes, "That there is a woman who will probably never -lack- for company. Even I can appreciate her figure." Pale eyes give the illusion of lightening as pupils contract, and she accepts T'rev's offered hand as she rises to her feet. One hand plucks at her skirt as she dips in a shallow curtsey, "It would be my pleasure, T'rev."

R'uen watches Phara nod, watches her point back at him. He alternates between holding up one finger and two, silently taking the order from afar. And meanwhile, he also takes his first sip. Colorful and friendly as the drink may appear, it does have enough of a bite to make him blink at it. "Just trying to get me in trouble, aren't you," he tells Sulisah. "I think I might need another for Phara," he adds, gesturing over his shoulder now at the bluerider. "Maybe two. Wait, no. Weyrling. Make it a virgin one. I can't see if she's got a drink from here."

Sulisah's innocent act crumbles, giggles spilling out, "Would I do a thing like that?" she tries to look hurt, honest, that look isn't pure amusement. Well maybe a little. At the mention of Phara there's a definite cooling of the giggles, and she nods. Flirting suddenly turned down a notch. "Sure. Give me a second." Two more drinks are produced, a marked difference in colour for the non-alcoholic one. "I need to go talk to... my roommate. I'll maybe catch you later for a dance?"

"Good to know." Hattie goes to shake her head, but then grimaces into her soup mug and quickly changes her mind. "Yes, please. Anything. Except proper drink, I'm not risking that today." She yanks off a piece of one of the bread rolls and shoves it into her mouth with a wrinkling of her nose and a absent-minded gesture of apology.

T'rev's fingers close around Kaida's to lead her out onto the dance floor, smile still firmly in place. "Into the music we go then," he declares cheerfully and swings the weaver into the fray of the reel, light-footed and laughing for the duration of the dance. After the music switches over, he'll lead her back to the rocks to sit and chat for a while, then excuses himself as he spots someone he needs to have a word with and vanishes into the crowd for a little while.

Phara wiggles two fingers at Rev, jerking her thump at Hattie to indicate her knot. Of course, the good Weyrleader has already thought ahead of her. How good of him. She glances aside at the weyrling and digs her fork into a slice of wherry, tearing a bit of it off with a twist of the tines. "What's on your mind, doll?"

Three drinks take some juggling for a man with only two hands, but in the midst of getting them balanced in his grip, R'uen does notice the chance in Sulisah. His mouth quirks sideways. "Yeah, definitely. But hey, before you go..." And since he's just been reminded of it... "B'kaiv. I mentioned to him that exchanging letter with you might make the whole learning-to-read thing a little less grueling. I don't know if he's said anything but even if he doesn't, might be a nice surprise. Maybe it'd cheer him up a bit?"

Speaking of the crowd: having been clustered with this or that group of people for the past while, now Cirse excuses herself from a pair of mustachioed gents and one of the brothers' equally silver-haired wife to make rounds of a different sort. Momentarily alone, now she's walking along the outside of the dance square with a frequent glance and even a smile for the merrymakers there, her destination the food and, yes, drink.

The harpers keep the tunes coming thick and fast, the emphasis on this set is definitely fast and frantic with couples whirling around seemingly all over the place in some wonderfully energetic songs.

That brings the smile back to Sulisah's face a little and she nods, "One step ahead of you already, Sir. I'll see you later." Her smile is a little less bright than before, but it's there at least. "If you need more drinks, Harry's the best." And then off she wanders to find Kaida.

Kaida thoroughly enjoys the reel, if her laughter mingled with the music is any indication. Politeness is what keeps her chatting with T'rev after the music has switched, at least until he's excused himself. And thus, left at loose ends and therefore free to prowl for other potential dance partners, the apprentice Weaver leaves the rocks and meanders back towards the crowd surrounding the dance floor, skirts swishing as she solos along the sidelines.

Hattie swallows and continues to look like someone just handed her sour citrus instead of soup. "Firstly, bad choice soup-wise," she tries to joke, nudging the cup away from her a little. "And oh, nothing, I just still get these moments where it's like being in two places at once. I get everything from here and then suddenly everything from /her/ and it's just... distracting, sometimes." Another wave of her hand tries to dismiss the whole thing and she grins brightly. "T'rev taught me all about First Day a few days back; kinda brings a whole new meaning to a party."

