New best friend~!

May 09, 2009 17:10

RL Date: 5/9/09
IC Date: 9/11/19

Crafters' Workrooms, Fort Weyr(#548RJs$)
Nestled a bit out of the way to ensure relative peace and quiet are the crafters' workrooms, a series of volcanic bubbles designated for various crafts. Each bubble is outfitted with worktables and chairs, with cabinets and shelving available to store any supplies, works-in-progress, or completed goods. The rooms are very well-lit, though lanterns and glow baskets can be moved if need be.

There are a few small niches set aside with cots for those workaholics who are loathe to leave their work, curtained off for a bit of privacy. That aside, it's generally a busy place, though not as bustling as other areas of the Weyr may be; there's a constant sense of things being done, even if it's not quite as loud as one might generally expect.

She could sit in a chair like a normal person. She could. But Jaeyi is instead sitting on the edge of one of the tables, one in the cubby usually reserved for those bookish nerdy harper types, sorting through a few supplies that look more like they're meant for book-making than anything useful for a baker. There's a little activity in here this time of day aside from her, a few people checking on projects or working on projects, but everyone's in their own-little-world so there's no one around to gawk at her specifically, which means she's actually getting things done in her own disheveled way.

Being in one's own-little-world gets tiring after a while. Especially when it's a world that consists of catering to other people's vanities and delusions. Of course you look gorgeous in crimson... gorgeous as a corpse. That jacket is the perfect fit... if you like the sausage look. And so on, ad nauseum. At least being related to two of those bookish nerdy harper types gives Kaida enough of an excuse to wander across the work area and go visiting from time to time. Which is what brings the weaver wandering at this point in time, surprise lifting her brows as she finds a baker instead. "Jaeyi. What brings you here?" Curious.

"Mmmmn, an overwhelming desire to mess up someone else's work station for a while?" Out of the crate, a stack of fresh-new-hides gets sort of tossed carelessly on to the table, splaying out with a few spilling over the side and landing on the floor not so far from Kaida's newly arrived feet. Jaeyi waits till everything comes to a halt before she lifts a happy-with-herself smile to greet the Weaver, to indicate all the available seating around with a few little nods. Avail herself? Then, honest; "I'm trying to save myself from destitution. Are you working?" She peers off toward... well, no, she doesn't actually know where the Weaver might wind up working, so she winds up peering back at Kaida rather promptly.

"I think you just succeeded in fulfilling your desire," Kaida replies dryly even as she watches those scattering, slipping, falling hides. No startled effort to attempt to catch, simply a patient tilt of her head before bending to gather those few off the floor. Long fingers shuffle them neatly into a thin stack that is then settled back on the table top. "Hiding." Succinct answer given as she leans a hip against the table's edge, preferring to stand. "How is rummaging through the harpers' fresh hides going to save you from destitution?"

Jaeyi swings her feet with a little more verve despite the dry edge to Kaida's remarks; she's proud of herself, yes. The fact that someone else is cleaning up after her is just icing on the self-absorbed little cake. "From?" In response to that succinct answer, time for her own curious blink, this one chasing phantoms around the room like she expects to see whatever's chasing the Weaver. "It's a long story. The short version is-- if I can bring some of my own supplies, then at least I won't have to pay for them."

Kaida tips her head back to look up at Jaeyi, her table-perch putting the baker's head above her own. Hard to guess what she might be thinking, if anything, about the younger woman's cavalier attitude towards being completely disrespectful of another's area. "Kordell. She's..." A narrow-eyed pause, a tiny hint of a curl to her upper lip. She could try to be polite but... "Fat. And lewd. And Bryanten's headache today, if I can manage it." Enough of that topic, says the quick jerk of one hand, and the small, quick shake of her head. "Something wrong with the long version?" It would waste so much more of her time. "What are you doing? Copying down recipes or something?"

There's just a slight raise of Jaeyi's chin to meet that arcane look from Kaida, a shift back of her shoulders that just dares a chide to issue. Then she drops her eyes back sideways to the crate, leans back to start rummaging again, says cheerfully, "I quite like fat people, actually. Kind of-- I guess fat people are to Bakers what perfect-size-fives are to Weavers." Although she doesn't seem to be finding anything of greater value, she does puzzle over the discovery of a little box full of sealing wax? Like she can't quite understand what Harpers do with wax. "Anyway, the long version will probably earn me another one of those /looks/ you just gave me, so let's skip it in favor of... What I'm doing is looking for some supplies. I have to go to Harper Hall and get a book repaired, so I'm going to bring the hides and I'd hoped, like, some stuff for binding?" But there's nothing useful in the crate, so she pushes it away and sighs, hands folding dejectedly in her lap.

