Fort's Firstday Party (Part 1)

Mar 30, 2009 19:14

RL Date: 3/29/09
IC Date: 5/1/19 --Tried to tag everyone; sorry if I missed anybody. :P

Lakeshore, Fort Weyr
The lake's shore is a broad crescent of golden-hued sand, stretching from the southwest wall near the feeding grounds and arcing toward the southeast and overlooking the blue waters of the lake. Where the lake deepens, that water turns a murkier blue-green, hiding an untold number of perils in its depths. It is an oft-used location for dragons seeking a place to sun or for residents and riders who feel a need to take a stroll; the sand is generally kept pretty clean and while there are no shells, there are periodic bits of obsidian and other volcanic stones to be found if one feels like picking around.

Afternoon light is making the surface of the lake ruddy as the sun slips further down in the sky. Not sunset yet, but not far off either, on the first day of the 5th month. The lake shore is set up for celebrating with long tables for food and drink and a space cleared for dancing with boards laid down to prevent turning a heel in the sandy ground. Gay streamers decorate the trees and some of the rocks even and the harpers are tuning up for more music.

"Oh no," Jaeyi's saying to a young man who looks like he's hanging on every word; more likely, he's hanging on the fact that the Baker, setting down a tray on one of the food tables, is in quite a revealing position from his vantage point. "I make the cream-filled ones," she drawls on merrily, hooking her finger around the end of a nearby tray to drag it along the tabletop and into play. Pastries, that's the subject, and a handful of boys from twelve to forty have clustered to collect sweets like they're suddenly the only thing worth having.

From the direction of the caverns, T'rev comes walking along, laughing and in light conversation with Kaida. "S'a good story, ain't it?" he's asking about something he just related to the young woman. He looks up though, scanning the shoreline and grins. "Lookit all that, ought t'make for a fun afternoon n' evenin'. Food 'n drink or a dance first? The desserts are lookin' good," he notes as his gaze skips over to Jaeyi's table and the treats on display.

Phara hasn't moved into dancing time yet. She's playing with some children down the beach. If she cares that her white and baby blue dress isn't the proper attire for a game of circle ball, she isn't about to stop now. But as the Harpers strike up, she lifts her head and grins at the children, bidding them good bye to a chorus of groans and protests. "Tomorrow, guys, okay?" she promises.

Kaida's shaking her head as she walks beside T'rev, her expression one of amusement and mild disbelief. "Story, yes," she agrees, her rough chuckle rolling around the words. As the bronzer then draws her attention to the decorations upon the lakeshore, her pleasant smile lights up into a grin. "Oh, it looks absolutely lovely." A pause as she conciders, before declaring, "Food. Definitely food. Can't dance without a good build up of energy reserves."

Tuning over, a number of people have gathered on the boards and the harpers strike up their first tune. It's a set dance, and soon enough the music is punctuated by the sound of heels moving across the boards, keeping rhythm with the beat. "Dessert before dinner?" one of the cooks teases the cluster of boys crowding Jaeyi's table.

Jaeyi holds up her hand, the other arm folded across her middle, and amusedly shakes her head at the knot of so-called men to answer the cook's cleverness; "No one wants to ruin their appetite before they get to the best part." And, entertained, she takes a step back from the pastry table to answer a few inept questions lobbed her way about what the filling is, about how they make the crust so flaky, about whatever one particularly daring young man can come up with to engage her in something approaching conversation. He's not doing so well, but she's tolerating it.

Phara crosses the beach up to a rock to retrieve her shoes. She brushes sand off her feet and then slips them on, heading to join the group growing. Especially around the dessert table. Mm, treats. And oh, look, Jaeyi's occupied with some oaf so she can't slap at Phara's hands when she sneaks in to steal one of the pastries away.

"Dinner it is," T'rev drawls out to the apprentice weaver and with a briefly flashed smile for Jaeyi as he steers the way by the desserts, he gets the pair of them in line to pick up more solid fare. "Ever been to First Day party before?" he asks Kaida as they get into place behind a broad shouldered man and the bronzerider reaches over to pick up two empty plates, offering one of these to the weaver.

Its a half skip, half hop as Fiorella slides up to the baker's table, slipping through people to get to the front and snatch one of the treats from the trays. Hey, she's not missing out on the sweets just because she's supposed to eat real food first. Besides, someone would have to see her doing so to scold her for it anyway. Right?

Fingers of one hand idly tapping in time to the music, Kaida is finding it easier to let T'rev steer their steps, if only because she's hard-pressed to drag her gaze away from the dance floor. "A couple, when I was little," she replies as they settle into the line. "Ma would sometimes play during one, and would let my little sister and I come to watch. But we never got to stay late enough for things to get really going." She accepts one of the plates with a murmured word of thanks. "How many have you attended?"

