No gallivanting this year.

Oct 22, 2009 18:51

RL Date: 10/22/09
IC Date: 13/28/20 --Log stolen from T'rev. Back-dated to IC Turnover. Debauchery implied.

Earlier, T'rev collected the bevy of damsels who were coming to the station with him for Turnover and it was a quick ride over into the merriment of the waystation. As the family have all gotten into their cups more and the dancing is swinging in full, T'rev catches Jae's hand with a little brow-raised look and aims to steer them both outside to the porch for a little ... quiet time. "Glad you could come," the rider murmurs as they slip away. "Gramps is happy too. Did he talk your ear off about cake?" he jokes a bit for the way his grandfather greeted the baker earlier.

Never one for in-her-cups, Jaeyi enjoys the festivities nevertheless. She's well-suited for merriment, whether chatting with Gramps, flirting with cousins, feigning interest in the fish-stories of the kids, just a happy little social butterfly all fluttering around from one knot of people to another. But alone-time with T'rev is hardly to be forsaken, and she slips off with a hand answering his once they're out of the general throng, making a nose-crinkly face. "Talking my ear off sounds bad. We had ourselves a nice little chat," is her cheerier spin on it. "It's good to see you relaaaaaxed for a while."

Grinning, T'rev leans over to kiss the edge of one of those pretty ears of hers. "Nice little chat is good and no, don't really want your ear anywhere else than where they belong. On your head." More joking around. And there's the telltale traces of the sweet smell of weed about him that could speak to 'relaxed' though he's long recovered from being glaze-eyed and really high from the half hour or so when Gramps and he also slipped away with a couple of others to smoke on the roof. "Feels good too," he notes about relaxation. "Think I might just stick here this turn. Not hop back. Already paid my respects and all to Lord Fort and Da's -- not home tonight." Was that a little hitch there? The porch swing is steadied for her and T'rev smiles. "Sit n' swing?"

Jaeyi will ignore the smell, at least for the moment, and instead turn her attention to lifting his caught hand and kissing the back of it briefly. She's not as good at ignoring the hitch, and a questioning brow climbs toward that end-- something he wants to share in there?-- before she gives the swing a nudge with her knee. "I think I could handle that," she answers to the last, waiting for the little sway to slow before she moves to deposit herself thereon. "No gallivanting? Big change from last year, then, hmn?"

He smiles again for that kiss and waits until she's settled before folding down into the swing too and slides his arm around her shoulders comfortably, one foot lifting to the porch rail to set them in motion. "He's got -- company," is T'rev's slow answer about his father accompanied by an amused smile. "Which you know, good for him." And that's sincere even as he snuggles that much closer to his own company. "Nope. No gallivanting. Things have been so nuts lately, it'd just be nice to be in one place for a bit. Someplace that doesn't have any whacky politics, raiders and so on." His hand slips down the outside of her arm, looks to catch up her hand again to play with her fingers. Deep breath. "And no tempting blondes."

"Does he now," is Jaeyi's amused, approving reaction to that first tidbit, the quick smile she tilts up to T'rev impressed on behalf of his old man. "Well, he's too handsome and charming and all to be alone for long, I guess." Cuddling back against him, tucking against his side with one hand for his and the other between his back and the swing, she adds around a grin that betrays itself in her tone, "Runs in the family." A relaxed sigh accompanies the nod for all the things that don't exist here, whacky politics, raiders, and-- "What are you doing chasing blonds?"

"Yep," T'rev confirms about his father and laughs at her assessment. "Yeah. It's good he's not alone. He's a lot happier. It's not you know a big obvious thing, but he just is. Happier." He laughs again, fingers threading together that much more deeply and turns his head to brush a kiss to the top of her head. "Blood tells true, huh?" His cheek tilts to rest atop where he just kissed and chuckles lowly. "I'm not. I'm bein' or was bein' chased. The big brain won out over the little brain though," he notes with just the tiniest suggestive twitch of hips. "Screwin' a candidate. Wouldn't be right," he adds on quietly and his hand tightens within hers.

Jaeyi has to unlace her arm from T'rev's, her fingers from his despite that tightening, just so she can clap her hands in a little show of unnecessary applause for him. "Way to stick to your resolve, Weyrleader, and keep it in your pants. I'm so proud of you." And, to prove it, she puts her hands back the way they were and tightens her arm to a more thorough hug around his waist, burrowing her nose in his chest. "Maybe she won't Impress and you can have your way with her afterwards, hmn? If she does Impress, you better put a lock on those britches, though." Like she's in any position to talk about banging weyrlings.

