It turns out the laptop connects to the WiFi extender a lot better than the phones or the tablet floating around. This does mean, however, that I'm attempting to do this from the kitchen table, hoping no one walks behind me in or out the door and pays too much attention to any NSFW links (my sister-in-law is shopping, so low chance of that happening) and trying to concentrate despite the conversation and television (ahahaha). STILL, tweets coded through tonight (Friday) night, and I'm going for noon Sunday. I definitely need to plan this ahead next time; getting a mix of things in the middle of the TV on and conversation with a still slow connection is a bit tough. Friday's compilation post is ready to go and will be up shortly.
Previously On...
A Fic(+) Playlist for the Holiday, Day 1A Fic(+) Playlist for the Holiday, Day 2 Fandoms behind the cut text include: Avengers, Teen Wolf, Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries, GlamRPF, Haven, and The Fast and the Furious.
A Winter's Tail by
Otter [Teen Wolf, Stiles/Derek, PG, 3.742 words]
Summary: Monday was the actual best. Stiles had a good hour before he would be officially working, his hands were warm despite the weather because he had them wrapped around two wonderful-smelling hot coffee beverages, and he was leaning on the paddock fence, watching Derek Hale catch his horse for him. Mondays were made out of rainbows and magic, and nobody would ever convince Stiles otherwise.
Rec Notes: Lovely and clever Stiles/Derek fic "Winter's Tail" I remember fondly from last winter. :)
Hit by
basset_voyager [Avengers, Gen, PG-13, 1.021 words]
Summary: "Kate’s first bow is an Olympic recurve, sleek and black with a matching leather quiver that slings over her back."
Rec Notes: Bit more serious, but really good Kate Bishop.
After Glow (And Glow, And Glow) by
copperbadge [Avengers, Pairing: Everyone, PG-13, 743 words]
Summary: Tony is going to be a grownup about the orgy everyone just had.
Rec Notes: A sweet and sincerely unique (post-)orgy fic. With a PG-13 rating. No, really.
My Kingdom for a Six-Pack (of Dangerously Decadent Cupcakes) by
stop_the_fading [Teen Wolf, Stiles/Derek, PG, 2.174 words]
Summary: Stiles can clearly remember setting down the last of pitifully few boxes and poking his head into the kitchen to see Derek staring down at the muffin pan in his hands with a look of childish wonder.
“They’re for baking things,” he snarks. Derek doesn’t so much as bat an eyelash, and Stiles doesn’t think much of it.
Then Derek starts baking things.
Rec Notes: Fluffy food fic, if I recall correctly.
Applying My Biology Boner to Steve Rogers & the Super Soldier Serum by
caladblog and
puppysteeb [Avengers, 1.606 words]
Summary: What this shit might actually have changed.
Prank War by
leupagus [Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries, Phryne/Jack, PG, 363 words]
Summary: Jane couldn’t say, really, exactly how it started. Hugh swore up and down it was Miss Phryne’s fault, and Dot insisted just as much that it was Detective Robinson’s fault. But Jane was a practical girl - always had been, always would be - and she suspected there was blame enough to go around both sides with some left over for Dot and Hugh and Mr. Butler, too, probably.
Rec Notes: I'm sure they got the horse down just fine.
Crude Desperation by
icarus_chained [Avengers, Gen, PG-13, 1.056 words]
Summary: Tony & Natasha have a somewhat lethal encounter as they escape an enemy base.
Rec Notes: Nat & Tony escape a hostile base together. Very nice Natasha POV.
Of Reddest Stolen Cherries by
Words_instead [GlamRPF, Kris/Adam, PG-13, 25.754 words]
Summary: Kris runs an inter-dimensional cafe! Kris doesn't know he runs an inter-dimensional cafe.
Rec Notes: Longer than I've been going for, but a fave. :D
Clint Barton: Accidental Hipster by
cat_77 [Avengers, Gen, PG-13, 1.969 words]
Summary: It's not his fault. For real this time.
Rec Notes: <3
The Heart of the Matter by
kerithwyn [Haven, Audrey/Duke/Nathan, PG-13, 1.027 words]
Summary: The truth comes out.
Rec Notes: The debate over waffles vs pancakes. Fluffy food fic.
feel like i win when i lose by
Siria [Teen Wolf, Stiles/Derek, PG, 1.778 words]
Summary: "Now you're getting into the spirit!" Stiles said, looking in his other pocket for something. "Glad you're singing a new song, Chiquitita."
Rec Notes: Ghostbusting at an Abba tribute show.
Untitled by
silverfoxflower [Avengers, Steve/Bucky/Sam, R, 875 words]
Summary: "Cute," Rebecca says chewing on a stolen cookie as she watches Steve and Bucky bicker their way out of the VA. They’re the last ones left, having stayed late to help Sam put away chairs and torture him with sexual frustration, apparently. "Are they a couple?"
Rec Notes: I'm rating this R for Sam's dirty mind ...and, by the end, future plans. GET IT, SAM.
you have to go to them sometime by
kellifer_fic [Teen Wolf, Gen, PG, 4.534 words]
Summary: "Well, you're a werewolf," Stiles says.
Kevin has always had a pretty good poker face, but Stiles takes him completely by surprise, enough that there's a tell-tale pause that lasts a beat too long for the, "No I'm not," to be believed.
Rec Notes: College pack fic w/ outsider POV and a particularly good OC. I'm still very fond of Kevin.
Erro, Ergo Sum by
pagination [Avengers, Clint/Coulson, R, 9.890 words]
Summary: If there is an indisputable fact about Phil Coulson, it is that he is ordinary. When all other truths like mortality, identity, humanity, and biology are under attack, this one cornerstone of reality is the ground he will stand and die on.
Phil Coulson is ordinary, damn it, and people do not fall in love with ordinary.
Rec Notes: Sweet and funny. <3
Best Friendship in the MCU: A Summary by
haforcere [Avengers, Gen, PG]
Summary: Tony & Rhodey, Sam & Steve, Bucky & Steve, and Natasha & Clint
Dominic and Submission by
dancinbutterfly [The Fast and the Furious, Dom/Brian, R, 1.611 words]
Summary: Brian has hidden his submissive orientation most of his life out of necessity more than desire and he's been fine. Really. Until he meets Dominic Toretto then fine doesn't really fit the situation anymore. A BDSM-universe AU of The Fast and the Furious.
Rec Notes: I am not responsible if a nosy family member is reading over your shoulder.
Brevity is the Soul of Lingerie by
Odsbodkins [Avengers, Steve/Bucky, NC-17, 3.666 words]
Summary: Unrepentantly silly, fluffy porn involving lingerie, important questions about ducks, underpaid evil minions and boring meetings.
Rec Notes: Did I mention I was typing this up at the kitchen table?
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