Jaeyi's not so engaged that she can't watch Phara's darting hands, her eyes on the bluerider's pilfering, but no rebuke and no attempt to delay the depletion of the desserts, not even for the pretty child that comes along afterward. Ego enjoys appreciation, after all. "Everyone has to be good at something," she answers for the young man's continued efforts. "I suppose my talent is in..." In the pause, she answers T'rev's brief smile with one that precisely matches the words: "Delectable little things."

R'uen shows up, as someone said, fashionably late. But at least he does look all fresh and neatly put together. He wanders in with his hands in his pockets, aimlessly ambling to join the party, making the due nods and smiles to this person and that. Without actually seeming interested in eating, he nears the meal tables just to peruse what's being offered.

Phara doesn't even scold Ella when she comes up to the table, she just slings an arm around the little girls' shoulders to scoot her away after she's taken her own treat. "Ah-ah-ah there, miss Ella. One, and then dinner, please. You'll give yourself nothing but a stomach ache if you fill up on sweets." Such easy advice to give when one doesn't have to follow it herself, right? She winks at Jaeyi when she sees that the baker has noticed.

Over his shoulder, before getting into line, T'rev shoots a look back towards the baker, grin quirking for the caught comment. In line, to Kaida: "Ain't been at Fort that long three turns and I missed it first turn here," he explains further, stepping forward in line and reaching to load a little bit of everything onto his plate as he goes by. "Your Mama's a harper?" he asks the weaver next, though he's leaning out of the line a little as he catches the sound of Phara's 'ah ah ah' associated with the name 'Ella'.

Fiorella sticks her tongue out at one of the boys who is being scolded as Phara leads her off. At least she's being allowed one. But then her attention is on the bluerider, "You look..." she starts, sending a second glance across the dress the woman wears. "..nice." she settles on the word, taking a bite from the pastry in hand least she be asked to elaborate or explain any further.

Jaeyi, in a brief but merry aside to an answer Phara's wink, "Show up with a plate of pastries and you'd think everyone was suddenly five Turns old again." She opens her hand helplessly toward the ceiling, as if she's in no way to blame for the fuss, now looking for some excuse to ditch the conversational genius attempting to attach himself to her at the hip-- both metaphorically and literally, no doubt. "I am so thirsty," she pronounces suddenly, turning upon him a play-fetch smile that works miracles; off he goes, her eyes roll in his wake.

Kaida returns her attention to her companion, having been idly watching the various antics of those party-goers within her line of sight. A brief nod, waiting for T'rev to move on along the line before choosing her own selection of food items. Seems she's a meat-and-tubers kind of girl, with a token helping of greens and some bread. "Yes, she is. Or, if you truly want to get technical, a flutist." She lifts a curious eyebrow as he leans out of line, "Something up?" Because everyone nearby is taller than she is, and as much as one might enjoy looking at broad shoulders....

Phara gives Ella a gentle squeeze and grins. "They'll still be there after you have some real food," she promises and then laughs and blushes a little. "Thank you, hon. You always look nice."

Not really being in line, and with no intention of joining it, R'uen just sort of slips in between people to get a look at the food. He assures the woman behind him that he's not budging, but it's a beat later before he realizes that he's shouldering in behind Phara. "Hey." And he looks down to include Fiorella too, flashing her a smile.

With Elaruth distracted and playing a game with one of her sisters safely inside the barracks, Hattie takes the opportunity to roam around the celebrations a little whilst she can. Trying to absorb everything at once leads to her ambling and lends her a rather distracted air, all interrupted as one of her younger - and more energetic today - classmates zooms past her and clips her shoulder, which almost sends them both tumbling to the floor. No sooner has she managed to right them both without hitting the ground, than the boy chirps, "Sorry, Hattie!" and legs it, abandoning her to a moment of stupid staring after him as the boy impatiently tries to shove in-line and get some food like he's not eaten in days. Hattie soon follows after and chides, "Quit that, line up like everyone else."

Jantha finally escapes from the barracks and heads for the lake shore on foot. Once there, making food her top priority, she attaches herself to the end of the queue at the serving table, just in time to see one of her charges attempting to queue-jump. "Hey!" she calls to him, in a voice that he'll do well not to ignore. "Any more of that, and you're straight back to the barracks. Join the end of the queue, and stop fooling around."

Sulisah arrives from somewhere in a flurry of pink - not just a little bit pink, this is PINK. Alochol seems to be her first thought, or more accurately bounding vor to give harry the barman a hug. She pauses long enough to whisper something in his ear, anyone close would have likely heard at least the 'thank you' that begins the whisper.

