[Jaeyi] Fort Hold's summer Gather.

Dec 19, 2009 19:57

RL Date: 12/19/09
IC Date: 7/11/21

Gather Grounds, Fort Hold(#869RJs$)
Down in the intersection of the Hall and Hold roads, the great beaten square of earth that houses most of Fort's gathers stands, free of any encroaching greenery. Meticulously maintained by Fort's groundskeepers, the area is devoid of structures when there isn't a gather on, only the brown of the hold's soil shows where festivities often take place. When the Lord has called a gather though, the wooden stalls are wheeled out from storage and set up in neat rows that make an aisle around the perimeter of the square. Strings of brightly colored lights are hung betwen the stalls and the harper dais is set up at the head of the dancing square along with a scattering of trestle tables and sturdy wooden stools.

To the northwest, the shape of the hold looms in the cliff while nearly due west the craft halls stand watch over the road. More cotholds pepper the fields beyond the gather grounds as far as the eye can see to the south and southeast.

Oh, all the lovely pageantry of a Gather, all the pretty people, all the-- "You can buy me one, but that doesn't guarantee I'll sit and drink it with you, if that's what you're driving at." Jaeyi's got a half-dozen stock replies for the 'can I buy you' question, just at present too burdened to bother stopping to flirt. Which is saying quite a lot, since stopping to flirt is usually her primary occupation on party days. The basket held in both hands is clearly heavy as hell, the bottom bulging and knocking against her calves while she bustles through the crowd toward the tents along the road, likely to expire any moment now.

"A true gentleman would offer to help her carry that," comes a rough voice from behind, not immediately identifiable as masculine or feminine, at least not to anyone who doesn't already know the owner. Whatever her planned destination, assuming there was one and she's not just making good on an escape, Kaida's steps have brought her coincidentally to this spot. That it's brought a friend into her sights, is just a delightful bonus. Catching at her skirts to avoid stepping on the hems, she picks up her pace enough to catch up quick, lifting her brows at the burden Jaeyi carries. "Let me take one side? Between us we should be able to get it to wherever you're going with a minimum fuss."

"Ohhhh, I don't think you and me get to go anywhere together with a minimum fuss, my pretty friend," Jaeyi counters amiably, stops at that to lower the basket to the ground at her feet and relieve herself, at least temporarily, of that burden. With her hands free, she raises one to pretend an outline through the air of Kaida's silhouette, her grin broadening while her finger raises. "Now who did this to you, Kay? Your own work?" She's being careful not to imply too heavily that she doesn't /think/ this is Kaida's handiwork, just in case.

Kaida laughs, inclining her head. "Point taken. But at least I can help ensure that you don't trip and ruin your own lovely display? Why are you playing burden beast, anyway?" Instead of finding someone with broad shoulders and a strong jaw to do it for her, goes unsaid. Shaking her head in answer to second half of the query, amusement lighting her eyes, "Amerie."

Jaeyi dusts off her skirt prettily, flutters her hands upward and dusts off her, uhmn, parts that don't need dusting, saying, "We ought to find us a boy to do it. Though, you might've had a point-- what you were saying about gentlemen." She casts a look back toward the latest buy-you-a-drink, who is now doubly cursing himself since there's a pretty friend on the scene to boot. "It's most of the makings of a feast," with a nudge of her foot to the basket, with a hard-earned exhale. Then; "Amerie, hmmmn? Do you have to pay for it, one Weaver to another? Or is it... what's the term? A professional courtesy?"

Gather trappings, Gather goers, a pretty day all a bustle and brimful of activity and cheer. Some forced, some genuine. And it's on the fringe that two lovely (irritating!) dark young women stand with a large basket placed on the ground between them. "You're going to give him a nose bleed," Kaida remarks, with a complete lack of sympathy for cursing-and-luckless over there. Never mind her own appreciation of all that pretty attention-getting fluttering, even if she is annoyingly strictly look-don't-touch. "Only might? Between the two of us it shouldn't be /too/ hard to find someone. Though my offer still stands." Yay, the independence of girl power, doing for themselves? Probably not. "Which still doesn't explain why you're stuck carrying all of it. Has your Journeyman no other assistants?" Shrugging then, "Paid for. If she'd asked me to model on her behalf I would have, of course."

