A Fic(+) Playlist for the Holiday, Day 4

Nov 28, 2014 13:24

Previously On...
A Fic(+) Playlist for the Holiday, Day 1
A Fic(+) Playlist for the Holiday, Day 2
A Fic(+) Playlist for the Holiday, Day 3

Today's fandoms include: Sherlock BBC, Avengers, The Cutting Edge, Lilo & Stitch, DCU, X-Men, Teen Wolf, Welcome to Night Vale, and Pacific Rim; Fic, Fannish Pimping, and Poetry/Filk

Absnc Mks <3 Grw Fndr by brighteyed-jill [Sherlock BBC, Holmes/Watson, PG-13, 732 words]
Summary: Don’t bother rushing through security. Flight will be delayed at least twenty minutes. -SH
Rec Notes: John's sweet and funny texting w/ Sherlock while he's on holiday.

Party of Six by
Niobium [Avengers, Tony/Pepper mentioned, PG-13, 4.262 words]
Summary: Saving the world (or various parts of it) is hungry work. Or, It all starts with the shawarma.
Rec Notes: Great Avengers team-building food centric gatherings from Tony's POV.

Moves in the Field by
icepixie [The Cutting Edge, Doug Dorsey/Kate Moseley, PG-13, 3.293 words]
Summary: Walter Dorsey isn't quite sure what his brother sees in Kate Moseley, but he suspects her magnificent slapshot may have something to do with it.
Rec Notes: Sweet outsider POV. :)

The Art of Trolling by
Odsbodkins [Avengers, Steve/Bucky, PG-13, 4.414 words]
Summary: Since everyone thinks they can ask all kinds of intrusive questions about Captain America, it's Bucky's duty to troll the hell out of them.
Rec Notes: A favorite! History gets a lot more interesting, especially when the rest of the team gets in on the action - there's Fury's desk, Dept X's agricultural program tie-in, and Steve punching a dinosaur. <3

Escape Velocity by
miss_pryss [Lilo & Stitch, Gen, PG, 7.265 words]
Summary: Lilo had been training for the life of a space adventurer since she met Stitch, though David once told her he’d thought she was destined for weirdness-“I mean greatness”-even before he came into their lives. “You would have found a way somehow, no matter what,” he said.
Rec Notes: In which Lilo graduates college and takes up space adventuring. I love how hard she works towards it.

The Ballad of Captain America's Disapproving Face by
Cluegirl [Avengers, Steve/Tony implied, PG, 423 words]
Summary: "If you can't tell Captain America what you're up to, you probably shouldn't be doing it" -- Copperbadge
Rec Notes: Can be read as poetry or listened to as filk! Did I mention the crappy connection? I still haven't listened to the audio version yet since I didn't see a download link (and, uh, no headphones atm) - there's a Soundcloud link in the notes - but the text version is definitely hilarious.

You're a Wonder, Wonder Woman by
ladybusiness [DCU, 3.243 words w/ still images]
Summary: Wonder Woman might be the most famous superhero that people know the least about. Before I started reading Wonder Woman comics just over a year ago, I thought I knew enough to know I wasn’t interested. I knew something about an island of women, and something about bracelets that stop bullets. She seemed to be associated with a kind of “empowerment” feminism that didn’t seem very complex. I wondered why she couldn't wear pants. Mostly, I knew her as a vintage pin-up: a face on a t-shirt, symbol of superficial girl power, mostly devoid of content or context, who perhaps had been relevant thirty years ago and but didn’t really seem so today. Oh how much I was missing!
Rec Notes: Why you should love Wonder Woman - a character outline that I found useful and very interesting.

You're Such a Lovely Temperature by
RC_McLachlan [X-Men, Charles/Erik, PG, 1.577 words]
Summary: "I'm just imagining your syllabus. Week 3: How To Flay A Man with a Spoon in 90 Minutes or Less. I'm sure the parents will have no objections."

