Intermittent LJ issues seem harassing..

Mar 08, 2020 22:06

The intermittent LJ issues seem harassing to me and started after getting reconnected with C_Eagle et al. That feels VERY harassing as C has been an online friend since about 2000. That’s 20 years. Other harassment is about my returning memory of University, the Military and my 1990 marriages and engagement to Crown Prince Haakon Gloucksberg and my child with him. I got declared his Official Mistress by his Daddy and I’m looking for him because at some point I managed to “steal” one of his Crowns our if his locked up jewelry room inside his palace. I figured he’d ask for it back by now??? What’s yo problem??? What exactly am I going to do with it??? Wear it to Scarborough Fair? Been there done that! Ask and you shall receive, remember that one???? Yes, Tiffany THAT is what was going on when I visited y’all in Norway and the after effects of meningitis.

I know you bitches are insecure but grow up, he’s in his 60’s by now! You hit about 40 and you just aren’t that desperate for sex like your 20’s! I apparently have one of my daughter’s boyfriends flirting online etc. on top of this...just in case y’all think I’m desperate for sex or something???


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