R'uen gives Sulisah a big smile, a cheerful nod. And then she's off to find Kaida and he's off to finally deliver Phara her drink. And Hattie too, though when he gets there he sees she doesn't really need it. "Ladies," he greets, carefully setting the trio of glasses on the table and doling them out. "Sorry that took so long," he adds to Phara, as well as, "You look smashing, by the way. And watch out with that drink. Potent."

Phara nods her head in understanding. "That's something you get used to, in time," she promises. She smiles up at Rev and says, "Seems I ran away your date." She looks the way Su went and then blushes for his compliment. "Well thank you, darling, so do you. I'm loving the shirt. What's in it?" The drink, obviously. "T'rev's good for that kind of thing," she tells Hattie, switching gears again. "Stories and stuff."

Sulisah gets to Kaida's rocks to find her roommate gone again. Turning she scans the dancers, expecting to find her still on the dancefloor somewhere in the mob.

The faster sets come to a close eventually and one rather nervous looking apprentice moves forward to take up position at the front of the stage area. He's introduced by the Journeyman. "Harper apprentice Kwei is going to play slower number called 'Something's Got to Give' We'll be back with the energetic sets in a few minutes, even us harpers need a break." With that introduction Kwei settles into singing and playing on his harp a slow romantic song.

Kaida is just coming off the dance floor, actually, having just finished another round with a skinny lad Turns younger. But hey, the kid could dance. She's shed her shawl; it's now tied at a jaunty angle around her hips. She's heading towards 'her' rocks as Kwei's introduction is made, but had also managed to spot the bright pink Sulisah. She waves her hand, bouncing a bit to get her roomie's attention. "C'mon Su, let's listen!" she risks calling, before the crowd starts to quiet to listen to the apprentice Harper.

"Thank you, Sir." She does need the drink, she does, if Hattie's at first rather speedy lunge for the glass which is hers is any sign. Sips are managed, rather than just knocking it back and eventually she's mostly back to normal. She eyes Phara's curiously-coloured drink and angles a look up at R'uen, a silent repeat of the bluerider's enquiry. A glance over her shoulder as she notes the change in music brings Cirse into her line of vision and she dips her head to the Weyrwoman.

"My date couldn't make it," R'uen says aside to Phara with a twist in his smile making it sly, or something like that. But if she's going to praise his pink, he'll stand up straight and let her appreciate the whole ensemble. "She saved me from being the loudest dressed person here," he adds with a tip of his head toward the departed Sulisah and a cheeky smile. "Are you always so tan?" he asks Phara suddenly, apparently noting the way her dress's shade accents her complexion. And then, finally, he takes a seat with the two girls, and takes up his drink as well. As for the contents? "No idea. What stories is T'rev telling?" And who is Hattie looking at? He turns and shoots the greeting jerk of his chin to Cirse.

The slow song has an adverse effect on the relative peace-and-quiet that Jaeyi's carved out for herself on a bench near the dancefloor. She still picks at her food a little, a few sprigs of vegetables left on the edge of her plate, and then lifts it toward the doe-eyed young man who's trying to convince her to take a turn with him while the romantic diddie's under way. "Maybe later," she 'promises,' handing off her plate and heading vaguely in Kaida's and Sulisah's wake.

Yviana and one of her half-sisters, arm in arm, leave the dance just measures before it ends. They intercept Cirse before she can get too far, and a whirl of comment later, the assistant headwoman spots the former assistant headwoman and all three start Hattie's way... and Phara's way, and R'uen's way, surprise surprise.

No matter what caused her change in mood, there's no way Sulisah could fail to laugh at Kaida's bouncing, "Okay who are you and what have you done with the real Kaida?" is called voer, but she's moving in that direction a second later. "Listen I do, dancing not so much. Least not just now. Want a drink? I need to find someone to share a snakebite with, no way I'm having a whole one."

Kwei plays through the number, his voice carrying nicely across the relative quiet of the dance floor to the accompaniment of the harp. A good performance for an apprentice and with a round of applause when he finishes he stands and gives a bow before relinquishing the stage to the next group of harpers.