"Ella, Fiorella, she's my foster," T'rev explains, squinting towards where he heard those exclamations. "Ella?" he calls out ahead of himself, not catching Phara's quieter remarks to the girl, as he drops a roll onto his plate a little distractedly. End of the line reached, and he steps out of it. "Water, juice, or something stronger?" he asks Kaida.

Phara turns to look over her shoulder and grins at R'uen. "Well hey there, Weyrleader," she drawls, eyes twinkling playfully as she takes him in. "Nice duds." The table is reached and she picks up an empty plate to pass to Ella. "You can serve yourself?" she asks the little girl. "Or do you need help?" She picks up another plate and offers it helpfully to R'uen. Which gets her a dirty look from the lady Rev's just cut in front of.

Jaeyi, being one of the people who needs not wait in line for things, winds up watching the elbowing, the cutting-in-line, the general harmlessness of people impatiently facing a spread of good food. She enjoys the respite from the 'friend' she's sent off to fetch beverage, just chatting with one of the cooks in the gossipy way of kitchen girls.

Fiorella rolls her eyes. "With the way they go after them I'd be lucky to get one after eating," she quips in return to Phara, but then again she's not exactly complaining about being limited either. "Good evening," she replies, turning a smile to R'uen as he greets both her and the bluerider. But then she's hearing her name from another direction, green eyes glancing that way in search of T'rev, "Phara's making me get dinner," she notes in reply even as she takes the plate handed over to her. "I can do it," she assures the woman.

Kaida lifts her eyebrows a bit in surprise, "Foster... sister?" She shifts her own plate a little, settling it more firmly in her hand. "Ah..." Seems she's found her own distraction, blinking bemusedly at a random streak of pink. "Oh, what a vibrant hue. I'd love to learn the secret of -that- dye," the weaver says quietly. A blink, and an apologetic smile to T'rev, "Oh, sorry. Just juice, please. I don't want to upset my balance before I get at least a few dances in." She side-steps slightly so that she doesn't block the moving line.

R'uen holds up a hand to Phara's offered plate. "No thanks. I'm just seeing what we've got. Think I'll stick to a drink." Not that he has one now but with one look toward the drink table, he sees the very pink Sulisah. Of course, her pink might well match his pink, but most people are probably used to that sort of thing from him. As for the topic at hand, Fiorella and food, he offers in a rather mundane: "Sounds like a good idea." But the drinks, they're calling him and he starts to slip off in that direction.

Oh heck. The weyrling stops, just about to argue with Hattie, frozen at the sound of Jantha's voice. He glares up the weyrling goldrider as if she's entirely the reason he got caught and makes a point of raising his voice in an overly-weary, "Yes, ma'am," still pouting at Hattie. And to the end of the line he trudges, dragging his feet and generally making himself out to be very hard done by indeed. Hattie herself hops right out of the dent they've caused in said line, apologies all round, and backs off several paces, heading towards Jantha for yet another one, "Sorry, ma'am."

Phara snorts. "Please, girlie, remember who you're talking to. We'll steal them from the jaws of other people if we have to." Look out, T'rev, she's teaching your foster-daughter how to pilfer other people's plates. She lowers her head low to whisper to Ella, "And I happen to know for a fact that there is another batch of bubbly pies still in the oven. They ought to be coming out around the time as we finish eating." She glances at R'uen and asks, "Would you mind grabbing me something to?" Before he can get away too far.

Ella is found in the line now and T'rev looks between her and Phara, nodding. "Well that ain't a bad idea," he tells her with a little grin. "Enjoy th'meal, gonna go sit over thattaway t'eat," he points towards where there's flat stones to sit on. "Daughter," he tells Kaida with a chuckle, and steers a course for the drinks next. "S'a long story." His gaze trails in the same direction and he whistles lowly. "Now that's bright. Not really my speed, but I bet it's a nice one for a girl's gather dress. How's things goin' anyhow with all the fabric shortages?" He gets a glass of juice to pass to Kaida, some wine for himself. They're not that far off from where Jaeyi lingers, gossiping and he tilts his glass in salute to the baker apprentice. "Respite from grabby hands?" he asks her way, a hint of teasing in his voice.

Sulisah gigles a little as Harry finally manages to shake her off, the man's look amused rather than annoyed. Grabbing up a glass of something Su wanders off a little, looking for a seat away from the main crowd. A couple of people are waved at as shepasses, but apparently she's happy to keep to the edge of things for now.