"/Might,/" Jaeyi repeats emphatically, takes a quick stock of the people in the immediate vicinity, most of whom are either engaged in their own business, too busy gawking at the girls to actually approach them, or turning up their noses at the pair in prim disapproval. "I'm still holding out a little faith in, hmmn. In the decency of men." The quirk of her grin acknowledges that such a remark may not be well-aimed for this particular audience, her fluttering hand put to waving. "It's not my journeyman's basket, it's mine, and I didn't really plan ahead very well." Surprise, surprise. "The getting it from dragon to tent, I mean. --Paaaaid for. Must be nice to be Miss Moneybags, hmmn? Does that mean you'll buy me a drink later? After--?" Basket-nudge.

Hey, /some/ men are decent, even in Kaida's eyes. Which roll upwards for that comment, predictably. "A /decent/ man would have offered to carry first. A smart man would have then offered the drink, and claimed your company during it as a reward for his chivalry." Logic. She should know better. Like the average male would be capable of that progression of thought when presented with, well. "Ahh. Who are the lucky diners?" Smirking, she nods, "I've gotten lucky with some commissions. Will you sit with me if I do?" But she's crouching down, an expectant look tilted upwards. "Soonest begun. Shall we?"

Jaeyi, eyes narrowed, head tilted, frown thoughtful; "Are there smart men?" Her eyes certainly don't land on any at this exact moment, and she reaches for the basket with a serious bit of oomph, waving her hands and brushing with importance at Kaida's, no no no, it's her burden. Two pretty girls, one big basket, a bunch of guys who haven't gotten up the gumption to come help. "Some people from Gar, I think. Friends of the Steward or something. And I'll sit with you even if you don't buy me a drink, baby," with the lashes. "C'mon."

'Two pretty girls' is generally enough to garner T'rev's attention. That these two happen to be the two that they are guarantees his almost instant focus, even though he's been walking along in G'fry's company, the two riders dressed to the nines for the Gather. He gives his 'second a little nod though, claps him on the shoulder and the bluerider angles off towards a stall, apparently intent on buying something. This leaves the Weyrleader free to catch up with Weaver and Baker a sunny smile on his face. "G'day, ladies. Need any help with that?" Speaking of gumption to help, T'rev's manners are thoroughly intact.

"Jae, don't be stubborn." Which doesn't exactly answer her first question, but Kaida's more concerned at the moment with the potentially dangerous combination of very large basket, impeded view of the path before feet, and long skirts. Even if the Baker has made it this far intact. "And yes, there are. They're just a rare breed. Like this one." Bright grey eyes turn towards T'rev, full of laughter. "Yes she does, and she won't let me. So take it from her before she does herself damage?" Lack of manners really probably haven't had much to do with the hesitance of those bystanders who might otherwise have been willing to flex their muscles. Intimidation, perhaps. The Weyrleader can give an inadvertent lesson in bravery, and we won't give away his advantage.

From lashes to eye-roll, with Jaeyi countering, "Are you-- /you/ giving me grief about being stubborn? Really?" She scoffs, puffs out a breath, and looks like she's going to survive the basket-bearing without killing herself or anyone in her path. Of course, it slips a little after the necessary eyeful of T'rev is taken, lowered back to her feet so she doesn't drop it in all her happy surprise. "Just in time to restore our faith in men, Weyrleader. You look nice, not so much like beast-of-burden. And don't be so bossy," with a finger shaking at the Weaver, tsk tsk.

"Kay, you looke absolutely divine," T'rev compliments and leans over to brush a light kiss to the weaver's cheek, turns towards Jaeyi with a smile that barely has a flicker of 'being brave' to it as it's a mere hug on offer. Then he bends to pick up the basket. Easily, though he pretends otherwise. "Shells, better hope Holder Trevor's got a good appetite," he jokes. "This is for the little party, isn't it?" Brows lift as he straightens, offers an elbow to each of the crafters in spite of his burden. "As for faith in men, dunno if I'm a shinin' example, but I'll do my best. Unless you'd rather the imitation of beast of burden. In which case, I can take m'shirt off." Jaunty. Cheeky.