Another shake of her head is given, Kaida's lips thinning slightly in annoyance. Not at Jaeyi, but rather at herself, and thoughtless words. How to clarify? "It's not her size, it's the way she uses it." A cautious quirk of one eyebrow; did that make sense? "What look?" There was no look! Well, yes there was. "You are making a -mess.- Are you this careless in the kitchen?" One might wonder how she manages to survive rooming with a certain messy vintner. Unable to stand it any longer, she starts briskly interfering with that happily-created sprawl of hides, plucking and straightening and stacking. "Well, you're not going to find any binding material in what looks like correspondence supplies," is stated as she casts a curious glance towards that little box while it's still in Jaeyi's hands.

Whether or not it makes sense, Jaeyi sticks with her assessment: she likes fat people~! It's the what-look question that changes her expression, brightens it right back up to tell Kaida, "I don't think I can do it, personally, but I'd rather not be on the receiving end of it again." With one foot indicating the direction, with a lean forward to peer over the horizon of her own knees, she points out helpfully, "You missed one. Where would I find a box with something useful in it?" It's the could-sell-a-bridge smile she keeps in place all the while.

Kaida slants a sideways and somewhat suspicious glance up at Jaeyi's brightness. How in the blazes does the baker maintain that level of perky without becoming exhausted? "Mmhmm. Would you rather I went all slack-jawed and goggle-eyed like one of the boys?" The helpful point prompts her, not to immediately chase after the errant hide, but rather to place both hands on her hips and look more directly into those brown eyes. "Sweetheart, that look won't work on me. Just... stay put and don't destroy anything. Else." Over her shoulder as she starts to step around the table and deeper into the little cubbyhole, "Just how badly damaged is this book of yours, anyway?"

Sugar. Loads and loads and loads of sugar. And sex. Enough of the two, and anyone can be a bundle of sunshine and light. Hands-on-hips, right in the eyes, that's not the reaction Jaeyi was going for; while Kaida goes off to do something useful, she sits and pouts a little. Only a little, because, ultimately, it's still someone doing something for her, so it's not a total wash. "It's not, like, destroyed? I just burnt the back cover and some pages and howcome you know your way around a /Harper/ cubby?" Where /Harper/ is synonymous with /dork/.

"How did you manage to -burn- a -book-?" comes Kaida's incredulous voice from the back of the cubby. There's some potentially gratifying sounds of rummaging, things being moved around, opened, rearranged. Disappointingly, it's not theft that the weaver is engaged in on Jaeyi's behalf. She just knows where the worn, scraggly and not-even-worth-an-eighth-Mark scraps of hide are located. "You say that like it's a bad thing. I've made friends, is all." Gasp. Shock. She emerges from the back of the cubby with a small bit of hide in one hand, and the other up one volumnous sleeve. A bit of a rummage, and finally a tiny ink bottle is withdrawn. "There a pen in that crate you raided?"

"I toooold you." Jaeyi sighs impatiently, forced to turn more at the waist so she can still keep an eye on what Kaida's doing. "It's a long story. And that?" She looks at those hides, looks at the Weaver, and her expression remains distinctly pouty and troubled when she doesn't see the answer to all her prayers right there in Kaida's hands. "I don't know. I wasn't looking for a pen, was I?" But, since it won't do her any good to sulk without someone around to appreciate it, she drags the crate back over to fish around among wax-and-hides and stuff. "Friends whose idea of a good time is... showing you where to find crap in the workrooms? You should get out more."

"I'm just going to pester you until you tell me, you realise. So you can lay off the amazingly accurate impersonation of an exasperated 10-Turn-old." Kaida is actually -grinning.- At Jaeyi. Fancy that. Setting scrap and ink bottle down on the table, she resumes her hip-lean of earlier, pale gaze settling on the pen-hunt. "Friends who don't mind my listening in when they're practicing, good for a laugh and a story, and an impromptu dance now and again. Don't be so quick to judge, or dismiss." The quiet bookish workaholic types are sometimes the most fun once they let their hair down, so to speak.

Jaeyi nods right away, and actually looks more excited about the prospect than disappointed. "Pester away. I much prefer the grinning to the, er, that earlier look-thing," she offers cheerily, and at least takes the suggestion to stop acting like a disappointed child. "Pen!" she adds with sudden glee, holding it up out of the box and over toward Kaida with a rush of triumph. She accomplished something~! But she doesn't let it go just yet, instead withdraws her arm quickly afterward to blink blink blink at the list of things Kaida's, er, friends get up to. "I have a feeling you mean all that to be, like, a good sell on your friends buuuuuut..." Judged, dismissed, next.

Kaida blinks, a low, throaty chuckle emerging. Not that she can manage any other kind, except maybe a wheeze, but Jaeyi isn't -that- funny. A reach for the pen is aborted, amusement turning to her own version of exasperation. "Do you want my help, or not?" Hand still outstretched, palm up. Fingers wiggled. Give. "Alright then, so why don't you enlighten me, oh luscious social lamb that you are. What sort of activities constitute good friend-making material in your view?"

