Kissing and making up. Without the kissing. :(

May 10, 2009 17:25

RL Date: 5/10/09
IC Date: 9/14/19 --Clean log courtesy of Kwei.

Commons Cavern, Fort Weyr
While not nearly as large as the living cavern, the commons do serve something of a similar purpose as a gathering point for residents. There are a few scattered tables and chairs, with a section of counter carved from the native granite for general use. The typically cool floors are covered with a handful of rugs, while tapestries serve to blunt the chill emanating from the walls. Lighting is provided through glow baskets for the most part, although some individuals might bring in a lantern if they think to.

It's a fair bit quieter than the living cavern and is designed more as a location for residents to meet and work on whatever work needs to be done -- mending, cleaning, and tending to children are only a small sampling of the things that can be seen going on here. It's most active later in the day, after the bulk of the work is done and people start to settle in for the night, but it's never empty of people.

It also serves as a hub for a variety of useful caverns -- the nursery is located across from the residents' dorms, with the bathing cavern situated between the two. The candidates barracks are somewhat off to the side, closest to the tunnel that leads back out to the inner caverns.

Jaeyi's asleep. Or, well, dozing really. It's not the sleep-of-the-dead, not the sleep of someone that's been here all night, but the nap of someone that's already been up for a while, worked, had a bath, and sat down for a moment to catch her breath only to nod off straightaway. In one of those ridiculously big comfy chairs, her shoes on the floor, her feet tucked up under the edge of her skirt, she'll probably wind up with one helluva crick in her neck if she stays that way for long-- but a door slams down one of the residential corridors presently and snaps her awake, blinking, saving her from that stiff-necked fate.

Kwei may not have been responsible for the slam of the door but his approach is just right on the timing if only he wasn't coming in from the other direction. Spying Jaeyi snapping awake he can't help but smile to see her, even before memories surface of their last encounter to sour his warm gaze a moment. With a deep breath he aims for walking past, (just in case) "Hi Jaeyi." He greets her amiably enough, a touch of worry escaping at the start and it's really just her name that comes through nice and clear.

The person that is responsible gets chased with a look while she scurries down the corridor, across the commons, and out into the caverns, her head ducked in quick apology. When the offender crosses behind Kwei, that's when Jaeyi settles sleep-hazy eyes on him in particular. It's not a singing, cheery, delighted little greeting that finds him, no, but she's not downright ignoring him; "Morning." No my-little-harper, but she adds, "Frog in your throat?" While she untucks herself some from the chair, straightens out her knees with the cringe of a person whose sat too long in this position. Owie.

Kwei gives her a warmer smile as his eyes duck away. "Wasn't expecting to be saying anything." He murmurs as he continues walking closer. "Been sleeping okay?" He asks, trying to make conversation and make it sound as natural as possible, not quite managing it.

Dubious; "A Harper that doesn't have something to say?" Finding her legs still work well enough, Jaeyi stretches them only a few moments before she's content to tuck them back in to the chair with her, only bending her knees to the left instead of the right this time. "Burning the candle at both ends," she answers for her currently ragged state, shrugs like she's helpless to combat the situation. She doesn't seem to have the same ducking-eyes issue that Kwei does, rather looks at him directly-- quite directly, in fact, none of the slanted, lash-batted looks of the past.

Kwei bobs his head with a sigh and stops himself walking, turning to face her and. "Mind if I join you for a bit?" He asks her quite simply, his gaze coming back up to meet hers full on, actually looking, the non batting lashes probably helping with that.

Jaeyi looks around a moment as it to make a point about her location, this being the common cavern. Where people pretty much join-or-don't as they see fit rather than at her specific bidding. "No?" she guesses after a second or two of that, looking back to Kwei with an amused twitch of her eyebrows. "Though, I should warn you, it's not the most exciting of mornings." Hence the dozing and all.

Kwei continues to watch, he looks a touch nervous still. "Excitement I think I've had enough of for a the next sevenday or so." He admits as he takes the last few steps to pull a chair over to sit in front of her. "Just want to make sure you're still talking to me after the other day." He says quietly. "I do still want to be friends and do the kind of things that friends do."

"Also burning the candle at both ends?" Though, with Kwei right there in front of her, Jaeyi doesn't seem to be able to fit that into whatever mental image she still carries of the Harper. Then he goes on about still-talking and being-friends and she settles back in the corner of her chair, leans into its confines to let him finish those remarks with only a purse of her lips to indicate distaste with the subject. "I think we've established that I'm still talking to you? Since I've been, mmn, talking to you for a few minutes now?" She wants to thread that with humor, but it comes out flat.

