Jul 09, 2008 08:56
Good morning Friends. I had started walking a few weks ago to try and lose some of this fat around my middle, and to get in better shape as well. I seem to have gained some weight and with my back injury, this is not good. Fourth of July weekend, Gretchen and I were at the farmer's market and when I picked up our bags, I felt something slip in my back, later in the day came the familiar shooting pains that told me my sciatic nerve was angry. I spent the weekend in bed on muscle relaxers and had a very hard time getting anywhere near comfortable. I had been to see my General Physician about my back getting worse and he wrote me a few scripts, one to a pain clinic, one for steroid injections, but first I must get a new MRI. The MRI is what is holding me up. The local Hospital is getting a new open MRI, so the old one has to be taken out and the new one put in. I am waiting for this to be completed.
This morning was the first time I felt good enough to resume my walk. I am amazed at the humidity. We live about two miles from the Deleware river and that must contribute to the jungle-like atmosphere in summer. Like Gretchen's Pennsylvania Dutch family would say, I am farecking (Sweaty) LOL.
I have a heavy reading load for the world lit class I am taking. Second day I read Voltaire's Candide, Third day I read a section assigned from Rousseau's Emile and I have twenty pages left in his Confessions. This afternoon I will start on Goethe's Sorrows of Young Werther, which must be finished to prepare me for the lecture and discussion for next weeks class.