"I didn't see /you/ queue-jumping," Jantha tells Hattie, then glares at the other weyrling to ensure that he ends up behind the goldrider. By that stage she's approaching somewhere from which she can actually see some food. "They've put on a good spread," she says with some satisfaction, and picks up a plate in readiness for serving herself. "Did you get to see the displays?"

Kaida gives voice to her gravelly chuckle, giving T'rev a critical - and practiced - once over. "Hmm. No. I don't think you have quite the right skin tone for that particular shade of pink. Now, perhaps a dusty sunrise hue, with just a hint of lavender...." She tips the bronzer a playful wink, and thanks him as her fingers curl around the glass of juice. She gives her head a shake, setting her braid to swinging down towards the tip. "I don't really know any details, sorry. Bryanten just tells me I should concern myself with my lessons and not trouble about things I can't help or change." She frowns a bit.

Typical teenage girl response, the cook whispers to the Baker, the Baker smiles at the words before she answers the bronzerider. Fondly, all promise of reward for the praise, "I give a man credit for persistence," while Jaeyi's eyes track through the crowd to her fetch-and-carry boy, making his way back with a pair of cups. She sighs resolution, bracing herself for his inevitable and inept return, and adds in a false whisper for T'rev and Kaida alone (and the prying ears of her gossiping buddy), "But one would hope he'd recognize when he's in over his head."

R'uen nods to Phara as he steps back out of the line, away from the woman who was getting pretty eager for him to be out from between her and the food. However, on his way to the drinks Rev just can't help swinging by the quiet table where Sulisah has settled herself. Hands still in his pocket, he approaches with a smile, eyeing her dress. "I'm guessing you haven't unveiled that flower beer yet?"

"Lavender, huh?" T'rev says to Kaida with a slightly dubious tilt to his brows. "Can't argue with red n' orange though, m'favorites," he says about those shades, grin going wide for a moment before he tilts his glass up for a sip. "Huh, really?" a touch of surprise there, but T'rev lets it drop because he's got Jaeyi to answer again. "Is he now?" the bronzerider asks of the baker, voice appropriately lowered. "If y'like, we can claim you for company, give you a reason t'make a clean break," he offers generously.

Sulisah's drink was apparently quite interesting, after all she was staring at it with a little half-smile on her face right up till R'uen comes over. Glancing up her smile comes back to full strength and she shakes her head, "We hit a tiny little, almost impossible to see snag." She pauses, mostly for dramatic effect then adds with a giggle, "The bush doesn't actually flower till summer."

Kaida grins at Jaeyi's whisper, lifting her glass in humourous salute to the Baker. "They never do, I'm afraid. Unless a more willing prospect sashays under his nose, you just might be stuck with him for the night." She pauses, expression settling into an exaggerated one of concideration. "Of course, personal servants -do- come in handy...." She drops another wink, this one for the other young woman. Or, T'rev's idea works too. She bobs her head in a nod of friendly agreement at his invitation. At his 'really?' she replies, "I weave -badly- and anything I could knit up would take too long to make. Of course I'll be trying to help out where I can, but my skills just aren't suited to mass production."

Fiorella giggles, nodding in reply to Phara's plot. Another nod follows as she takes note of where T'rev says they'll be. "Well.. okay," she gives in as the line moves on and gets them to a place where they can actually start loading plates with food. The food that actually make its way onto Ella's plate however is limited to a smallish slice of meat, a spoonful of vegetables and a piece of bread.

Smile ticking the edge of her mouth, Jaeyi sets her teeth briefly over her lower lip to hide the burgeoning smirk while her boy delivers the glass with ridiculous pride brightening his expression. "Do you need a girl on either arm, bronzerider?" she asks gamely, taking her glass and summarily dismissing her waiter-- who turns a look on T'rev like he can't possibly comprehend why the bronzerider would snake his sure-thing right out from under him. "More willing," she echoes Kaida, laughing while she steps around the table to offer her glass-free hand toward the Weaver. "Jaeyi, the new girl. Baker specifically."

"I've not been out here long, so I didn't," Hattie answers, ignoring the glower and folded arms of her fellow weyrling. "This is sort of my first stop anywhere. I've not really seen everything that's going on yet." She reaches for a plate and balances it precariously between her palms as she looks it over. "Anything in particular you're looking forward to, ma'am?" A plate isn't claimed by the boy behind her, who gets bored with sulking quite quickly and decides to head in the direction of dessert instead of waiting, with a flash of a cheeky grin and a salute. Lucky - perhaps - for him, he manages to scarper pretty fast after that.

Phara eyes what Ella's taking and lifts an eyebrow. "You're going to be a midget forever if you eat like that," says the bluerider without satisfaction. Her own plate is soon threatening to overflow and she hasn't even made it halfway down the table. She licks sauce off her thumb where it leaks off her plate and points to a some kind of noodle dish. "Try some of that. It's always good." She glances after T'rev and makes an annoyed face before trying to foist yet more food off on Ella. "What do you want to drink? Oh, is that stew!"