"Yes, I am." Completely unrepentant about it, too. "Her faith I think needs less restoration than mine," Kaida continues, amused. A brief lift of her hand towards the Weyrleader's shoulder as he leans, "Thank you, T'rev. As Jae just said, in turn. And /you're/ one to talk about being bossy." Cheerfully retorted across at the Baker. An eye for basket and elbow, and a shake of her head given. But she will fall into step alongside.

It's only taken a year and some change to learn the hugs-must-be-brief lesson, tandem with the no-touching-buttons lesson, both of which have Jaeyi stepping back with her hands behind her back. The picture of prim. Aside from being dressed like a-- word Kaida doesn't like us to use. A quick 'mmhmmn' for the basket's purpose, then a cheerful, "Do you expect me to talk you out of taking off your shirt? 'Caaaaaause..." Anyhow, she clears her throat, takes an elbow neatly, sticks the other one out politely. "You could take my arm instead? Then people'd be really confused, and your lack of faith in men wouldn't really matter any more."

A little nod for Kay for the not-taken elbow follows and T'rev laughs merrily at Jaeyi's cheerful query. "No, I don't. So I'll have to rely on my own sense of propriety," the Weyrleader says with a broad wink for the Baker. And if he skirts the edge of proper with how close he tucks her to him when she takes his elbow, well hey, it's a crowded Gather! As for how she's dressed, T'rev might not like to use the same word Kay objects to, but for all he's seen the getup before, there's renewed appreciation for Jaeyi in it in his gaze. He lifts his eyes to hers for a moment, lets them do the talking rather than his mouth. "I think that sounds like a brilliant idea," he says cheerily in turn. "Where are we heading, m'dears?"

And give those confused people even more fodder for idiotic gossip? Kaida just shakes her head at Jaeyi as well. She'll remain unattached to any elbows. Mouth opens, but no words come out, a call through the crowd making the Weaver turn her head. "That sounds like Mirielle. I'll spare you two the pleasure of her incessant chatter. Enjoy yourselves, dear ones." With a warm smile for the pair of them, she veers off on a new course through the crowd.

"Forever being ditched when someone better comes along," is Jaeyi's lament when Kaida goes dashing off, her attention on the Weaver's back-- possibly backside, hard to tell-- for a few seconds longer. "She owes me a drink, too," with her lips pursed up in disapproval. "But. First. Come and let's dump off this monstrosity of a basket, sir, and then we can wander around better, I think. Who did yours, by the way?" Considering the brief glance of a hand up his sleeve, she means the get-up. "Amerie made Kaida's, she said. Fort must be the most well-dressed Weyr, I swear."

Those words earn a little grin, oddly wry. "Don't have to worry about that with me," T'rev answers though his gaze follows Kaida too, equal parts appreciation and fondness to be found there, even now. "All right then, let's get your wares settled and then maybe I can make up for the missed drink?" the Weyrleader proposes. "Amerie too," he notes of his suit.

Jaeyi's, "Truuuuue," has an amused lilt to answer T'rev's wry one. "Not to say you've never ditched me. How did it go? 'Mecaith says Peirith's clutching?'" /Now/ she can laugh about it, if privately, and duck her head to indicate the not-so-far-off tent where she'll be dropping off that basket. "You wait here," by the flap, since it's not really her right to invite the Weyrleader in, which has her take the basket in both hands, "and I'll be right back. And try to keep your shirt on." Serious as Rodric's heart-attack, that advice.

Speaking of well-dressed, in comes the Gar contingent. Well, the refugee Gar contingent, at least. At're can be seen wandering about, here and there. He has a young teenaged girl with him, a painfully gawky specimin with thick dark hair in a perpetual state of frizz, and a pale, narrow face. That said, there is a certain similarity to build and structure of facial features to indicate a family relation. At're's dressed, for once, in colors outside his typical brown-and-cream: light grey pants, black boots, a brilliantly white shirt open two buttons down in casual fashion, similar to how long sleeves are folded up almost to the elbow. His sister is dressed in a blue dress of clean and simple lines, which cannot hide her coltish figure. And hey, look, it's the weyrleader! "T'rev, sir," Trey salutes the man briskly, touching the girl's elbow and gesturing her over towards where the other bronzerider is.