Kwei can only bob his head with a slight wince. "I had noticed, it's a start at least." He replies, he leans back into his own chair, eyes focusing on her for a few moments in silence before he adds. "This might come out sounding really childlike." He tells her with a faint smile. "But are we still friends?"

Jaeyi looks down, at the fact that she's started twisting her fingers, and she patiently untangles them with a tepid smile at her own new hobby. "We are. I'm not--" Breath. Sigh. They sound a little alike anyway. "My feelings are really hurt," and she shoots an apologetic look over for even saying that out loud, but /friends/ are supposed to be honest and stuff, so there. "But I'm not mad at you. I just. Don't understand. But I'm not mad at you." Because repeating it makes it true!

Kwei looks with a slight show of worry in his eyes at those twisting fingers, but he's quickly looking back to her eyes again. "I know I think differently from you when it comes to relationships, and how I think they should work. But I hope we can continue to be just as good friends without that getting in the way of things." Course it will probably rear up again eventually but for now. "I'm really sorry I hurt you." He leans forward, leaning his elbows onto his thighs, hands held out in front of him. "How can I make it up to you?" He offers gallantly or stupidly depending on how she's feeling.

Knitted brows, vaguely amused catch at the corner of her mouth, and Jaeyi points out, "You can't take a big step back and still be standing in the same place." To the likelihood of just-as-good-friends. Not the nicest fact, but she sends it over with a very be-realistic expression. And on the subject of realistic, she looks down at Kwei's empty hands, at her own twisted fingers, makes a face, and answers, "You can't. Don't feel bad. I mean, I'll, like, survive and everything. Just."

Kwei winces at the words, his own fingers tapping away at each other. "I'd still like to try somehow." He tells her. "I can't go back, but at the same time, we can still go forward, find something more meaningful perhaps, who knows, take it slow and see how things work out." He hopes that it's possible anyway.

Two weeks ago, she would have just caught his hands with hers and put to rest all this business of fidgeting fingers. But the vivacious, effusive charm isn't the only thing Jaeyi's packed away; invasions of personal-space seem to fall into that category as well. She just sits, and lets a rather long spell of silence unravel over a few aborted attempts at weighing in. Finally; "I have a feeling this conversation is going to keep spinning indefinitely, between what I want and can't have and what you want and can't have. So-- did you ever finish your songs?"

Kwei sighs and straightens his back a touch, tilting his head up to look at her. "Sorry, I promise I'll stop trying to apologise eventually." He smiles wanly and shakes his head. "Not all of it, I've got Kaidas sorted, still working on the other weaving one, though I have one of my fishing ones as a back up if I need it." He explains, having never gotten round to the baking option.

"You're from the seahold though, aren't you? I imagine the fishing one ought to be easy." She kind of ignores the sorry at the beginning, which makes it a lot easier to hold a look on Kwei without trying to break her own fingers. "Although." Jaeyi's brows knit a moment, her previously bland smile twisting toward wry. "All the sailor songs at Boll seemed a little bawdy for teaching songs, come to think of it. Mmn, anyway. Kaida's is the one about knitting?"

Kwei nods his head. "I won't be singing any bawdy sailor songs, the other part of the fisherlife is the women who work the catches, gutting and boning the fish, mending the nets and the like. All tedious repetitive work, songs help them to keep the rhythm of what they're working on." He explains, opening up more as he comes into more comfortable territory. "Kadia's song is indeed about knitting, I watched her knitting and made a drum beat that matches the click clack of her needles, added the names of the things, that she does together into a little song."

"Fish guts. How..." Nothing eloquent comes to mind, so Jaeyi leaves the thought unfinished with a wrinkle of her nose. While he's found a more comfortable stride, she's only gotten so far as to stop watching the various and sundry creative ways she can think to knot up her fingers on her lap. "Has she heard it yet? Your drum song. I'd be interested to know her reaction to it. She seems to be a very--" Delicate. Delicate. "--pragmatic person. Like, she seems to like music and all, but about knitting?"

Kwei smiles at that. "It's a fascinating topic really." He replies dryly. He's sitting in a chair facing Jaeyi who is curled up on her own chair. He's leaning forward with his fingers tapping against each while he talks. "She seemed to like it when I went through it with her, though she did lose her place because she lost herself in the song rather than paying attention to her work." He shrugs his shoulders straightening up, hands dropping to his thighs. "I think that makes it good almost." Oh and it's a little before lunchtime.