R'uen laughs easily. "I could see that being a problem. Damn mother nature and her inconvenient timing, hm?" He has to sort of drag his attention away from all that pink to look at Sulisah's face again and, aware of it, he chuckles at himself. "So what does a vintner drink at a party like this one? What are you recommending?" He half turns, getting out of her line of sight to the drink table and considering it from afar himself.

Laughingly, T'rev replies to Jaeyi, "Ain't one to turn up m'nose at more good company," he answers gamely and casts a 'what can you do?' look towards the baker's former waiter. "Well met, Jaeyi. T'rev," he introduces himself as introductions start up, "and this here's Kaida, weaver-who-knits-rather-than-weaves, if I understand correct," the bronzerider completes the round with another ready grin. "Over yonder's a good place t'sit and chat a bit, while we eat 'n drink. And if it ain't too bold, may I have a dance from each of you a bit later on?"

"And would you believe willpower doesn't actually make it happen faster?" Sulisah laughs, shaking her head a little. If she notices his attention wandering she shows no sign, simply holding up her glass in reply. "What am I drinking? Juice. What do I recommend... pretty much anything really. Depends on what you like really. Any preferences?"

"I'm not that hungry," Fiorella tries to make her point, but gives in with a sigh, "Just a little," she replies, letting Phara add a half scoop of the noodle dish to her plate. "Just juice..." she adds trailing off as the rider is distracted by yet more food.

Kwei makes his way out into the area of the gather, weaving idly through the crowds that have been attracted to Fort, simply listening and observing as he goes like the good Harper that he is. Eventually though he ends up heading towards Sulisah. "Hi there." He greets her with a faint smile, a nod to R'uen, until he realises who it is and adds a hurried. "Harpers duties to you Sir."

Over on the boards, the harpers have finished up the first tune and the dancers are changing up, some staying for the next number, others moving off the floor. Partners change, violin, pipes and drums strike up again at a faster pace this time. The sun slips a little further down on the horizon making long shadows stretch from people and trees like black fingers towards the lake.

"Well, he -is- a bronzerider," Kaida can't resist joking. "Undoubtedly he has a reputation to maintain. Pride of the brotherhood, and all that." Unfortunately, she hasn't really got a hand free to do the polite thing and shake Jaeyi's offered hand. Plate and glass, and sadly humans don't come equipped with prehensile tails. So, it's an apologetic smile she offers, instead. "Ka--- what he said." She aims a gentle elbow-nudge in the general direction of T'rev's ribs. "Also new. Pleased to meet you." She looks up at the bronzer, grinning, "Too bold? Fella, just -try- to get out of a dance."

Jantha rolls her eyes at the lad's departure, but lets him go. "Hearing some music will be nice," she tells Hattie. "I missed the concert earlier." She sidesteps along the table, finally able to help herself to some slices of meat and a spoonful of a grain-based salad, and a small heap of assorted leaves. Then she ambles over to where drinks are being served and asks for juice. Glass balanced on her plate, she makes her way to the edge of the dancing area, where a knot of people have gathered, and starts picking at the food with a fork.

"What kind of advertisement is that?" R'uen teases, shaking his head and tsking at Sulisah's choice in drinks. "Of all the vintner fare you could have, you pick... juice? Or has there already been too much tasting already today?" The puckish grin is interrupted by Kwei's arrival and R'uen tosses off a breezy, "Back at ya," for the formal greeting. He also a hand from his pocket to offer a shake to the harper.

Phara Will always be distracted by 'yet more food.' Eating is a way of life, not a hobby, after all. "Juice it is," she agrees after she's found the bowls next to the stew pot and is juggling her plate and the bowl with impressive skill. "T'rev'll skin me if I don't make sure you eat proper, you know," she says in consternation, looking at the little girl's comparitively empty plate. But she relents with a sigh and leads her over to get juice from the beverage table. "You gunna go sit with them?" She asks, nodding in the direction T'rev and his predictable entourage have escaped off to.

Sulisah shakes her head, "Just pacing myself, that's all. Wouldn't do to get tipsy and fall over on the wrong person too early in the night." Realising how bad that actually sounds, though as plans go it could be fun, she gets to her feet, "How about I get you something adventurous to try?" There's a pause for a wave and a greeting of "Hey Kwei." before she asks R'uen, "Or are you planning on playing it safe tonight?"