"Hattie was just telling me that T'rev told her the story of Fort and the meaning behind First Day," Phara supplies for R'uen. And admire she does, grinning at him. "It's usually my job to be outrageously flamboyant. But, as I hold the title just about every day, I'll pass the baton to you guys for an evening." She runs her fingers over her skirt and glances up at him in surprise, lifting one arm to regard it. "Er, yeah? Guess I might be a little bit darker right now. Been at Southern a lot more recently."

"What in Faranth's name is a snakebite?" Kaida asks curiously, and quietly, her words having been saved until Su was close enough that she could speak without shouting over Kwei's singing. "I'm parched, though, and up for trying something new." She grins, definitely in a much more relaxed and natural mood than previous stiff formality. She adds her applause to the rest as Kwei's song is brought to a close, and even a cheeky whistle. "Aw, c'mon, Su. It's a party! Good music, dancing ... what? Were you starting to think I was a real stick in the mud?" She grins at her roomie.

"He's teaching me history," Hattie feels the need to explain, fingers tapping at her glass. Another look over her shoulder abruptly cuts off anything else she was going to add as she notices the three women approaching and waits until they're in proper hearing distance to greet, "Weyrwoman. Ma'am." An awkward pause. "Ma'am," for the third too, just to be safe, considering everybody outranks her, and it's back to embarrassed for the weyrling.

Jaeyi puts her hands together duly, afterward pressing on her path toward the girl-in-red with whom she's already acquainted and and her petite friend, those being Kaida and Sulisah. "Is there any chance," she begins earnestly, turning up the dial on her smile's imposing cheer, "that I can follow you two around for a little while?" Not to interrupt a conversation about snakebites, which gets an odd look, but she tries to find an appropriate place to interject.

Kwei, finished for the night can be seen at the back of the stage packing his harp away before he moves round the dance floor to find his sister.

"You don't want to know." Sulisah giggles back at Kaida before adding her own applause to he brother's ovation. "Promised someone first dance." is her explanation before she laughs and nods, "Shells, yes. If you'd been any more stiff that first day we met you would have snapped!" Jaeyi's question does startle her a little, she hadn't noticed the baker wandering over, but the smile the other girl gets is cheery and bright, "Depends how closely you'd be following." Despite not knowing this girl she can't resist a quiet tease, "Might be easier if you walk with. Less creepy."

"Hattie," says one, "Hattie!" says the other, and Cirse just smiles momentarily. "How are you enjoying it all?" she asks her protege, quietly, while the other two go on to, "Weyrleader!" and for a change, "Weyrleader R'uen." After they have recovered from his shirt, there wind up being sweet smiles for Phara too and a, "Look at you, in a skirt even, how delightful."

"History," R'uen remarks. "Fascinating, I'm sure." It doesn't sound like those are lessons he particularly enjoyed as a weyrling, but he wears a smile anyway. "Southern? Are you trying to make me jealous?" he teases Phara. "What's at Southern? You know, beside sun and all that." Of course, there's also the influx of people approaching their table, so Phara's answer will have to come after he flashes them all a grin, greets with, "Ladies," and vacates his seat to offer it to Cirse. Right gentlemanly.

Kwei spies his sister standing with two others, Kaida and Jaeyi and pauses a moment before with a deep breath he composes and does his best to saunter over nonchalantly after his performance, hiding al the nerves as best he can. "Good evening Ladies." He greets the trio with a bow.

Phara glances up at Cirse and her friends, unable now to, you know, pretend they aren't here now that they're looming over her table. So she smiles back and laughs. "This whole Weyr acts like I don't know what a dress is. Half my closet is dresses. They just aren't practical for flying in." She touches the tip of her nose, glances down at Hattie for a moment and then answers Rev, "Nothing's at Southern. That's what's so beautiful about it. No people, just... trees, and the earth and endless ground to walk on. And not trying to make you jealous. You're just as capable of going as I am. Just gotta be clever on fitting the time in." And then...well, her plate's pretty interesting suddenly.