Jaeyi, over a very mild chuckle, "Sort of a rough thing to do to a Weaver, isn't it? With all the counting they have to do." She untangles her fingers for a moment, which is probably better for them than being knotted, and pantomimes a poor imitation of knitting needles-- making it immediately clear that she's never actually knitted a day in her life. "It all sounds like women's work, though. Knitting and fish-gutting--" Still ew. "Haven't gone and followed any, I don't know, Smiths or Herders or something?"

Levania is heading out of the nursery, idly pulling her hair out of it's braid as she walks quietly. A faint yawn before she notices the pair in the commons and both brows lift curiously. She moves over towards the pair, offering a cheerful smile. "Hey you two." She greets, waving a hand at Jaeyi in greeting as well before she moves over to stand beside Kwei's chair quietly so not to interrupt the conversation completely.

Kwei grins over at her, "It is all women's work." He says, hands waving out to the sides expressively. "She said she liked it?" He offers it up hopefully, not his fault she likes the music so much that she stopped paying attention. "Smiths are all just bang bang bang. Herders," He stops and blushes slightly, it's all about breeding isn't it? "I suppose there is a rather primal rhythm to what they do, but I don't think I should present that to the weyrwoman any more than I should any of the sailor songs I know." He shakes his head, about the time that Levania makes her appearance and with her beside his chair she's likely to miss the apologetic wince that goes Jaeyi's way. "Hi Vani, finished with the kids for the day or just escaping for lunch?" He checks, tilting his head up to glance at her.

In answer to the apologetic wince, there's a little head-shake, don't-worry, that ends with a glance down at the shoes that have been in front of Jaeyi's chair this whole time. Easily, with a fair bit more sunshine-and-daisies than she summoned for Kwei, she offers a cheery, "Morning, darling," toward Levania. "You've caught us in the middle of a riveting conversation about which crafts lend themselves to teaching songs rather than bawdy ones. We haven't touched on Baking yet, but I've a feeling all that cream-filling isn't quite what your Harper's after for his project, hmn?" So saying, she scoots around in her chair, unfolds her legs, and manages to catch one of those shoes on the end of her toe. Yay for her~!

Levania smiles, "goin' for lunch. Saw you two an' decided t'say hi. Good t'see you've made up." There's a smile before she nods at Jaeyi. "Mornin'. I see.. Teachin' songs're good things." She notes then lifts her brows again. "Told him could get bakin' in somewhere, 'm sure he'll figure it out eventually. 'm not good with songs or anythin'... But, I hope you two can figure somethin' out, yea?"

Kwei takes a deep breath, how uncomfortable is he feeling right now with the pair of them in such close proximity and chatting nicely to each other, his mind is probably trying to find all the claws and daggers in their words. "I think having your mouth full of cream filling would make it a touch hard to sing, or play for that matter, sticky fingers and instruments wouldn't work so well." He offers up faintly as he watches Jaeyi's leg appear and snag a shoe. "We'll see how it goes once I can borrow or copy a recipe." He flicks his gaze back up to catch Jaeyi's eyes. "If you are still up for me intruding on part of your day for a lesson in baking?"

Busy putting her shoe on properly, Jaeyi avoids addressing the issue of having made-up with this new preoccupation, which leads right in to catching the other shoe and doing the same thing again. "Actually, since you've gone and mentioned recipes." Second shoe; having had a bath and a nap, she's looking quite presentable, though she takes a moment to do a quick finger-comb with a glance toward Levania, does she look presentable? "I'm supposed to be going to Harper Hall and getting a cookbook repaired. So perhaps some time when the recipes are all back in one piece?" It's the three of them, Jaeyi in a big-comfy-chair, Kwei in a more mobile chair facing hers, Levania standing beside the Harper, all just about lunchtime, so there should be a lovely slice of awkward for the afternoon meal.

Into that awkward mix comes T'rev, whistling cheerily as he's wont to do and dressed on the nicer side. Looking for someone for lunch maybe? That whistle though tapers off on a long slide as he spots that configuration of people and his brown eyes flick from person to person. "Hey Vani," he says gamely though. "Kwei." And brazen as you please: "My favorite baker. Just lookin' for you, Jae. Want to grab a bite before we head down to Harper?"

Levania glances between the two quietly, arms folding across her chest as she watches. Jaeyi gets a look, but it's more curious than a frown or anything. She's just quiet as they talk about recipes, bottom lip going in her mouth as she chews on it idly. As T'rev arrives she offers a smile, "hey T'rev." A shift and she sends a smile towards Kwei. "'m thinkin' 'm goin' t'head for lunch soon.."