"I'm sure you can have a lot of things later on," she answers with a measured blend of merriment and innuendo, drawing her hand back unshaken with a chuckle at her own silliness for offering, oh-silly-me. "Lovely to meet you, Kaida, T'rev. All joking aside, thank you for the..." Jaeyi glances back over her shoulder, where the boy is now trying his darndest to enlist the attention of the gossipy cook. "...rescue." Including both Weaver and bronzerider in the gratitude-- Weaver, Weaver, eyebrows knit, head cocks. "Someone told me the Weyr was hit by the problems down in Boll? But you said you're lately arrived?" Doesn't add up, so says the thoughtfully pursed lips, the fact that they're prettily pursed being just coincidence this time.

Fiorella glances in the direction T'rev headed off in. "I was thinking about it.." she replies, turning back to Phara as she waits for someone behind the drinks table to pour her a glass of juice. Less chance of spillage that way. "Are you?" she questions in return, taking up the glass that's held out to her, waiting for the woman to finish her food collection.

Kwei looks a bit disconcerted in general, never mind the informal nature of R'uens reply. "Hi." He manages as he takes the hand and gives it a shake before speaking to Sulisah. "Just wanted to say Hi before I go get ready to play, I'm up on the next swap of players." He tells her with a grin that approaches pride. "Though I guess, I'd best go and tune up or something." Nerves are making him less than his usual fluent.

"Brotherhood is it?" T'rev quips back at Kaida, very free with the laughter this afternoon. "Ain't all that concerned 'bout my reputation," he continues though, humor in his voice. He makes an innocent face at Kaida for the elbow-nudge. "S'polite to make the introductions," is drawled out, though his smile flashes bright and sunny at her last. Jaeyi's reply though brings his eyes to the young woman's face and sunny, gives way to something just a trifle more keen, though his overall expression remains good-natured. "You're welcome, now n' later," for the rescue and whatever else that's all about. But then, Boll: "Crop failure last autumn," he explains, "n' shipments not makin' it out of Fort Sea. Weyr's startin' to get a little thin on cotton n' sisal. S'a right pain. Lord Fort's supposed t'be seein' to it."

Food, right. Hattie hooks a finger into a small mug at the end of the table, balances it, then fills it with one of the simpler soups. She only snags a couple of bread rolls after that and doesn't even look at most of the food sitting there. "There should be some pretty amazing music today, or so I was told," she replies to Jantha, before they part ways. The weyrling refuses any of the drinks available and offers a quiet, "Hey, Phara, Fiorella," as she passes the two.

Phara shakes her head a little, distractedly. "No. I don't really like parties. They make me grouchy." She doesn't add aloud that she'd rather not watch young girls fall all over her friend when she could be falling all over pretty men herself. "But you go ahead if you want, you should have fun." Attention drawn by Hattie she smiles. "Hey there. You've just reminded me, I - /Bennath/ - has something for Elaruth." Her eyes roll good naturedly, a grin breaking out on her face.

R'uen considers Sulisah's offer with a narrowing of lashes and a playful scrutinizing look for the girl in pink. "I'll try something adventurous if you promise to use your estimable sobriety to keep me from getting tipsy and falling over on the wrong person. Sound like a plan?" To the side he sees Phara getting her own drink and frowns briefly, but not enough to keep him from turning back to Kwei with a grin. "You aren't nervous about playing are you?" he asks the disconcerted harper. "Not used to a crowd this size? If it makes you feel better, most people think any music is good music once they have a drink or two." Speaking of drinks, he lifts his brow to Sulisah to lead the way and mentions to her, "That is one mighty fine dress you've found."

Fiorella raises a brow. Who -doesn't- like parties? She's not going to push the issue just now though. A smile turns up to the weyrling, "Hi Hattie!" the girl chirps in reply. She giggles given Phara's comment on the blue, but nods all the same. "You sure you don't want to come too?" she questions. "You can when you're ready." Being that there's more talking going on now, and soon enough Ella is weaving her way around the edge of the crowd, trying her best not to spill food or drink as she searches out T'rev's little gathering.

Kaida is this time happy to let T'rev do the talking, deciding that fruit juice is more interesting than yet another barrage of questions about the fabric shortage. Though she does make the idle comment of: "I deal with wool." The words mostly muffled as she's muttering into her glass. She laughs softly as she glances between the flirtatious Baker and bronzerider, "I'm just... gonna go sit down. You two take your time." Turning, she wanders off towards the previously pointed out rocks.