Kaida's grin is transferred flawlessly to Jaeyi as the Baker speaks up, a full-throated laugh bubbling up. "In need of rescuing again?" She lifts a hand, wiggling it in Sulisah's direction as the vintner starts her teasing. "Indeed, join the group. And don't mind my roommate here, she's a bit off." This spoken in a loud whisper-that-isn't, and accompanied by a wink. Shaking her a head a bit, all she can really do is shrug. "Well, what was I supposed to think when you busted in dripping wet and half-dressed?" Okay, so she's exaggerating a teensy bit, but it's all in good fun. "Ookay... do I risk trusting you and say I'll share that drink?" Goodness! Get a few dance sets going and suddenly the Weaver seems like a new person. "Oh, Kwei, the song was lovely!" is said by way of greeting.

"I think I meant tagged along?" Jaeyi turns her eyes upward, thinking over the discrepancy in terms with a quiet laugh at what it might have sounded like to the other girls. "But I'd settle for following as long as it looked like we were moving in a pack. She lowers her voice, saying with conspiracy, "It keeps the little rangy ones from getting too brave," which whisper ends coincidentally just when Kwei makes his approach. The words die before he's likely to overhear them, hopefully, and she lifts her hand to bend her fingers in a little wave at the Harper.

"I was fully dressed!" Sulisah protests perhaps a fraction too loudly, though a second later dissolves into giggles again. Kwei is greeted wiht a smile and a comment of "Not bad, Stinkbreath." which is as close as he's going to get to a piblic compliment from his dearest of sisters. "Don't move." is ordered to all three and she waves to Harry, wandering off to get drinks.

Hattie forces a smile for the two, post-ma'aming embarrassment and her fingers curl round the bottom of her glass a little tightly. At Cirse's quiet question, they release and she folds them over each other on the table before her. "I like the music very much, Ma'am," she replies. "And yourself?" When she glances over at R'uen, she shrugs one shoulder a bit defensively. "I enjoy it, Sir, and I hope to learn quickly. I intend to, I should say." A dip of her head and she gives Phara an almost apologetic look.

"They really aren't," Yviana agrees with Phara about the practicality for flying. "Which doesn't stop girls from showing leg in the summertime!" Only then, her sister's got her by the arm and is off for more of that nice sparkling wine, leaving Cirse to sit, bemused, where R'uen directs her like a particularly tall doll. "I am glad to hear it. It is very cheerful, is it not, which is all to the good. But what is this about Southern, or are you thinking further into the continent, assistant weyrlingmaster?"

Kwei breaks into a grin at the praise from Kaida and what passes for praise from his sister. "Why thank you." He replies, flashing a smile at Jaeyi by way of reply to the wave. "I so need a drink after al of that, thanks." He says to Su as she runs off bar wards. "Will I be able to snatch you up for a dance once I've managed to get a drink?" He asks of Kaida primarily.

Part of Ysar's job on First Day is to help see everything runs smoothly---which translates to doing a lot of things inside the weyr while everyone else is out by the lakeshore. However, once her tasks are finished, she rushes through a bath, changes into her party dress (found a few turns ago in stores and altered to fit her) and heads out to the lakeside celebration. It's still afternoon when she finally arrives, joining the revelers by slipping quietly into their midst. She spots a few familiar faces, but moves over to the food and drink tables before negotiating her way to a table. She'll mingle after grabbing a bite to eat.

R'uen takes up a spot behind Cirse's chair, a hand still on the back of it and the other still holding his drink, which he drinks periodically and often with a sort of befuddled look for the glass. "Trees, ground, no people. Sounds pretty good," he mumbles to Phara, though a bit distracted by this perplexing thing he's drinking.

Half-dressed, fully-dressed, the debate between the two girls sparks Jaeyi's curiosity by way of lifted eyebrows. One of the girls goes off to get drinks, the other's now being invited off to dance, the third looks around with amused consternation. "So much for safety in numbers," she remarks into thin air, issues nothing more than a transparent smile to answer Kwei's request for a dance; not aimed at her, so she'll just pretend it fell on deaf ears.