"Flaying is an outdated practice that is fit for only the barbaric. And it takes too long. Much easier to just compress a body into a tiny metal box and bury it on the side of the highway."

"… I'm truly speechless."

"Let's mark the date; it will probably never happen again."
Rec Notes: Funny Charles/Erik X-Men AU convo fic as the two negotiate what Erik will be teaching at the school. :P

Assassin Twins Public Relations Tour by
getoffamyrunway [Avengers, Clint/Natasha, PG-13, 990 words]
Summary: The questions the media asks her teammates aren't questions Natasha wants to answer any more than she wants to discuss lipstick choices and diet fads, so she leaves it alone. Then an interviewer asks if she wears underwear under the Black Widow costume. (Clint didn't mean to intercept it, but since he did, it's his new favorite game.)
Rec Notes: In which it's Clint's turn to troll the media.

Somebody Get That Kid a Sandwich by
toffeecape [Avengers, Steve/Bucky, R, 7.433 words]
Summary: There would come a day when Sam Wilson could no longer put off a complete debriefing session with his Momma. On that day, Sam hoped to escape the conversation alive by glossing over 'following a juiced-up supersoldier on a brainwashed assassin's revenge tour' in favor of 'convincing a traumatized war hero to come in from the cold with the power of Wilson family recipes.'
Rec Notes: Sam follows Steve, who's following Bucky, and cooks a lot.

Raised by Wolves by
sophielostandfound [Teen Wolf, Stiles/Derek, PG, 723 words]
Summary: for swingsetindecember who wanted a fic w/ Stiles cooing over a baby wearing this onesie while Derek jogs shirtless :)
Rec Notes: A Stiles/Derek meet cute kidfic. The last 2 lines made me laugh especially. :P

The Wooly Soldier by
musesfool [Avengers, Steve/Bucky, PG, 1.330 words]
Summary: Steve just wants to keep Bucky warm.
Rec Notes: Silly sweet Steve/Bucky knitting fic. See the art linked in the header!

Hot Chocolate is for Heroes by
aglassfullofhappiness [Avengers, Tony/Pepper, PG, 3.598 words]
Summary: “Don’t make me regret this,” says Tony as the door opens, and Harley promptly does a running leap and tackles him to the floor.
Rec Notes: Post-IM3, Harley visits Tony at the tower and everybody's very in-character. With a podfic link in end notes.

Common Courtesy by
The_Bookkeeper [Welcome to Night Vale, Cecil/Carlos, PG-13, 1.489 words]
Summary: Cecil sneezes. Carlos fails to respond appropriately. Though, in his defense, it's not everyday you catch a glimpse beyond your boyfriend's human form.
Rec Notes:

Grace of Hand and Thigh by
nooziewoozie [Pacific Rim, Mako/Raleigh, PG, 1.060 words]
Summary: "[S]omething wild churns in him still, a dangerous edge to his moves, a wildness that has found an equal and willing match in her. She will meet him, thrust for thrust." Mako Mori/Raleigh Becket, post-movie.
Rec Notes: Great, short Pacific Rim coda fic - Mako and Raleigh spar again.

Like Calls to Like by
Ciircee [Teen Wolf, Stiles/Derek, PG, 2.306 words]
Summary: "So, I love the zoo, okay?"

"Skip to the part that explains why you're bleeding and looking for me."

In which Stiles pets things he shouldn't and Derek does the things he should.
Rec Notes: Cracky Stiles-is-a-werefox fic. There's a trampoline involved. :)

You're My Moon by
sabinelagrande [Welcome to Night Vale, Carlos/Cecil, PG, 853 words]
Summary: Cecil has some interesting astronomical questions.
Rec Notes: Very sweet ficlet in which Carlos has a small epiphany. With podfic link in the end notes!

Crossposted to Dreamwidth. Comment here or there. ♥ Blue :)

avengers, holiday.fannish.playlist, lilo.and.stitch, filk, recs, dcu, meta, the.cutting.edge, night.vale, sherlock.holmes, pacific.rim, xmen, teen.wolf

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