When Jiella appears from the crowd, she's easily spotted - first, she's one of the few women who are either rich or foolhardy enough to go to a gather dressed entirely in white; second, there's a fair number of double-takes in her direction; and third, she's flanked by two shorter blondes - and the three of them are involved in a rather intense, heated conversation. Flushed with righteous anger, she's pointing one long finger towards one of them, hissing, "/My/ bracelet, /my/ earrings, /my/ dress - and you look /stupid/ in it because you're /short/, you know that? Dragging the hem around like you are." Disgusted with the entire situation, she looks about two seconds away from ripping the clothes off her sister's (presumably) back. "If I don't find all that back when it belongs when I go home, so help me..." She's a little too distracted with indignation to notice anyone else just yet.

"If I remember right ... there wasn't any ditching involved there," T'rev answers with a humorous pull of his mouth to the side. Halting at the tent's flap, the Weyrleader hands over the basket carefully. "I'll do my very best," he promises the baker and turns outward, hands slipped into pockets to watch the ebb and flow of the Gather. Ironic that At're's abandoned brown and cream, maybe, given that that's the palette T'rev has on, but for the splash of rust provided by his waistcoast. When At're approaches, he and his sister receive a warm smile and the Weyrleader's hand extended. "Hey there, At're. Good to see you down at the Gather. Is this your sister?" Polite, inquiry, charming smile for the young lady.

Jaeyi's not gone so long. Presumably, she'll have, like, an assistant or someone to put things away for her and maybe start chopping some stuff while she goes and plays pretty socialite for a while. Long enough to let At're get in his greeting, to let T'rev get in a response, then to come back out of the tent with a relieved sigh for losing her burden. Her attention distracts a little Jiella's way, the combination of familiarity with the woman and the fussing she's doing, then she chimes in a pleasant, "At're, isn't it? And At're's sister. Hi."

A brief, strong handshake is exchanged, At're smiling at the older man. "Yes, sir. Nora, it is my pleasure to introduce you to T'rev, Weyrleader of Fort. T'rev, my sister, Nora." The girl ducks her head, unexplicably shy given she must at least be thirteen by the looks of her. Her voice, however, when she speaks is a pretty thing, soprano-toned and clear, an orator's voice in the making: "Gar's honor to Fort, sir." Then there's Jaeyi, and At're does not look paranoid. No really, he doesn't. Instead, there is another smile. "Jaeyi, this is Nora, my sister-- Nora, this is Jaeyi, one of the premiere bakers in the area." Beat. "She makes pretty little sugary pastry things." Hey, one has to be dead not to know these things and live at Fort. Nora is more bold in the fact that she actually smiles at Jaeyi when she tends her, "Pleased to meet you, ma'am." Then At're's gaze is distracted sideways, and his facial expression blanks out a minute as he takes in Jiella. Uh. Carry on. His brain isn't in any type of thinking mode at the moment.

Though Jiella's continued tirade is not audible, it's pretty obvious that she's explaining the dire consequences to come to the pair of shorter women, broad of gesture. As she takes a breath to continue, her gaze skips over the crowd to first spot the baker in plum looking her way - and then the Weyrleader besides. That's enough cause to dismiss her sisters imperiously - and stop making even more of a scene than usual. Still irritable, she glances back toward the small group again - and notices both At're and the fact that he's sort of staring. Mood instantly changed, she has a slow and rather self-satisfied smile as she saunters on over to the group. Mission accomplished. By way of greeting, "I was /so/ right about my sisters taking my things. And I like your dress, Jaeyi." She would.

"Nora, well met, that's a lovely shade of blue" T'rev says sincerely of her gown and offers the young woman his hand in turn. Jaeyi's return is marked with another sunny smile towards the baker and his arm offered anew to her in the wake of his greetings and introductions. It's then that he does a distinct double-take at Jiella, joining the others who've done same. "Seems everyone's really -- gone all out with the fashions today," he remarks with commendable steadiness and as Jiella approaches, flashes her an appreciative smile. "Jiella, you're looking very fine today too though I'm sorry to hear you guessed right about your sisters."

