Okay, so LJ has made a change to its tagging system. Before when you had multi-word tags, LJ would allow you to create it with a space (and that's how it would appear in your tags cloud/list) but would replace the space in the URL with a plus sign. That has changed. Now it leaves it as a space - which the URL automatically translates to %20, the HTML special character code for a space. Either a space or %20 will work.
Taking as an example the first one I found on my friends page just now, we'll use a contributor tag from
The tag as displayed:
contributor: archaeologist_d
http://community.livejournal.com/merlinxarthur/tag/contributor:+archaeologist_d Now:
http://community.livejournal.com/merlinxarthur/tag/contributor:%20archaeologist_d The really funny part? Anywhere you may have linked to a specific tag? Like, say, taking an example from my handy dandy Delicious links:
Clicking on that link now will get you:
Sorry, one or more specified tags do not exist.
In order for it to work, you have to replace the plus signs with %20 like so:
Or, as
nomadicwriter says, "That quiet sound you just heard is people who maintain extensive recs lists and indexes weeping softly in corners."
This will also affect folks who link to a fic's verse tag in the body of their post(s). Technically it's bringing things better in line with web standards, but they kind of didn't bother to really inform anyone - it went through during the notification changes just recently. They mentioned the tags for paid users had increased, but if you didn't read the right line in
the post at
lj_releases (I sure didn't) then you were just puzzled why all the sudden you were running across random broken links. Or left thinking that a lot of people had been futzing around with their tags and broken the links themselves. GAH.
A good hint for Delicious and anyone who uses Firefox, though, is making sure the Display Options (upper right hand portion of the page) is set to Detail Level High and therefore displaying the URL of each link below its title. Then just hit Ctrl+F (which opens the 'Find' option in a toolbar at the bottom of the window), enter a plus sign in the box, and choose the Next button - it will find every instance of a plus sign in a URL and you can make the edit before moving on to the next one. Sadly the regular Delicious search won't find them, but with over 2,000 bookmarks, I'm glad for a workaround!
I never created any tags with spaces myself (URLs with spaces make me twitchy for THIS VERY REASON) but I need to check over my recs posts on LJ and DW. I'll get to that. In the meantime, %20.
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