Blah blah blog

May 22, 2008 15:31

NYT magazine article about blogging by a blogger -- I read the whole thing (10 pages) and found it interesting (although the pictures were OMG so ridiculous), but at the same time I agree with some of the commenters who essentially say that there's a lot going on in the world when you look beyond your navel and that doing so would be a good thing for this individual. (At 9:30am there were 50 comments, by 3:30 there are almost 600).

This particular blogger (Emily Gould) was part of some whole Gawker-related controversy where she blogged about her boyfriend and then he wrote about her in a newspaper article (more about that on a different blog - kind of funny) and now she's writing an article about how she blogged and he wrote, and so on... you get the point. They remind me a bit of what Spencer and Heidi would be if they could write. But since they can't write, they just pose. Everyone's famous!


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