"Thanks! But it's not technically mine. I borrowed it." And Jaeyi leans on to her toes a second, peering around a knot of people toward the thieving sister to add, "But I'm managing not to drag it in the dirt, so I'm counting it as a win. At least she didn't take the one you're wearing? White and all. --And hi, Nora. I make pretty pastry things. I think I'm making them for you today, actually." Beam. One hand to the offered elbow, the other to indicate all the fancy duds in a quick, sweeping gesture that accompanies a nod after T'rev's remark about people going all out, yep. "We need drinks," she pronounces like it's a matter of sudden importance.

Nora's hands may be delicate, but her grip is surprisingly sure as she trades a handshake with T'rev. "Thank you, sir," the gawky young woman offers with another characteristic duck of the head and a faint pink hue coloring the tops of her cheekbones. Trey, meanwhile, has recovered his typical amiable stoicism, offering his clutchmate a nod while clearing his throat. Introductions. They keep going. "Jiella, I'm not quite sure you've ever met Nora, my sister. Nora, I'm sure you've heard of Jiella." Nora, for her part, offers Jiella a very proper curtsy. At're fiddles with one of the rolled cuffs of his shirt, and flashes T'rev a grin. "It's certainly nice to see the ladies enjoying themselves," is his modest quip regarding fashion, though there's a knowing glance over to the other man. Speaking of ladies-- "Nora," an authoritive call rings forth, strident. Ellasyn can be seen in a dress of paler blue than Nora's, cut in the latest fashion and making her lean lines look right. Nora kisses her brother on the cheek, briefly, and makes her courtesies before shyly skittering back towards her mother. Trey watches her go with only halfway narrowed gaze, as if thoughtful, flagging a hand at his mother in greeting. "--Drinks?" Back to the conversation at hand!

"Yes, well - they're both scheming, thieving..." Jiella trails off as she notices the younger girl, for once thinking before she speaks. Company manners. "Thanks, T'rev," she notes, flashing a grin before looking back to Jaeyi, already halfway back to annoyed. "I know, she could have at least had someone /take it up/. And you're a decent person - no decent person goes wrecking someone else's clothes." It's a weird code to live by, but everyone needs to have one. "I certainly need a drink after /that/." Not even attempting to hide her disappointment when At're shows some signs of recovery, she's nonetheless nice enough to the girl, offering her most brilliant smile and a pleasant, "Pleased to meet you." After Nora's called back to her mother, however; "'I'm sure you've heard of Jiella.' What's that supposed to mean?"

"That sounds like an excellent idea," T'rev replies to Jae's suggestion jovially, "my treat," he also offers generously. "Head on over towards the dancin' square and pull up a table and we can order from one of the stalls right there?" the Weyrleader suggests further. "I do believe some dances are owed," he continues in good-natured fashion even after trading looks with At're 'knowing' is a good description for those. Nora's departure though earns a bow and as T'rev straightens, he inclines his head towards Ellasyn as well. Approaching through the crowd, Fort's Steward may be briefly glimpsed and it's to Gar's lady that he offers an arm: time to start buttering up the potential in-laws, even before lunch it seems. He casts an amused glance between At're and Jiella though as she questions the other weyrling's description of her to his sister.

After Jiella's complaint, Jaeyi mumbles an amused, "Sometimes, it's nice being an only child." Pauses a beat, half-frowns, shakes off the thought, carries on with a slow nod at At're. "Yes, drinks," pantomime. Pointedly borrowing his turn of phrase-- "I'm sure you've heard of drinks?" The idea that he hasn't is obviously highly entertaining, though she adds the courtesy of distracting herself by pulling slightly on T'rev's elbow, starting toward the square and the drinks along the way. "There's something to be said for predictable," to the dances-owed, half a laugh for it.