Palm to face as she draws her hands away to clap and T'rev peeks at her through his fingers with a sheepish grin, then wraps his arms around her anew when hers slip around his waist. "Mm. Maybe. It's maybe not so straightforward as all that," he drawls out thoughtfully. "Seein' as we're talkin' about Jiella." He lets that sink in, while one hand gently massages at the back of her neck, a fond and tender gesture rather than sexual. "And no. No weyrlings. Ever. Promise." Beat. "Not while I'm Weyrleader anyhow." He's quiet for a little bit, just enjoying the closeness before he goes on. "She -- seemed to kind of know about us," he says slowly. "Or at least, she accused me of havin' a girlfriend when I told her it wouldn't be right. Her and me."

"As in... Jiella who happens to be the daughter of someone of semi-major significance?" Jaeyi sneaks a look up at the end of that question, clearly already aware of the answer, and then turns her nose back the way it was, resting against him. There's no pretending she thinks that's a dubious proposition, but-- "You're a big boy. And I'm sure you know what you're doing." As to what Jiella knows, there's a shrug. "I'm sure people still talk. If she's listening, then it wouldn't be all that hard to know there /used/ to be something going on, hmn?" Like there's no present-tense porch-cuddling.

"That'd be her," T'rev agrees, eyes meeting hers without flinching. "And ... yeaaah," he drawls out slowly. "It's -- a dicey situation." One of his hands shifts to tangle up into her hair, winding curls around his fingers. "I know. I played it off in that way, kind of. Because it's true. Mostly." Deep breath. "Mostly." And his arms are tightening around her just a bit more. "We -- we could be askin' for trouble with the trips to Nerat though, Jae," his voice is low, tentative. "Faranth knows, it's partly what's helpin' to keep me afloat right now... but if I won't bang a candidate or a weyrling, should I still be bangin' you, even if it's in secret?"

Speaking of conversations Jaeyi's not necessarily ready to have, certainly not on a pleasant Turnover... Picking and choosing her words with audible care, "Well. I guess that's something to think about it, isn't it." There's a short pause, one where she takes a breath like she's already got something to say, then rethinks it, proceeding a few seconds later. "It's different for me. I'm not-- allowed to with anyone? And that's really just not realistic."

"Been thinkin' about it since the other night," T'rev says, words just as slow and he shifts after a moment, arms trying to gather her up into his lap. "Yeah," he murmurs quietly and his head bends, seeking out a kiss. "I've been runnin' it back and forth in my head. What's right, what's wrong." Beat. "Guess you could say I got my conscience pricked and learned somethin' about willpower." His hands are on the move again, seeking to cradle her face. "Part of me knows we shouldn't... but I just... can't. I can't give you up." That's where he lands, in spite of it all.

Probably that's what she was hoping to hear and accounts for the breath that Jaeyi puffs out in response to it, her chin shifting a little against those cradling fingers. "It's bothering you, though," she adds with a small, inevitable disappointment in the tilt of her head, leaning away a little to look him over. Big breath, something to say; "Whatever you decide to do with this girl is totally up to you. She's pretty, so I sure wouldn't blame you. Just... tell me? Because if you sleep with her and she's already suspecting things and she turns out to be the jealous type, it'll be your head and my knot on the chopping block, and I'd rather be prepared to lose the two most important things I've got. So it doesn't take me by surprise."

Thumbs brush along her cheeks, eyes steady on hers, even in the dark. "Some," T'rev admits, thumb changing path to trace the bottom of her lip. "And in the end that's why. Not so much for me, but because if anything happens and you lose your knot, it could mean losin' you," the Weyrleader explains with quiet earnestness. "I don't care so much about whether or not I stay Weyrleader or anything. I do care about what it'd mean for the Weyr and for you." He pauses, then nods. "Right now, I'm swearin', I won't. No candidates. If she impresses, not while she's a weyrling. And after that ... I dunno. Guess we just have to be really, really careful. Even more'n we have been."

Light; "Well, actually, if I lose my knot, I won't be good for much anywhere else, so I'll pretty much have to stick around and ride your coattails, right?" Jaeyi beams as if that's not about the worst thing she's ever said out loud in her whole life. As to careful, she pitches forward a moment to press a quick, easy kiss to his lips and add, "Should I get a disguise or something? And, like, start making up a list of plausible alibis for us? I could probably do clandestine if I really put my mind to it." No, she couldn't. "Or we could hope Jiella'll just keep her mouth shut? She didn't seem so bad to me."

