Strange Days

Aug 04, 2005 11:11

Gosh, these past few days have been kinda wierd.  Been manning the house myself, since my parents went to NY to visit colleges with my sis.  Anyway, I've been working a lot.  Tuesday, my boss's milktruck broke down on Roseland Rd. (a.k.a. MiddleofNowhere, TheWoods, PA) during his milkroute.  I didn't realize actual households still got their milk delivered by a milkman (I always assumed he delivered to businesses. . .).  Anyway, I was the one that picked up the phone and was given directions to drive one of his vans out to this place in search of him, so I could pick him up and deliver him safely back to Noel's from which point he could devise other plans for finishing up said route.  About 15 minutes down the road, the van I'm driving starts making a strange noise.  Yes, shit!  I'm just praying let me get there.  Which I do, but as we start back through to Noel's, I mention noise to my boss.  So he starts driving, telling me he thought the transmission might have been slipping yesterday.  And the van is possibly low on transmission fluid.  Meanwhile, he's telling me that it's shit like this that makes him drink. . .which he does, as we are driving back to Noel's.  We stop at Uncle Phil's General Store (it is a real place, no joke) and give the van a rest, while I call the only other person working to tell her if we don't get back in 15 minutes, to shut down for a bit and take my car (because she was dropped off) to drive towards Uncle Phil's and look for us.  Of course, she is handling a whole bunch of customers by herself at that very moment.  So it was fortuitous that the van managed to get back to Noel's.  Maybe I'm crazy, but something tells me things like this don't happen at most other places of employment.

In other news, yes I did buy the new Weezer record.  And I was prepared for it to not be that brilliant.  But out of two opposing forces, the desire to build the collection I began in middle school won.  However, it was helped along greatly by the fact that I bought it off of Luke Leiden's little brother Chris (who said it sucked) for quite a bit less than store-price, so. . .justification.  It's not a bad listen though.

And now I've rambled for way too long, and it's time to assemble myself for another day of working at that fine establishment that is Noel's Family Drive-In, or as it happens to be today, Noel's Down by the Beach. 

weezer, work

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