Oct 29, 2009 22:59
It was bad. Startlingly, cringe-inducingly, nails-on-chalkboard bad.
I don't even know where to begin. There was no depth, there was no subtlety. All was obvious, stripped of mystery by comic-book animation and banal exposition. The ending was pointless and unsatisfying. The main character was the most angsty, emo, annoying protagonist since Bella Swan, and her singing voice was about on the level of Hillary Duff's. By which I mean she sounded like a Disney starlet, only petulant and raven-haired.
The song-writing was beyond horrible. No really, I mean it. They didn't even bother to actually write songs - it's as if they wrote dialogue and just had the characters set the words to random notes. And the blood and guts? Didn't even squick me out at all.
This movie was so bad that Paris Hilton's presence was actually a major redeeming factor.
Sarah Brightman was in it too, and she sang an aria in Italian, for no reason except to showcase her soprano-osity. Which was pretty stupid, though as an actress, she really shone. Hers was the only character I cared about.
And Anthony Stewart Head? Why the hell was he even in this film. I love him, and I totally get why he was attracted to this movie idea - it's twisted, it's bloody, it's goth, there's singing. Nevertheless, taste FAIL.
Oh - oh god, and the legions of half-naked, writhing, blood-soaked babes. Double-yoo Tee Eff.
I couldn't figure out why the actors in this movie weren't all giggling in embarrassment at every painful line.