I got so much done today! This morning I read the entire new National Geographic (usually I only read a few articles, but this was a really good one), and finished sewing the new jammies I'm working on. They're pretty cute, but didn't turn out as well as I had hoped. I have the hardest time fitting patterns! I measure myself, then find the size pattern that almost perfectly matches, but everything I make is way off. The dress I made for my Halloween costume needed darts in the side-boobs, the chemise was HUGE in the chest and back and required gathering, and my pajama top was so gigantic and gaping in the back that I cut it up the middle and added an extra seam to take it in. Anyway. Then I bought cat food and a new shower curtain liner, and cleaned the bathroom really well.
As soon as Dustin got home, it was off to the dairy farm! It smelled like cows, but they have a cute little cheese store, and everything was really affordable - fancy, homemade cheeses for $5.00 to $6.50 a pound. We got bacon cheddar, basil tomato feta, and black pepper gouda. YUM! I'm going to try to buy most of my good cheese there from now on - it's affordable, plus good for the environment and the local economy! Plus I love farms. Can I just say again how much I wish I lived in the country? Well really the demi-country, since these farms are just outside of Ferndale and Bellingham.
After the dairy farm, we stopped at the farm we picked strawberries at because they had dahlias. Dahlias are my FAVORITE flower, and really cheap, especially if you pick them yourself, which is more fun anyway! They had u-pick where it cost $6 for however many you could fit in a (large) twist tie. They had other flowers too, but I only got dahlias. They're so vibrant and unique and HUGE! I love them so much.
Then after dinner (which I actually made - Greek salad and naan bread with a dip we also bought at the dairy farm-yum), I strong-armed Dustin into helping me pick apples off the tree next to our parking lot. Tomorrow I'm going to make apple butter and/or apple pie! And tonight I'm going to start sewing some new curtains. I am pleased.