"/Jae/ ..." T'rev protests that first but tilts his head up to catch that kiss. He snorts softly, shakes his head. "No - it's mostly me, love," he admits quietly. "I get wound up and then I want to see you. Right away. At the Weyr. Not wait. So it's really ... it's my bad." His hands roam over her shoulders, down her back and settle there, curled at the base of her spine as his foot pushes against the rail, gets the swing going again. "I hope so. She did say she wasn't going to rat me out for kissing her at least."

Jaeyi beams as if guilelessly at the protestation, like she can't imagine why he might take umbrage to the remark, and she lifts her fingers to pinch lightly at dimpled cheeks. "Don't worry," is her expert advice. "If she says anything, I'll poison her. Then I'll probably go to jail," on second thought, "and not see you at all, so maybe that's not the best idea. --I liked life better when it was simple." She burrows back against his chest, cheek just below his neck, the motion helping to give life to the rock of the swing. "You're gonna get in troooouble," she adds, sing-songy for his kissing-her-at-least.

Again: "/Jae/..." but he's laughing this time and his arms wrap around her all the more as she burrows into his chest, his head turning to press an awkward kiss to forehead or temple. "Yeah. Me too. Everything is just all complicated all the time now." Her last makes him chuckle again. Ruefully. "Sure as hell hope not. Though that's probably up there among the dumbest damn things I've ever done." As if being involved, actively, with an apprentice isn't either. "At any rate, I promise, Jae. Won't lay a finger on her without lettin' you know and just ... for now, I'll be very, very, very careful around her."

"Really. Unless he has a food taster, it would really be smart of her not to fuck with someone who makes pink cupcakes, which I happen to know she likes. /Plus,/ I'm real friendly with the butcher. No body." Jaeyi rattles all this off as if harmlessly, and follows it up with a nuzzle toward his throat, like she hasn't just been talking about chopping up dead people. "Will you," she half-asks with frank merriment. "I don't wanna hurt your feelings, but you and restraint?" So says the case-in-point.

"Pink cupcakes ... heh. And they taste so good too, whatever you make," T'rev complimens and chuckles, not really taking the poisoning part seriously. Which could be a mistake. His head tips back a little, giving her more room for nuzzling. "Cold turkey. Three months." Is what T'rev says to that though his breath is hitching in his throat at the touch of her lips. "And I'd never break a promise to you," he adds on firmly, tugging lightly on her hair so he can drop his chin, look her in the eye again. "Never." Very serious. So very very serious. For as long as it lasts, because a moment later, he's kissing her with definite intent and his hands are dropping to hike up her skirt. So much for restraint?

For his more serious words, for that eye-to-eye look, Jaeyi nudges her nose against his just a touch and assures, "I know you wouldn't." Then there's skirt-hiking and intent kissing and she's not exactly stopping him, though she does drag her lips away to make a valid point. "But see! You can't keep your hands," one of which she covers with her own, helping coax it on up so that skirt's not going to be serving much purpose here shortly, "to yourself for ten minutes, and you plan on keeping them off a pretty blond? Let's be realistic." All in jest, of course.

"You're not a pretty blonde, you're you," is T'rev's super-mooshy answer to that as that hand follows wherever-the-hell she wants it to. "And all bets are off when it comes to you," he concludes. And if things get really, really steamy and that swing gets to rocking /really/ wildly for a while there, well you know, it's turnover and it's dark out and no one is /really/ going to notice, especially given how much necking and screwing is going on in other dark corners, various rooms and against the big tree out there in the meadow.

The nice thing about skirts and blouses and all those troublesome clothes is that they don't have to go flying off to be out of the way, so Jaeyi's not butt-naked on T'rev's Gramps's porch swing. Because a /little/ propriety might be useful now and then. But she's still bare-skinned where it counts, and there's a little latent nipping on his shoulder in that happy-drowsy aftermath, too. "We probably better think about showing our faces again soon. Not that I think your sisters'd run their mouths, buuuuut."

Maybe just a little. Yay for drawstring shorts too? And breathing. Breahing is good, even if T'rev's face is currently buried in Jaeyi's shoulder. "Mmm. Nope. They won't," T'rev says quietly. "Ella though - not that I don't trust her, but she might not realize," the weyrleader continues and takes a long breath, straightens up to help the baker put her clothes back together. "I owe you a dance or two, too," he says with a smile, fingers sliding into her hair to make a pass at unmussing it.

Jaeyi scoots on over to the edge of the swing, stays sitting down to wind her arms around T'rev's waist for a minute and cuddle against his stomach, doing nothing to help with the mussy state of clothes or hair. "I should probably try and talk to her some about all this. Ella, I mean. Since I think it might seem weird if her foster-father's basically telling her to keep secrets and tell fibs," she commits seriously from a very un-serious position, a few quick kisses next to his belly-button. "And I guess I could dance with you. Seeing as you are the best lookin' boy at the party."