"You're blooded," At're answers Jiella's query in his light baritone. "And related to a few fairly significant people. Gar doesn't keep their own sons and daughters ignorant of current issues and people of importance," lightly spoken, almost-- /almost/-- teasing. He will not, under any circumstance, admit the fact that he has been talking about Jiella to his younger sister. Oh no. Grey eyes swipe over to Ellasyn just in time to view the sweet, sweet smile she offers said Steward, and even Trey has to take a doubtful moment and initial thought that his youngest sister is most certainly sired by the man. His expression, thus, is a bit tighter and less lighter as he oh-so-courteously offers Jiella his arm. There's a low heat unrelated to anything of current company in his voice as he murmurs, "Allow me the pleasure of escorting you, Jiella?" in surprisingly gravelly tones. His look to Jaeyi is exasperated, but not terribly irritated. "Indeed, Jaeyi, I believe I've heard of those." Jae doesn't need siblings. She can have Trey. He can be an annoying brother, just for her.

Content to go along with the plan as suggested, Jiella just nods once, noting to Jaeyi, "You really have no idea. Especially those ones. Maybe I'd like other sisters more. But not like I can go turning them in for new ones. If only." For some reason, the idea seems to strike her as amusing - and so even if she's a little skeptical of At're's explanation, she's in a decent enough mood to leave it alone, though; "Important. I like that." At the shift in the other weyrling's expression, she lifts light eyebrows questioningly as she takes the offered arm. "Anytime," she says lightly. "And you never know. She was just /checking/." The blonde is being helpful today.

That little mumble brings about the light bump of T'rev's arm against Jaeyi's and he shoots her a grin. Accusations of predictability lift his shoulders: what can he say? His gaze though is caught by At're's shifting expressions and tracks on over to the steward and Gar's lady, not understanding the nature of that look. Esraval is being the very soul of attentive politeness and if there was ever any extra connection between himself and Ellasyn it's not being given any credence at the moment. It's likely the little group are off to meet up with Isobel and Fort's Holders. "Well, since we've all heard of drinks, let's go get some," T'rev breaks in with and turns to lead the way thence.

"Better safe to ask," Jaeyi says amiably back to At're, her tone the kind that would normally accompany a ruffle of hair were she not attached to the Weyrleader's elbow. Her forehead lowers to Jiella, just /checking/. "We better get to it if we're having drinks and dancing," she adds, following the other looks toward Esraval and the company of Gar, a quick half-frown when her look trails from there to the tent. "Too much to do, too little time."

At're gives Jiella a single cross little look, though it can't last long. She may notice a rather-- familiar-- ring worn on his right hand, by the by. "Mmm-hmmm," he offers, his tone finally breaking through that little growl to be slightly amused. He avoids looking at Ellasyn and Esraval: while it would appear to all excepting family to be perfectly as-face-value would give it, well, perhaps At're knows a bit more on that front than his possibly should. He ambles after T'rev, gaze heavily lidded in thought. However, what he's thinking about may not be related to what one would think-- "You look... ridiculous, in that dress," he comments quietly to Jiella, though the way he pronounces 'ridiculous' makes ridiculous sound like the most appealing word in the dictionary. His gaze falls on her for a long moment, and that blank look threatens to resurface. He shakes his head as if to swat a fly away, a brief little gesture. Then, louder, "You cut quite a figure, Jaeyi, in that get-up. That is a rather--striking color for you." Beat. "Are you going to cook in it?" A bit more dubiously, though it's a relatively mild undertone to the question.

Follow the Weyrleader, especially if he's buying. Jiella might give the whole situation that's got everyone else's attention a passing glance, but little more than that - there's nothing happening there that's a shock or a surprise to the blonde. Offering Jaeyi an easy grin, she asks, "How long do you have, do you think? I really have no concept of how long... food takes. Even after time in the kitchen." At least she'll admit to her ignorance. For both At're's minor irritation and general disquiet, she can only move in closer and give his arm a light squeeze. Glancing up, grin widening, she responds as quietly, "Ridiculous. /Right/. That explains the staring?"

"Then we'll have to make sure you get both drink and dance in very shortly," T'rev says gamely to Jaeyi. "Or a raincheck for later," blithe. He casts one last look over his shoulder towards where the Steward and co are rapidly vanishing, then it's face foward and onward to slip through the busy crowd and find a table to hand the Baker down to a seat at along the dancing square. "A carafe of wine to share? Or should I get everyone something different?" he asks once located. It's not quite lunchtime at the Gather, the sun's shining, clouds drifting lazily by. Perfect weather for a summer gather. And if he heard those comments of At're's about Jiella's gown, he's doing a remarkable job of not showing it.

