So as part of my personal alchemy project, I have decided that this is the time where I will actually *do* something to get back to my Wohlfuehlgewicht.
This is neither mind-boggling news, nor do I think weight loss makes a good blogging topic -- in fact it would bore me to tears to constantly read about weight weight weight everywhere in other people's blogs, like some of the kiddie journals I see here and there where anorexia is basically celebrated as if it's some scientific breakthrough. So no, not like that, and no, there won't be much about it in this blog at all. The less I think and talk about it, the better. I work better that way.
It was the same years ago when I quit smoking. Cold turkey and I never looked back. But it also was a solitary effort. So there. I've been using for 5 days now, more or less successfully... And plan on continuing to do so and sticking with it. That's it, 'nuff said. Must not obsess about it now and just do it instead.
In other news, there really are no news. The weekend was quite boring in the 'action' kind of way. Lots of sorting and am now done with kitchen, linen closets and dining room. Up next: Walk-in closet, bedroom, then charity drop offs and ebaying... ohhhhhh joy. But I know I'll feel so much better when it's all done.
And I mean all of it, including the above.