Pen... maybe... oh, fine, she gives it over with a tap-tap of the blunt end on the ends of Kaida's fingers. But at least getting her hand back means Jaeyi can go back to leaning on it, swinging her feet, and watching attentively while her new-best-friend accomplishes stuff for her. "If I tell you that most of my girl friends pretty much just do my bidding, is it going to prevent you from doing my bidding?" she asks cheerfully, only after an appropriate raise of her shoulder up toward her chin in a 'luscious' posture. If the shoe fits.

Fingers twitch at the first tap, hold still for the second, finally curl around the pen when Jaeyi decides to stop being coy. Kaida unstoppers that tiny vial of ink, dips the pen nib inside, lets it drip out some excess. Leaning her elbow on the table, poised to start writing, but not actually doing so. "I look forward to the day you grow up." But she's not going to hold her breath until it happens. A wry twist of her lips for the shoulder-lift, and then finally, pen touches hide and she begins to write in her tiny, careful script. "But no. Because you'll owe me after this."

Twitching her nose, Jaeyi counters, "No, you don't. You won't feel neeearrly as mature if I'm not here to make you look good." Nosily, she leans and leans and leans in the hopes she'll catch a glimpse of what that tidy writing is supposed to say, commenting with absent envy, "Your writing is like so-way-better than mine." If Kaida was a seventeen-year-old boy, the sigh that follows-- specifically the impact on the Baker's anatomy-- would be payment enough. But she's not, so; "I'll think of some way to repay you, I'm sure. But, uhmn, for what? Exactly?"

Kaida 'hehs' low in her throat, amusement warring with irritation. Jaeyi doesn't make her look good. Jaeyi makes her look like a prude. Not an accurate character assessment, at all. She doesn't try to hide the note from that nosy lean; assuming the baker behaves herself she'll be able to read it properly soon enough. 'Iryan, Jae here needs a book repaired. Can you-' "Stop that. It's distracting." Just not as distracting as if she had testosterone raging through her system. A glance higher than that anatomy, another direct eye-to-eye. "For sparing you the disapproving Journeyman and Marks-happy supply clerk, and getting you in touch with my sister. She's due back at the Hall in two days, if you can wait that long." Grey eyes drop once more, pen beginning to move again.

Hey hey hey, Kaida makes herself look like a prude all on her own! Jaeyi just... brings out the best in people? "Ooohhhh, your Harper's a sister. See, that starts to explain some things." She doesn't qualify which things, just smiles right in to the Weaver's eyes like there's not some insult buried in there somewhere. Give it a second, she'll realize-- "Really? Wait-- really? Thank you! Thank you thank you thank you, I thought I was going to be broke for the rest of my natural life!" She doesn't try to fold Kaida up into a hug right away, since she's like still writing, but she hops off the table and bounces on her toes eagerly while the note's finished, and the attempt'll be there at a more appropriate time. Which is not as jiggly-eye-catching a way to say thanks, but maybe more appropriate?

'-introduce her to an apprentice who needs the practice? The girl's a bit short on marks. I'll try to visit soon. Love, K.' Whether entirely accurate or not, Kaida doesn't really care. "Mother too, but I doubt you want to trot all the way to Igen for a new book cover." And her mother -would- make Jaeyi pay for it. With a scolding lecture, as well as marks. She plucks up the note, holding it very securely as she waves it slightly to speed the ink-drying process. "Oof!" Okay, even with that bouncy warning, the hug wasn't entirely expected. Her laughter is back, however, so that's something? And she'll even snake an arm around the baker's waist to return the hug. "Just remember that you owe me a favour in return. You should like Iryan; you've got an interest or two in common." She'll let her figure out what interests those might be on her own. "She's around your age, too."

"Sorry. Sorry sorry, but you have no idea--" How depressed Jaeyi was that she was going to have to pay for her own mistakes? Somewhere, someone is probably weeping quietly that this is all taking place fully-dressed, and then weeping a little more loudly when she takes a part step back to nod and nod at pretend she's paying the least bit attention about Kaida's sister. "And I'll, like, totally talk you up and tell her that you're just the greatest thing since, uhmn, sliced bread." Which metaphor makes her squint doubtfully for a second before she's back to bouncing on her toes, all set to accept the note and go save her ass. "Thank you, though. Really."

Kaida's amusement is fully evident, now. "If you do that, she'll know you're a liar and likely refuse to pay my note any mind." The note that's teasingly waved back above her shoulder. Wiggle wiggle. But she finally relents and hands it over. "Just don't go burning any more books, okay?" Turning away already, as if fully expecting Jaeyi to completely lose interest her now that her 'usefulness' has come to an end.

Okay, yes. She has kind of reached the end of her immediate usefulness, but-- once she has the note-- Jaeyi pauses to point out, "I will so totally make this up to you." Then she goes tearing ass outta there, 'cause there's also the matter of convincing someone to take her to Harper Hall.

*jaeyi-apprentice, kaida, jaeyi

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