Jaeyi puts a hand to the curve of her waist below her bust, takes a breath that does nice things to that quite-a-figure she cuts but that the dress probably doesn't appreciate, and answers At're with a speculative, "I might. Why? Do you wanna watch me try?" Yes, she understands that she's a spectator sport and is okay with that. Dusting off the seat before she takes it, there's an important crinkle of her nose to answer the offer of wine; two years and still with the alcohol? "Just something with ice in it. Oh! Something red." It'll look pretty with the dress, see, and she pats the seat next to her where Jiella can sit. "I probably ought to go... about ten minutes ago? I don't suppose it's the kind of party you can get invited to, though At're might be in a position to get you on the list."

"It's ridiculous," Trey replies, his voice low and thoughtful, pitched for her ears only, "Because you would look so much better without it on." It's official. Jiella is corrupting At're. Someone snap a picture to commemorate this event. His eyes have been focused, during this quiet comment, on the individuals passing by: once a guard, always a guard. Arm-in-arm with Jiella, they stroll after T'rev and Jaeyi in careless fashion- Trey's decked out in dress-casual grey pants, and a loose untucked white button-down, left open two buttons at the neck and the sleeves rolled up to just before the elbow. "Wine is fine with me, T'rev," he offers with a smile. "I'll get the next one, since you're getting this," he offer-states, in that fashion that men have with one another when they think they're making all the decisions at the table, surrendering Jiella to her seat while taking his own. "I have two seats to offer to any guests I would so like to bring," he recites as if by rote, avoiding rolling his eyes only by narrowing them on Jaeyi. "What if I did?" his tone jokingly threatening.

Vanissa has been here and there today enjoying the newly-found freedom to browse the gather stalls and sample some of the treats the bakers are selling. Her dress is not new by any means and has probably seen several if not more gathers. Simplicity itself, although finely-sewn, the garment is made of a singular topaz with a faint shimmer to the soft material. Shoulderless and low-cut, the bodice clings to torso and hips, while the skirt falls in a graceful sweep to whisper about her long calves. Presently, she's making her way from somewhere on the outer perimeter, eyes alight and a smile upon her lips. In her hands she's carrying some pastry-looking things and a mug, which is raised in a casual salute to her brother as she draws near the tables. Her nod of greeting includes everyone else as she offers brightly, "Hi guys." She's missed the rest of the conversations, but taking in some of the non-verbal clues with a raised brow. Her breezy, "Mind if I join ya?" comes as she's dragging a seat out with a toe hooked around one of the chair's legs.

Unable to be anything but pleased with that answer from the bronzerider on her arm - maybe she's aiming for corruption - Jiella points out helpfully, "That's entirely a possibility, unless you've got some other reasons why it shouldn't be?" Arching a brow at At're as they come up to the table, she then has a bright smile for T'rev. "You're buying, so it's up to you." The brownrider is easy. Ahaha. She'll take the seat next to Jaeyi with a little bounce, pleased to have company in being very close to totally inappropriate for once. "Oh, I don't know," she demurs. "I'm not good at those sorts of dinners, more often than not. I get bored and sometimes I just say things that - I likely shouldn't. I mean, I'm entertaining - but not appropriate? So, whatever you want, Trey, but you've been warned." As Vanissa appears; "Oh, Nissa - where've you been? Getting food, obviously."

Nice things to quite-a-figure. T'rev's fingers tighten briefly on Jaeyi's then retreat. "Okay, something cool that's not wine, but red and some wine of my choosing," the Weyrleader says gaily, sweeps the trio at the table a bow. "Be right back," he says jauntily, clearly in a good mood in spite of various ... undercurrents. Nissa's approach earns a brief wave, then T'rev steps away to go procure beverages. He's gone for about ten minutes, long enough to wind up with a carafe of red wine and a pitcher of some kind of mixed juice, with ice. Mugs dangle from his fingers, two per hand, clinking against the sides of the vessels.

