Her lips blood red, her hair like night, her skin like snow...

Mar 12, 2012 01:22

So I've been reading/watching a lot of fairy tale incorporating stories lately. The princess of choice for Tv and movies is Snow White. Two new movies coming out and the awesome series Once Upon a Time focus on her, though OUaT does bring in many other fairytale characters, which I love. I also can't wait to see Snow White and the Huntsman because there are a couple of my favorite actors in there.
In the book department, The Sisters Grimm series, which focuses on the descendents of the brothers Grimm, greatly resembles OUaT with its town full of fairytale and magical creatures. I have wondered if these books inspired that Tv show but they are very different storylines; both very good. This series also has a prominent Snow White figure, but most of the other books I've read have been about the Cinderella story.
There was a really great futuristic one called Cinder about a cyborg girl. There was a great twist near the end of that story that kept me guessing, but I probably spoiler it now. It's still a great read. I love the fact that she's not a perfect girl who gets picked on because other people are jealous, but instead is this broken girl who just wants to be self sufficient and keep to herself. It was a great adaptation.
Another awesome book was Bewitching by Alex Flinn. It tells the story of Kendra, the witch from her other book Beastly. I love that she also makes references to that story in this one. This story is not just about Kendra, though; it's about a girl who becomes the ugly step-sister to a gorgeous girl who gets whatever she wants. As I read it I tried desperately to believe that good looking girl was better than that but I could sense things were wrong. Then there was the jerky boy the main girl was dating. I couldn't believe how easily he believed the lies. This is one of those stories where inner beauty wins out in the end. I love those kinds too. XD I can't wait for another book about Kendra and her quest to help people. A lot of fairy tales were brought into this as well. The one about the princess and the pea was especially hilarious. ^_^

That's all for now folks. TTFN. <3

books, tv blathering

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