Title: Horohoro’s dreams
Disclaimer: I do not own Shaman King
Summary: Pointless interaction and slight romance between Hao and Horohoro
_+_HaoXhoro_+_+_ HaoXhoro_+_+_ HaoXhoro_+_+_ HaoXhoro_+_+_ HaoXhoro_+_
“Would you allow me the pleasure of having this dance?” The masked brunette asked before suavely bowing with one hand folded to his chest and the other swiping his cloak to the back.
Horohoro gaped in disbelief. He was being asked to dance, by a male. Who did that man think he was, a girl? Any way, the man looked more like a girl than him, with his long hair and all, so what was he doing calling him, the epitome of a male, a girl? He promptly voiced out his thoughts.
The masked man, who Horohoro has dubbed as disillusioned and probably crazy, slowly lifted his head and pointed a finger at Horohoro.
“You are the one wearing a dress, my lady.”
Horohoro looked down and screamed.
_+_HaoXhoro_+_+_ HaoXhoro_+_+_ HaoXhoro_+_+_ HaoXhoro_+_+_ HaoXhoro_+_
His eyes opened and he sat up. It was just a dream, he realized. His masculinity was intact and so was the other’s femininity.
“I resent that. You were the one wearing a dress.”
Horohoro jumped and quickly turned to the source of the voice. Upon recognizing the person, he tensed up. It was after all, not a common occurrence to find Hao, the domineering idiot who was bent on the annihilation of the human race and the twin of the resident idiotic Shaman King, sitting on his room’s window sill in the dead of the night.
“I am not an idiot. Only Yoh is an idiot and I am not bent on the annihilation of the human race anymore.”
Let us not forget his annoying mind reading ability.
“What are you doing here?”
At the question, a smirk surfaced on Hao’s face and as Hao’s smirks beget bad things for the receiver of said smirks, regret and forebode encircled Horohoro’s heart. Horohoro groaned. It was too early in the morning, or was it too late in the night, to be doomed and asking to be sent to hell or anywhere that is not near Hao in his sadistic mood. Then again, Hao is always in a sadistic mood. Horohoro amended his wish to not being near Hao at all and in any time.
“Oh? You would like to know?” The knowing tone was most evident. Horohoro cursed Hao’s mind reading ability once again.
“Well, I wouldn’t mind telling you. I was just having a walk when I saw the most interesting sequence of images and since it has something to do with me, I checked the source. I must admit, I was surprised that you have the desire for cross-dressing. Really, I never would have expected-”
“It was a nightmare.” Horohoro cut him off
“Nevertheless, dreams do show the truest and deepest desire of the person.” Hao countered with a sly look.
Then he hopped down the window sill to land on the tatami that is the floor of Horohoro’s room.
“And I do believe I have a score to settle with someone who thinks that I look like a girl.”
Horohoro believed that he was going to be fried, extra crispy but he resolved not to go down without a fight.
“Spirit of Fire is playing tea party with Kuroro.”
There went his plan down the drain. Wait, he said that Spirit of Fire was with Kuroro-
Hao jumped him and a hand soon found its way to his thigh.
Moans galore ensue.
Fin_+_HaoXhoro_+_+_ HaoXhoro_+_+_ HaoXhoro_+_+_ HaoXhoro_+_+_ HaoXhoro_+_
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