I really need to update this more often. So much is going on, although the majority of it seems to happen within my own head.
Last night was the Rock-a-Thon fundraiser that I lost the pledge sheet for. The paper was last seen on Wednesday, the same day that I had another near-fainting experience.
It came to a point where as we were trying to gather pledges for the fundraiser at my dad's office, I started to become dizzy. My vision was clouding, and I knew that I had to sit down. So I staggered over to my dad and said, "Daddy, I don't feel well." then plopped down on the floor next to his desk, leaning against the partition while I waited for the dizziness to pass.
We discovered a link between this and the last episode. It's either Arby's ham and swiss melt from a particular store, heat exhaustion/dehydration, or a combination of both. Whatever it is, I hope it doesn't occur again.
Anyway, I suppose I had better explain the Rock-a-thon. No, it doesn't have anything to with Rock music. It's all about the rocking chairs.
The youth group gathered pledges to sit and rock in rocking chairs all night long, either by the hour or in a lump sum. Unfortunately, I couldn't stay all night because I had to work today, but I did end up staying a bit past the previously set limit of midnight. Okay, maybe it was nearly two hours later, but it was actually pretty fun once they got the Mad-Libs out. It's really hard to stay awake in a rocking chair while watching a movie. Especially when it's past your bed time.
.. This wasn't the reason I was going to post though..
The reason was this very interesting quiz I took. It's scarily accurate, for only being two questions.
I took the free ColorQuiz.com personality test!
"Needs a peaceful environment. Wants release from s..."
Click here to read the rest of the results.
I have to wonder how they did it.. Maybe something to do with color psychology.
*yawns* Anyway.. It's eleven here, and with my lack of sleep last night, it's really hard to keep my eyes open, much less stay coherent enough to form actual sentences.
Good night.
Kat Logging Out