Sulisah giggles, but nods. "Sounds like a very good plan. Though just for reference, who are the right people to fall over on? Just so I don't stop you at the wrong time." As she moves to pass Kwei she reache out and rubs his arm gently, "You'll be fine, just pretend we're not all here and you're sitting in the garden playing to certain lovely ladies." She winks, not going into details before wandering off towards the drinks table. R'uen's compliment halts her steps a little, a gentle twirl making her dress flare out a little, "Like it? It's pretty much th eonly formal thing I own. But it's a two for one too. Formal dress with bow, then when it gets cold it's a not so formal dress with scarf."

Jaeyi, to Boll, "I'm from down that way. It was..." She trails off, eyes rounding thoughtfully at the memory before a breath draws her back to the conversation. With a chuckle, with her fingers flicking crumbs-that-don't-exist off the front of her dress, she says airily, "Good thing I decided not to pack light after all, isn't it? Though you all certainly look well-dressed for people presumably short on clean duds." Her dark eyes roam across brightly-garbed party participants, including Kaida-in-red, T'rev-in-russet. But then in-red detaches herself, and she waits long enough for the general buzz of sound to provide a buffer before she says below the noise-level, "If you wanna go after her, I promise not to take it personally."

"Looks like you're having fun," Hattie says to Ella in response to her chirping, and she watches the girl a little when she weaves through the crowds. But to say that she looks embarrassed by news of Elaruth possibly finding ways to appropriate things from others would be an understatement. Yet a grin in return wins out and she utters, "Oh Faranth, what has she been scheming now? Sorry if she's troubling you, Phara." She seems entirely baffled. "She's started bringing really odd things back to the barracks. Yesterday it was a rock and it was nice because it was all smooth and symmetrical. According to her."

Kwei grins a bit at R'uens comment. "Yeah, I'm still an apprentice, we don't usually get to play so much at things this size, never mind me getting a solo spot for that ballad." He smiles at that part, that's not what's worrying him. Though Sulisah's comment about certain lovely ladies has him blushing a touch and he nods his head. "Sure that'll make everything better." He mutters before he leaves the pair of them to it, heading off to get his instruments tuned before his piece.

Phara nods Ella off. "I'll catch up with you later," she promises and then glances at her full hands and after R'uen and the woman in the pink dress. She sighs, looks irritated again and then recalls she was talking to Hattie. "Hm? Oh, no, no, she's not bothering me. Bennath likes her. He does things for his friends. And, well, I'm just relieved when he takes a specific liking to anyone. It's rare that he singles anyone out. Benny's kinda a... love everyone from afar type. 'Cept me, obviously." Dimples form in her cheeks when she grins and motions. "You heading off on your own way? I think I'm going to go see if Rev's gotten my drink yet. You're welcome to come too."

"Whoever looks like they might get me home without taking advantage of me." How's that for criteria? But before they head off to the booze, R'uen gives a quick salute to Kwei. "Like the lady said, you'll do fine. Just have fun, eh? It's a party." He quirks a cheeky grin and then it's toward the drinks, pausing only to let Sulisah twirl. "Mighty fine," he remarks on the display. "Of course, maybe I'm biased toward the color." He gives a tug on the collar of his shirt, which is equally ridiculously pink.

Hattie's grin takes on a relieved quality. "She sure likes him too. She's getting better being with people and not getting in over her head, but there're only a few she's really, you know, properly comfortable with." She glances over to R'uen and Sulisah and murmurs, "That's a /lot/ of pink for just two people," amusement laced through her voice. "Do you mind the company? I'm gonna head back soon; come back for a longer outing when Elaruth's sleeping."

Sulisah giggles and nods, "Deal!" One last glace is given back to Kwei as he heads off to get ready, but then it's back to R'uen with a grin, "We probably shoudn't spend too much time near each other, people might go blind. Either that or they'll think I'm related to you and not Kwei and that would make this whole conversation very odd indeed." She grins up at him for a second before breaking away to whisper to Harry. After a moment or two of negotiation and drink mixing she comes back with a drink that's almost as pink as each of them, holding it just out of reach till she states, "Now, I take no responsibility for any effects this has."

"If they don't get it all sorted soon, bein' able with wool might come in handy," T'rev notes to Kaida and makes a little rueful face as she steps off towards the rocks. "These're trader make, and don't wear 'em every day," about his own duds, he tells Jaeyi then quirks a little amused grin at the sotto voce remark. "Was hopin' you'd come along with," he tells her sincerely. "Otherwise, I'll be lookin' for at least that dance later on," he continues, smile growing again.

Phara smiles at 'all that pink'. "I kinda like it," she says cheerfully, patting down her own bright dress. Granted, baby blue and white are not the brightest combo she's ever worn, but it's striking against her bronzed skin and dark hair just the same. "It makes me happy that she likes him, too. Benny... tends to get caught up in his own things. It's good when he can find someone to share the things he appreciates, you know, besides me. " She motions with her head. "Don't mind the company, no, so long as you don't come with an entourage. I'll probably head back to the barracks myself soon. Not... my thing. Food, dancing, sure. But it's a little too crowded."

