So, Bob, as you may recall, River is allergic to fleas. Flea Allergy Dermatitis is the official name, and it comes down to her being itchy a lot because the bite of even a single flea can set it off. Considering she's a part time hunting dog and does things like running through the fields and woods, keeping 100% of the fleas off of her is a losing proposition. Nonetheless, during the flea season, Advantix II does a pretty good job along with various other flea controls around the house and including things like nightly flea inspections of their furry persons.
It's been a good year for fleas - or, rather, a bad year since there hasn't been too many at all. Unfortunately, River still managed to find some this month and, emboldened by my lousy job at applying aforementioned flea medicine at the beginning of the month, at least one has been snacking on her. I know this because of her efforts to make the itch go away.
What River's butt usually looks like.
What it looks like right now. There's a couple more bloody spots on her tail that are actually still covered in fur and another spot high inside her other leg, but that bit is the worst of it. :(
There was a long saga of trying to get her into the vet's office (the main part of which is that the phone company is apparently having issues in that area, but when you call, you get the message that the number is 'temporarily disconnected' - niiiice), but we finally managed it this afternoon. Jack went along... well, because he was actually shaking with nerves that he'd get left behind at home and I am obviously a pushover. She ended up with an antibiotic and Prednisone to control the itching, a shot of both to get things started and then pills for her to take starting tomorrow. Then, since she was due for her yearly exam as well, blood was drawn and shots given for that. Then, as Jack was there and they're on the same schedule, he also had his yearly routine - including his very first prostate exam since he turns 6 in January. (Sorry, Jack.)
They both did really well, actually, although Jack keeps getting chilled this evening and breaking out into shivers, presumably from the vaccine. As for River, the side effects of the Prednisone include drinking and peeing more, panting more, and being hungrier. Hungrier?! Damnit! She has lost a little since her last visit, at least, and weighed in at 41 pounds (\o/). I'm thinking that after I've been to the store tomorrow and picked up some sweet potatoes, I'll slice some up and put them in the dehydrator. She can munch on quite a few sweet potato snacks without a major calorie impact at all. Plus, I already know she's a fan considering I've added it to her food quite often.
(I got the idea from the
Drs. Foster & Smith catalog. Note the beagle on the label.)
At least there's no Cone of Shame involved. No, I'm not disappointed that I can't take amusing pictures of her in one, why do you ask? *innocent blink* The vet said that once the Prednisone kicks in, she shouldn't keep licking at it and it will have a chance to heal, so big yay for that. She's asleep on the couch at the moment and has already been licking/chewing considerably less since the visit. Whoo-hoo!
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