"Suuure you were," is Kaida's laughing responce to Sulisah's protest. She peers after her roommate, muttering, "I really need to find out who dyed that cloth...." She smiles at Jaeyi - how nice to be able to look another woman in the eye without peering down! - offering a belated introduction, "That's Sulisah, by the by. Vintner apprentice and ertswhile roommate." She'll leave it open for the Baker and Harper to exchange their names the old-fashioned way, if necessary. Kwei gets a cheerful nod, "Absolutely. Unlike some of us, I don't quite have a menagerie of males tripping over their feet to sweet-talk me." She winks at Jaeyi.

Phara gives her plate an unfriendly look. Weyrwoman or not, she's not big on sharing her secrets. "Nothing, ma'am. Just like to go roaming, s'all." And that's all the woman's likely to get out of Phara on the subject. Amber eyes look up at R'uen for a moment, and then she sighs and sinks back into her meal at a speed that might be a little rude for such auspicious company, making empty spots on her plate where mountains used to be.

Sulisah returns after a little while with three carefully balanced drinks, handing them off to Jaeyi, Kwei, and Kaida in turn and then returning to get her own. Each drink is an odd shade of pink, the same as the weyrleader's for those paying attention.

Kwei chuckles and nods his head, his hands waving a bit as he talks, "So long as I get that drink first, I'm good to go, I can't believe how thirsty I am after singing just one song." The fact he was scared half to death doing it is by the by. He accepts the drink from Sulisah once it arrives. "Cheers." He says raising the pink thing and drinking it down almost in one go.

After Kaida's remark about the dye, Jaeyi chips in with a mutter, "And have him put out of our misery before he can do any more damage." Pink pink pink, now in the way of drinks, which she takes with a rounding purse of her lips-- O! "I usually like to know what I'm being plied with," she calls after Sulisah's coming-and-going.

Cutting a dashing sort of figure for his height and crisp outfit, Deke's just been wandering here with the occasional stop between for a casual chat with a familiar face. But when he passes by a tray-laden Sulisah, D'kai makes a feigned swipe at one of those three drinks, and winks cheerfully as they're distributed to their intended recipients. He trails after the vinter, anyway, half-hopefully asking without even a introductory hello, "How's the project coming, Su? Will it be long yet?"

If Hattie was going to reply, she's cut off suddenly and sits up a little straighter. She stays in such a pose for a good minute or more and it's painfully obvious how bad she is at hiding exchanges with her unseen lifemate. The weyrling smiles once she relaxes again, however, and focuses properly to say, "Speaking of the music, I promised Elaruth I'd find somewhere out of the way to listen with her if she didn't fall asleep and now she's calling me on it." Abandoned cup and plate get gathered close to be carried, along with her empty glass. "I hope you have a good evening, Ma'am, Sir," she directs to Cirse and R'uen. Another, "Ma'am," for Phara and Hattie moves off sedately, so as not to drop her precariously balanced glass.

Cirse, not only drink-free but devoid of her usual notebook, sits sedately under her weyrleader's watch and even manages to keep her hands from twitching as though they would open a non-existent pen... too much. "So it is not," the woman says to Phara after a nod to her departing weyrling, "That Southern Weyr has been abandoned and no one got around to telling us." She smiles a little more fully than one would need to be polite. It even might be a joke.

Kaida peers at her drink in consternation, before calling across to Sulisah, "I thought we were going to share one?" She purses her lips slightly, sniffing cautiously at the poison-pink concoction. "Maybe it's only half-strength?" This question quieter, and directed more to Kwei and Jaeyi. She isn't brave enough to taste it quite yet, and just gapes slightly as the Harper downs his. "Um, wow?" Blink. Blink. A chuckle is then illicited by the Baker-girl's comment. "But look at that vibrancy! If I could get colour to sit that richly in wool... I mean, imagine a turquoise, or emerald that strong? beautiful! And ah, Su said this's called a snakebite, apparently."

Sulisah pauses to speak to D'kai on the way back again, so Jaeyi will have to wait for her explanation. "Hey. Looking good, though still no horns. You disappoint me." Yet she doesn't seem to disappointed as she grins up at him, "Project's... going to be a little while really. Hit a small snag. Tiny little one. miniscule almost." In other words big.

