good times

Nov 25, 2010 01:43

saw "chilly" gonzales last night at the Scala. good night all round. the sound was a little wack - too high on the high notes from the electric piano which hurt my ears. he started with a little piano music, did some stand-up, some musical comedy, rap comedy, some comedy music.. you get the idea. perhaps i would have preferred it a little more straight, but i am not so hot on comedy. one time he was talking talking, just talking, and then a line or two later and he is suddenly in this a capella rap, really musical, like, about being Ambassador of Rap or something. i was impressed. he doesn't change voice, he just goes from talking and chewing on words to it being music, seamlessly. s'cool. also, his band was two drummers on kits and a keyboardist out front.

a couple of weeks ago it was Andrew the Painter's birthday, and we went over to his for a little dinner party. it was excellent. tiny kitchen, full of tealights all around high up on the cabinets and things near the ceiling. 8 of us around the square table, in couples on each side. we got through loads and loads of wine, and it was just great. good food and conversation. i never met his lady before (italian, classy, worldly and in charge), nor the couple of girls who were sort of next to me around the corner of the table (young, trendy and beautiful, actor-ish). the table was small enough that you could have a single conversation but also with that many people sometimes there were two going on. A made really lush lime and mint sorbet for dessert. mmm. and a fluffy neighbourhood cat came in and hung out with us for a while, even though it looked a little annoyed that the kitchen was full of noisy strangers.

music, people

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