Fingers keep moving through Jaeyi's hair even after she's scooted down like that. "I haven't asked her to," T'rev replies, a dark curl winding around his forefinger. His eyes close for a moment, a lazy grin curling up the corners of his mouth as those kisses land. "Mmm. Faranth forbid I wond up with competition," he drawls out teasingly.

"I think I better," Jaeyi says seriously-- or, well, as seriously as one gets while cuddling one's partially-dressed, usually off-limits boytoy, anyway. "She's an apprentice now, so we're pretty much on the same level like that, hmn? So I'll just explain to her that probably she shouldn't mention to anyone that I came here with you. Just will look bad."

"If you really think so ..." T'rev says quietly, letting that curl spring free. "It's not didn't come here with me alone," he adds, fingers shifting to trail along the side of her neck, up to her face. "I don't -- I don' want to ask her to lie."

Calm; "No, I didn't. Not alone. But how would it look to you?" With her chin against his navel, looking up at him with her hands against his hips, Jaeyi's probably not in the best position for this particular point she's making. Or maybe it's exactly the kinda position that drives home that point? "I just think... I don't like the idea that Jiella said something to you about having a girlfriend. And I don't know her, and I don't wanna assume she /means/ anything by it, but-- if she does--" Breath. "Maybe I'm being paranoid."

Silence. "You're right," T'rev answers after a moment, fingers still wandering the edge of her face. "It looks like I took my lover with me to Nerat to a family gathering," he continues and drops his chin down to his chest, eyes closed. "She thought -- I was playing with her. That's why she brought it up. At least, that's what it seemed like she thought. She was ... annoyed. She said she's used to getting what she wants, when she wants it."

"Yeaaaah, that's pretty much how it'd look to me, too." Turning her head, a kiss finding his palm, Jaeyi leaves her nose against the heel of his hand afterward, listening with a partial smirk creasing the edge of her mouth. "I don't suppose it'd really help matters much if I told her, like, one girl to another, that you don't play with people like that? That I can vouch for the fact that you are usually all about--" Just so T'rev's not the only one who has absolutely no restraint, she does start plucking at the knot of those drawstring pants right about now. A whole ten minutes later. "--giving people what they want when they want it."

A brush of his thumb against the side of her nose, gentle, is accompanied by another grin. "Probably not," T'rev answers and inhales suddenly as she goes a-plucking. There's definitely some activity going on beneath her cheek too. T'rev is nothing if not responsive to Jaeyi. "Shells, Jae ..." he murmurs and hips shift a little to make it easier to get his shorts loose again. "I think she kinda got the picture. It just -- it made me think. About double standards."

Like she's not re-undressing him, like it's totally easy to just have a normal conversation, Jaeyi points out, "It's different though, isn't it? I mean, you want this girl, I get that. But it's /bad/ for us to be apart from each other too long. It hurts, and I think maybe it's better to break some rules than to hurt all the time." Where ten minutes is too long. Leaning her head a little to one side to peer around at the porch. "I hope no one comes by and sees your butt hanging out," seems like a pretty good prelude to head.

"Yeah ... it is, it's really bad," T'rev agrees wholeheartedly. "It's a lot easier not to get into anyone else if I'm seein' you," he adds on while he's still capable of speech. A few minutes later, he's got his wrist stuffed into his mouth as his back arches up away from the back of the swing's seat and it's possible he might get himself a splinter when that bare butt hits the swing's rails again. We're back to 'breathing is fundamental' for a little bit. "Remind me, if I ever say anything about not breakin' the rules anymore, that I'm totally crazy," T'rev declares to the ceiling, then drops his chin down, favoring Jaeyi with a happy-hazy smile.

There's another hug around his waist afterward, a very cuddly Jaeyi nodding in response to his haziness. "I will. Or maybe I'll just be sure and remind you why." Tidily scooting those pants right back up over his hips, leaning back to tie them up all neat and only then get to her feet, staying cozily close to him the whole time. "Now take me dancing, you sex fiend, before I go and find some pretty boy to take your place."

"I -- am so down with that," T'rev claims with a wide grin, hand skimming along her back then retreating as she rises, but never far. "As you wish," is the answer about the dancing, his hand folding around hers to lead the way back inside to merriment and huggy waystation people and a mostly proper-looking dance.

*jaeyi-sr app, jaeyi, t'rev

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