Oh great just what Kwei needs, the big brother of one and probable lover of the other and they're all talking about going for lunch. "Hi T'rev." He murmurs amiably enough to the rider, his attention flickering between Vani and Jaeyi. "Let me know when you're available then." He tells Jaeyi and you can watch me bake something up, or burn it more likely." The young Harper is all but cringing, panicking and fleeing as it just gets better and better for him.

Ah, there they are. The bedroom eyes, the ones that look up so prettily through all those unfair lashes to watch the bronzerider's approach. "Favorite baker, even. And that's a silly question, isn't it? I'm always willing to have a nibble on something," notes Jaeyi, only too happy to miss whatever curious looks essay from one girl to the other. With a touch more solemnity, since it is about work, she assures poor Kwei, "I will let you know, yes. We'll try and keep it to something simple, hmn? --Lunch, then?" All four of them? Whoever's coming, she's already to her feet.

"Could be busy," T'rev says mild-voiced as he looks around the group again, though his expression is open, friendly. "Best baker in the kitchens, right?" he compliments by way of teasing and holds out a hand to Jaeyi as she gets to her feet. "And lunch it is. I've go a hankering for a nice big plate of steak today. And dessert." He does shoot a curious look at Kwei though, grinning. "Gonna learn t'cook? I burn things too. Except for y'know, fish n' snakes caught fresh over a fire."

Levania gives Kwei a look, but, she doesn't say anything else except for. "Can on m'own, don' want t'bug you." A smile and she's taking off on her own towards the living carverns.

Kwei gets to his feet and aims to try and grab Levania's hand before she gets too far away. "Thanks Jaeyi." He acknowledges her reply before nodding to T'rev with a bit of a forced laugh. "I've never cooked anything in my life before, but research has to be done." He explains. "Lunch." He repeats it again, in the hopes that it sounds cheerier the second time. "Lunch it is."

"Steak," has Jaeyi rolling her eyes in thin tolerance for the masculine mindset about food, even while she catches his fingers, mouths a silent 'thank you' on her way toward the caverns, not in such a by-herself hurry as Levania ahead of them. "It's really not so hard, Kwei. Mostly just-- follow the instructions and try not to get distracted while things are in the oven. And I'll translate the especially difficult words for you," she promises lightly.

Kwei senses, Jaeyi kind of tosses in an apologetic look in there somewhere, like-- yes, it's all sunshine-and-light right now, but she's not oblivious to the reason for the Harper's lack of cheer.

"Good stuff for a big appetite," T'rev says with a pat to his stomach as his hand closes around Jaeyi's and he winks at her. Maybe, just maybe what she says makes his head duck, with a suppressed laugh though she might catch he wicked grin on his face. "See you Kwei, Vani." He doesn't hurry either, lets Vani get ahead of them and it's not the living cavern he heads for when they hit the branch in the corridor.

Kwei misses Vani's hand as she heads off quickly, an under his breath curse might be heard by the others if they're paying him any heed. "I'll certainly do my best to follow your direction, though I'm not going to promise anything edible at the end of it." He waves a good bye to the others and pauses somewhere along the way to let them wander off before he turns and heads in the other direction, probably for lunch on his own or a walk somewhere else away from everyone.

Jaeyi senses, Kwei's smile is ultimately a sad one, her look brightens him a touch, but it's apologetic in nature rather than anything else.

Jaeyi watches after the Harper for a moment with a twinge of apology coloring her expression, a little furrow in her forehead above the brows that draw together. But it's a fleeting thing, a little sigh to chase off the thought before she reaches with her unclasped hand to repeat the same gesture of patting T'rev's belly. "I suppose I'll only have myself to blame when you get chubby. Though I think there may be a lynchmob of angry girls after me if you let yourself go." And, because she hardly expected to be going to the living cavern anyway, she doesn't question where this diversion's leading.

T'rev chuckles for the belly pat, grinning over at Jaeyi. "Don't worry, so long as I'm runnin' drills as often as I am /and/ keepin' up with you, ain't no real cause for worry," the wingleader claims jovially. That diversion isn't just 'not the living cavern' it's right on out to the bowl already. What /does/ T'rev have in mind?

Chances are the Harper doesn't want to know and is thankfully off and away already.

*jaeyi-apprentice, kwei, levania, jaeyi, t'rev

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