The food is dispatched quickly, the drink slower, since it has alcohol in the mixture. Dabbing her lips with a napkin, Ysar watches the crowd for a few minutes, then takes her dirty plate over to the proper receptacle. Now it's time to wander the party, a smile for those she knows, a nod for those of rank. Gradually, she makes her way up toward the Weyrleader and Weyrwoman to give her respects. Even as Hattie steps away does Ysar take her place, only not sitting down, of course. A small curtsy is offered to Weyrwoman Cirse, a respectful nod to R'uen. "Good afternoon, M'am, Sir," she says, smiling. "A grand party. Everything's running smoothly. Can I get either of you anything?" the Asst. Headwoman asks politely.

Kwei almost drops the glass that the lethal pink drink was in as a fit of coughing ensues. "What the shells was in that?" He asks as he wipes the tears away from his eyes. "I said I was thirsty, not that I wanted a one way ticket to my bed." He takes a deep breath and declares. "I'd drink those a touch slower if I were you." He tells Kaida and Jeayi with a touch of a grimace.

"Am I the only one that thinks that 'snakebite' sounds a little..." Jaeyi's eyes round again watching Kwei drain the glass she's just come around to sampling-- and looks sorry for it, smiling dully at the Harper's belatedly received suggestion. "...threatening?" Bridging her fingers across the top of the glass, letting it lower to her side while she turns to contemplate Sulisah's /pink/ from a safer distance. And if she gives Sulisah's new-friend a glance in the process, well, who can blame her? "To be honest, I'd rather not imagine anything that vibrant. Sorry."

Deke blithely answers, with only the briefest of peeks around at Sulisah's backside (and it's for the sake of science, promise!), "Well /I/ don't see a tail. So fair's fair, isn't it?" He takes a drink from his own; a mug decidedly more hardy than all those pink drinks floating around. But he manages a sympathetic grimace anyway, round-eyed and wrinkle-browed and /everything/. "Tiny? Teeny tiny? Shame, that. Anything I can do to help the process along?" And if he's holding her up... well, he motions breezily that he'll trail after regardless of Su's destination or company, since nothing gets in the way of brew talk, nope.

Kaida bites her lip in concern, reaching out to offer Kwei an arm to steady himself on if he so requires. "Su's not telling," she says in reply to his question. "Something potent, apparently. She told me there was no way she'd drink a whole one by herself." Eyeing her own warily, she nonetheless takes a cautious sip. Barely enough to coat her tongue, really. She makes a bit of a face, and takes another, a bit braver. "Eh.. odd." Her mouth moves in a weird sort of pucker as she scrapes her tongue on her teeth. Giving it another odd look, she nods in agreement with Jaeyi. "Just a bit. It certainly -looks- innocuous enough, though."

Sulisah laughs, giving a little twirl as if that might help with the tail finding - not only are the drinks she's been giving out pink, her dress is too. Maybe it's a theme. "I'm working on it." she replies with a grin, seemingly in no hurry to rejoin the group just yet. "Help? Ooh, if you could I would quite possibly love you forever. Sadly I don't think even you can make it summer in the next hour or so. Bush won't actually bloom till then."

R'uen does smile at Cirse's little joke. He gets it. But he also clears his throat because, well, that bit of something awkward in the air doesn't swallow down so smoothly. He looks between Cirse and Phara, Phara and Cirse, trying to give the bluerider a little encouragement with a smile. "I think just about everyone has those places they sneak off to, when the free time presents itself. How about you, Cirse? Where do you run away to?" He's trying; he really is. And oh is he grateful when Ysar comes around. Eagerly he echos her question. "Do either of you need anything?"

Phara gives Cirse a little look of annoyance. "How should I know, I've never set foot anywhere near Southern Weyr." Joke or not, it irritates the bluerider. Yup, this is why she was avoiding crowds, and crowds Cirse draws inevitably. "I'll catch you later, Rev," she mumbles, sweeping up her mostly empty plate and setting her stew bowl on top. The other hand picks up her drink and she pushes out of her chair to go turn her dishes in.

Kwei takes the offer of the arm from Kaida for a few moments, until he's feeling well enough to breath easily again on his own. "That's rather potent stuff, Nice enough, but I agree it probably shouldn't be served in anything more than a half." He tells them, "For a vinter, she needs to learn to keep her customers alive."