Kwei walks off to the side of the stage to tune up and get ready for his piece. Fading out for the moment until he's done his set, and finishing on his solo.

Kaida, being eager to join in the dancing, upon sitting herself down doesn't hesitate on starting in on her food. Steady eating means she isn't going to be much for conversation until her plate is empty, fork bringing food to mouth as soon as previous bite gets swallowed. One foot keeps time with the music, her eyes following the steps of the dancers on the makeshift floor.

"He's your brother?" R'uen asks, just catching that part. He points a thumb over his shoulder in Kwei's direction. "The harper?" Then he has to look back to compare features. Which is the perfect time for Sulisah to have her quick conference with Harry and present that pink concoction. "Are you going to tell me what it is or is that part of the adventure?"

Briefly tricked brows and she echoes, "At least." Just shy of I'll-drink-to-that, Jaeyi puts her glass to her lips and turns just enough to pick out a smudge of familiar red among those lining up along the edge of the dance floor. Not that she needs to, but she wipes her lips with her thumb, dries her thumb with her index finger, and proposes, "Why don't you go dance with her before she climbs out of her skin with anticipation, and I'll be around if you're still hurting for company afterward." Gracious as the offer sounds, there's no doubt in look or voice that she expects T'rev'll be back sooner or later.

"It's certainly bright," Hattie says, today as ever favouring pale and earthy colours, her dress falling in shades of cream and brown and very faint blue. "I'm glad. She really does enjoy his company and especially the stargazing." There's a shake of her head for Phara's entourage remark. "No entourage for me. Promise." The weyrling cracks another grin. "I'd rather be doing the organizing and behind the scenes stuff than the partying, personally. Still."

Sulisah nods, "Sure is, not that I know what I did to deserve being stuck with him." She grins, waggling the drink in front of R'uen, "It wouldn't be half as much fun if I told you first. Although I guess we could give it a name." A brief pause and she grins, asking "How does snakebite sound?"

There's a little lift of T'rev's glass Jaeyi's way and he /does/ drink to that. "See you in a bit then," he answers the baker, eyes twinkling before he nods once and turns to go re-join Kaida. "How's it lookin' out there?" he asks her as he settles down nearby and starts in on his plate, glass set down alongside.

Phara laughs. "There'll be time yet for that, darlin'. You're a goldrider now. Soon enough, you'll be holed up in the Records Room and we'll never see you again." She's exaggerating, teasing. She makes her way over to the table R'uen and Sulisah were so recently at and she sets her burden down with a sigh, careful not to slop any of it.

"Too cheerful-looking to be called a snakebit," R'uen says, making a face at the name. "Too friendly-looking, even if it has a kick." He takes the drink, holds it up to get a good look at it. And then holds it out, up high and points to it, trying to catch Phara's eye with a general expressions of 'want one of these?' made across the distance.

Sulisah just shakes her head, giggles lurking just below the surface as she attempts to keep a straight face. "You say that now, give it time. Just be careful, too many of them and you might be falling over everyone, not just the wrong people."

Kaida lifts her hand to cover her mouth, working on finishing chewing a particularly large mouthful before attempting to answer T'rev. "The baker lass let you go? I thought for sure she'd steal you away and I'd be left without an escort, what with those winsome smiles and come-hither eyes," she teases him, quite cheerfully. She even goes so far as to flutter her eyelashes, laughing as she does so. Merriment aside, she asks, "Is she not going to join us after all?" And finally, she gets around to answering the original query, after a sip of her juice. "It's looking quite lively. My kind of dancing. None of that slow sloppy sleepy stuff yet."

"I'll write letters," Hattie answers, playing along, "from the Records. 'Please send help. Haven't seen outside world for nearly a seven. Think third bookcase from the right is out to get me,'," she giggles, sitting herself down across from Phara. She smoothes down the lines of her skirts to try and stop them from creasing, then lifts her mug of soup and takes a drink.

Ms. Winsome Smiles and Come Hither Eyes is enjoined promptly after being abandoned, looks over with a smile that expected and welcomes company while she wanders generally dance-ward, though Jaeyi doesn't seem in a particular hurry to join the foot-tapping throng. Just now, it's a useful young man bringing her a plate of food, helping her find some place to sit and eat, then being completely blown-off while she does so. Such a hard life, sigh.

r'uen, cirse, d'kai, sulisah, fiorella, t'rev, hattie, phara, *jaeyi-apprentice, kwei, kaida, jantha, jaeyi

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