SG-1 Recs! Featured Writer: JaneDavitt

Oct 18, 2006 19:53

I am well and truly pissed off at the world, so what better time to do some recs? Yeah, that's what I thought. Anyway, this post evolved into an author theme so I ran with it.

What I Love About janedavitt's Fics: *DROOL* Okay, besides that, what I love about Jane's stuff is the stories that have just that little twist, the something that takes it from good to *O.o* and lingers in your brain. She seems to capture it best when her ficlets take on a darker edge, something just a little off, and maybe it's no coincidence that it's the same kind of thing I see in SG-1 these days: a brittle edge, a shadow in the depths.

I also have a previous rec for Die For Me Why Don't You - possibly the first time Jane broke me and I swear to god I didn't have this kind of dark kink before. But, damn, when she writes them just so I can't help myself. ( Original rec linked here)

Stargate: SG-1

Pushed Into It
Author: janedavitt
Characters/Pairing: Jack/Daniel
Rating: NC-17
Length: 5200 words
Warnings/Spoilers: Set roughly S4.
Why?: Daniel is not innocent, not even all that nice although he can be very polite... but it's easy to forget. Really. Even Jack falls for it sometimes. It's not that he doesn't enjoy falling for it when all is said and done, but the homicidal tendencies are touch and go there for a while. This one has a distinctly funny light to it that I don't associate with my favorites of Jane's stories (so far), but it works here, particularly at the end because of what's unsaid. But Daniel! Oh, yeah. This is Daniel.Daniel was silent for three steps. "I can be pushy."

"Yes, you can."

"A lot of people don't get that about me."

"Huh. No kidding? They actually miss the bone-deep stubbornness, the way you argue until the other guy drops dead of old age, the fact that you're a total fucking spoiled brat at times? What, are they blind?"

"They think I'm shy."
*cough choke DIE*

Ritually Speaking
Author: janedavitt
Characters/Pairing: Jack/Daniel
Rating: Technically maybe a hard R, but dear god...!
Length: 500 words
Why?: The premise is that Jack, being the leader, needs some kind of piercing to earn the trust/prove himself on some random planet. I'm sure there was a damn good reason. Point is, this is the scene in the locker room when they get back, when it's just Jack and Daniel. And Daniel? Oh, he knows. It's only 500 words - I can't say more without spoiling it! But-! *flails* This has the darker edge, just a wee bit of one, like Die For Me Why Don't You and it's good. As in "I'm calling it good because I don't have the words to express the level of good without abusing italics more than I already do" kind of good*."Look, it's against regs, okay? I let them do it so we could get the fucking trinium deal because you said it was a deal breaker --"

Author: janedavitt (duh. you are perhaps sensing a trend this time, yes?)
Characters/Pairing: Jack/Daniel (see above)
Rating: NC-17 (ditto)
Length: 489 words
Why?: Jane just seems to excel at 'aftermath' scenes - something has already happened and this is the fallout. And what a lovely, exciting, ohmygodIcan'tbreathe kind of fallout it is. Jack asked Daniel to get something. Daniel discovered something Jack didn't intend for him to see in the process.Left wasn't a constant. It depended on which way you were facing.
I'm going to nail that down as the definitive 'Jane Moment', in which a good fic is spun off into a great one. Jack's realization is the flourish, a simple thing, completely innocuous in the scope of the thing, but something that would completely change the tone of the fic with it's absence.

Still and Silent
Author: janedavitt (I pick a format and I stick with it obsessively until I change my mind, okay?)
Characters/Pairing: Jack/Daniel (And speaking of obsessions...)
Rating: NC-17 (*cough*)
Length: 6794 words
Warnings/Spoilers: Set post-Fallen
Why?: Actually, that's a good question here. At first blush it's too angry for me, the angst just a hair too sharp, too bitter. But ultimately the direction it takes makes it a keeper for me. It's harder to pinpoint a moment here, but it's a longer fic, too, so that's part of it. I'm going to have to go with something that strikes me as quintessentially Jack.Jack's hand slid around the back of Daniel's neck, a grip that made Daniel feel like a kitten held by its mother, weak, helpless, and safe. It had always aroused him more than it should do. The first time Jack had done it, a swift, careless squeeze before walking on, he'd been left breathless, gasping, hard, thanking every god who'd ever been worshiped that Sam and Teal'c had left the room and Jack hadn't looked back. Now it turned his legs pliant, ready to kneel.
Right there with ya', Daniel. Set post Fallen, Daniel is chasing some elusive memories that he's got enough of to confuse the hell out him, but not the final pieces to help him understand. Jack's not so keen on the understanding part.

Author: janedavitt
Characters/Pairing: ...Do I really need to spell this out?
Rating: NC-17 (It's coincidence. Really)
Length: 1424 words
Warnings/Spoilers: None. Just not work safe. So not work safe. So, so, so not work safe.
Why?: One of Jane's newest stories and wow is it good. Set pre-Absolute Power, this is a Jack who has Daniel. Not here though. Not in his fantasies - in his fantasies, Daniel has Jack.Daniel beckoning an already naked Jack over with an imperious flick of his fingers. Sometimes Jack crawls.
The format here is good (and see above * for the kind of good I'm referring to here) and I'd love to see something similar from Daniel's perspective 'cause we all got a tease of Daniel's fantasies in glorious Technicolor, did we not?

janedavitt's webpage: Jane's Stories. She's got quite a list, so go rummage. I also just saw her Jack/Daniel vid that I swear to god is good despite the fact it's set to Kim Possible's song Say The Word and OMG I can't type that with a straight face! *smacks self* and I'm off to check out a couple of others!

For my reference - and oh hey! yours too if you'd like - I've started a master list of my recs since June 2006.

stargate.sg1, favorite.fic.writers, recs

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