Cirse encourages, "Something pleasant to drink would be lovely, thank you, Ysar. And if you would bring some solid food to the... harper apprentice, and his fellows, I am sure the young man would appreciate it, in the morning if not tonight." When R'uen chimes in, her smile may widen, but she doesn't twist around to look behind her. "It seems as though our assistant headwoman has things in hand, but if you feel she requires supervision, do feel free. As to running away," but then Phara beats her to it, and this time she does turn.
Cirse mutters to R'uen, "Was..."

Innocuous. "So does a butcher's knife, viewed in the right light." Jaeyi lets the drink stay safely, safely down at her side, where hopefully someone will come along and bump her and cause it to spill. Again, she drops her voice like she's encouraging conspiracy and leans over just a little to tell Kwei, "I think you have a better survival rate if you imbibe a little slower. For future reference." Crinkling her nose with a sage little nod-smile.

That vinter's little spin only make D'kai look /harder/ under he just shakes his head and gives up on the quest for Sulisah's tail, although he does have an appreciative clap for her pirouette. He tilts his head thoughtfully and offers, for Su's problem, "Would it be blooming anywhere else? -- Boll, for example? Ista? 'Course, I could always just fire up my time machine, instead," he laughs, though blue eyes are drifting away from Suliash (if only for a moment), "if it'll get you to love me forever."

Sulisah shrugs a little, "I have no idea to be honest. No idea how between would affect things either. Might be something to add into the research though." With a giggle she reaches out, aiming to run a hand down his arm, "You'll always be my favourite bronzer though, even if I can't love you forever for saving me a wait." Sure, unless one of her other favourites happens to be around. Her drink is offered over, untouched, "Snakebite?"

Kaida laughs, "Or at the very least, not foist them on parched, unsuspecting Harper brothers?" She offers a friendly, somewhat sympathetic pat to his shoulder. Her own thirst is apparently stronger than caution, and it isn't long before she's revisiting the strange-tasting beverage. Though, with quite a bit more restraint than Kwei had shown. "I don't know if I'd -quite- compare it to a butcher's knife, Jaeyi. Maybe a paring knife, instead?" Although, it's still early, and her opinion might change after a bit more imbibing happens.

Ysar nods, smiling to the Weyrleaders. "Certainly, M'am," she replies to Cirse, then looks up to R'uen. "Anything for you, sir?" is asked as Cirse makes her second request of her. "I can see to that, yes," she answers, nodding. "The party seems to be going very well. We have no problems in the kitchens. The next shift of cooks is taking over even as we speak, so the first shift will be heading out pretty soon. Everyone here seems to be having a good time." She gives a nod of her head, ready to step away to accomplish those tasks, assuming the Weyrleader has given a request, or given her leave to go.

Kwei mutters something unappreciative under his breath when he sees why his sister hasn't returned yet. "I was really thirsty, it's not every day you get to do a solo piece at a gather this size." He replies, even as he tugs lightly at Kaida's arm. "Okay you ready for that dance?" He asks her. "I need to do something other than just stand around I think." Another glance goes towards his sister and her companion.

"Snag me for a dance, eh Phara?" R'uen says as the bluerider gets up to leave. He tries to throw a look her way, but she may or may not catch it and that bit of sympathy. But with her moving off, he takes her empty seat. "I'm all set," he tells Ysar. "Thanks though." For Cirse, his grin gets more teasing. "And look at you, Cirse the Mighty, protecting young men from hangovers. And... also, what did you do to Phara?" Despite the bluerider's obvious displeasure, he makes the question light.

Watching the Weaver sip, Jaeyi's eyebrows climb with unmasked surprise. "When your head feels like it's been split open tomorrow? Tell me if you're still thinking of paring knives and not something with a little more--" She makes a strident chopping-gesture with one hand straight into the air between the three of them, herself and Kwei-and-Kaida. "You want me to hold that for you?" she offers, the gesture ending with her forefinger bending in a hand-it-over gesture toward Kaida's pink-drink.

r'uen, cirse, d'kai, sulisah, fiorella, t'rev, hattie, phara, *jaeyi-apprentice, kwei, kaida, jantha, jaeyi

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