"Then I better think about charging admission. You may have two seats to give away for dinner, but the show ain't free." Aside from the part where she leans across the table, adds in a promising undertone, "It's a good show, though. --And I'm going to sit here and be quietly offended that you're assuming you'd be bored with my cooking, Jiella." Jaeyi sniffs sadly while she leans back again, cover for the sideways look that follows T'rev till the crowd absorbs him. "Nissa, you can sit with us and console me. At're's not gawking at me enough, Jiella thinks my cooking is boring, and your brother still hasn't figured out that I don't actually drink, I just hold glasses because they make me look pretty." Laundry-list of woes.

"Mmm," is Trey's reply to Jiella: though lacking an actual word, the hum sounds low and relatively pleased. A promise lurks beneath. His gaze follows T'rev, a smile touching the sides of his lips upwards. Then, it's-- "Nissa," greeted companionably to his clutchsib. "You look beautiful," by way of greeting. All these pretty ladies! At're's down for the eye candy. "You can come if you want," then commented to Jiella. "But only if you promise to say something terrible to Tresyn. He forgot Nora's turnday and made her cry." The disapproval on At're's face would be hilarious if it wasn't so-- painfully genuine. Jaeyi shakes him out of a darkening mood, "I have no doubt that you'd put on a good show, Jaeyi." His voice is even, then, bemused. "Maybe I should buy Jiella a ticket for it, since she seems to think that cooking is boring." Not Jaeyi's cooking. Cooking in general.

With some little despair, "No, not your cooking! Your cooking is /awesome/. With the conversation, I swear. And I'll remember you don't drink." Jiella gives Jaeyi big sad brown eyes in apology, noting, "If it makes you feel better, I was totally ignored by like, ten guys on the way over because they were looking at you?" Such problems these girls have. Turning to At're with a slow grin for that sound, she's still a total girl about things, "Do /want/ me to come? I'll say terrible things to someone, so maybe a target will help?" Bemused by the flicker of a darker mood that crosses his features - she forgets all kinds of things - she leaves it alone, just rolling her eyes. "Like you're all fascinated by it either. It's not boring to me, it's just not my thing. Work is not my thing." Despite all the work she's doing at the moment, apparently.

Vanissa answers Jiella with a slight twinkle, "I was... hungry." And now she wants food. With her chin, she points over her shoulder towards the fields beyond the gather grounds, "Took a walk, too." She simply grins at T'rev as he passes, managing to finally get that chair out and flumps down as if utterly weary by said walk. She considers that laundry list of Jaeyi's, "Well, Jiella can be excused on the ground that she's had her perceptions blunted by the sheer overwork of Weyrlinghood?" She mock-glares at At're, "Though you've no excuse, your manners are polished enough-" she interrupts herself with a smile of appreciation for his compliment, "Well, thanks! Now if you please-" a headtilt towards Jaeyi, "More gawking? Consider it your civic duty?" As for the complaints about her brother, her smile widens, "Jae, I'm guessing you can live with that one minor fault of his."

Never quite the last to arrive, but perhaps one of the last to make herself really known, Dashaya has been over with a contingent from the Hold - which one remains unseen. They've been stalking and talking and -talking- at length without much of a glance around. But she breaks away and wanders through the crowd. At least the one with the same hair as Dashaya. The same size as Dashaya - which is shorter than anyone else. What is not quite so Dash-like is the utter unconservative cut of her dress. Strapless, hugging - she -does- have a figure! - lavender cloth that's been overlaid with white gauze, with a skirt of more swishy material that flits and whips around her as she moves. Kohl'd eyes and red-lipped and hair-curled. Coming up near Nissa, she bumps the girl's hip and nods to Jiella. "Ladies."

With another dramatic sniffle, Jaeyi answers Jiella's attempts to make her feel better with a sad-sounding, "A little. A tiny little. But!" She waits long enough to get her drink from T'rev, to favor him with a grateful smile that extends (slightly dimmed) to his sister afterward. "Thank you, Nissa. Bolstered by that-- excuse me? Wish me luck? Whichever's appropriate." Because she, unlike all those prettily-dressed slackers, has to /work/.

at're, t'rev, jiella, kaida, vanissa, ^strumpet, *jaeyi-sr app, jaeyi, dashaya

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