Yay Labor Day!

Sep 08, 2009 11:51

Even though I didn't really *do* anything this weekend (being financially responsible is boring), I still REALLY enjoy three day weekends. None of that existential angst about whether I should nap or actually accomplish things in such a short time frame.  I started my Halloween costume on Friday (because I thought it would take me a long time, and I was excited), and finished it on Saturday! It's really cute, and I'm super proud because a) I finished it (not my usual m.o.), b) I worked on it for long stretches of time without screaming at the sewing machine, my husband or the sky, and c) it's the first time I've sewn a complete garment with sleeves, a zipper, and a lining! I've been sewing a lot lately, and I think I'm becoming much better at it. I also nearly finished sewing a birthday present for a certain somebody ;) All while also fitting in a nap! Some of my coworkers have switched to a 4 day schedule, and I'm kind of jealous, but I also like money. To spend on fabric. Plus then the novelty of a long weekend would wear out. I wish I had cleaned more, though. Last night I watched a show on hoarders while doing some handsewing on the couch, and it was positively disgusting. Then I looked around at my own clutter and dirty counters and wanted to purge and burn it all. This morning the mess seemed on a more reasonable scale, but I think I'm still going to attack it with fury when I get home.

I don't usually talk about TV, but I took a "lunch break" from my breakneck sewing on Saturday to watch an episode of The Tudors, which I have been swiftly consuming (it's interesting and very pretty, though not especially historically accurate).  But the episode I watched on Saturday made me SOB. I frequently tear up at movies/TV shows, but I don't think I've ever actually noisily wept before. I even kept crying after the episode was over. It was awful - sad things (accompanied by moving speeches) kept happening and crescendoing throughout the episode, and I was just devastated. I kind of knew what was going to happen, since it's based on real events and all, but I was still shocked and appalled by how moving it was. The weird thing is that the show is usually more like a ridiculous soap opera than a moving, sentimental piece. I would still recommend the show, but with the caveat that it will probably enrage history buffs. And may also instill a temporary, irrational hatred of Protestants in the viewer ;)

I *think* today is my one year anniversary at my job.  This is momentous, because I've never before stayed at a job for a whole year (sad). I came within a few weeks when I worked very part-time at a doctor's office, but usually I'm out of there closer to 5 months after starting. I counted awhile back, and I think I've had 12 jobs in 7 years (though many of them overlapped). I usually hit the 3 month mark and realize that my job bores, annoys and sometimes enrages me, and begin looking for a new one. But I actually like my current job, and don't want to leave anytime in the foreseeable future - how novel! I think I'm very lucky.

Also - a tornado hit Buckley! How weird (and scary) is that? I'm quite afraid of tornadoes, and thought I was safe from them :(
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