May 22, 2010 18:22
I graduated a year ago. I had decided to take an indefinite time off from academia, probably 5 years. That's because I was burned out, trying to support myself, and I had a lot of things to figure out.
Since then... I'm still struggling to support both myself and my fiance on a single salary that's not much better than minimum wage. It's technically full-time but it's only 35 hours a week on average and it's overnights and I am still trying to figure that out. I've seen a new doctor in the meantime and discovered that -- no surprise -- I'm not as healthy as I could be and -- surprise -- I'll almost definitely have diabetes within the next 20 years if I don't change my habits. I just finished reading The South Beach Diet and while it sounds promising I haven't figured out yet how both Drew and I will be able to do it on low-income and while both our sleep schedules shift by at least 6 hours on a weekly basis. And they don't switch together, either.
I finally own my own car, but it's been in two accidents already. I've strained my back. I've purchased my first big piece of furniture (a klik-klak instead of a futon because it's smaller and because it cost $300.65 including the movers) and Drew's already outdone me by bringing home a dresser back from his first day at the new job (helping somebody move and she didn't want this antique). It fits... barely.
No Brand Con has come and gone and I still have yet to finish up my treasurer-duties. That'll come.
I'm almost done with Kingdom Hearts 2 -- literally if I can manage to 100% about 7 more parts of the gummi ship section of the game then I'll get Mickey Mouse as a summon.
So... I still have a pretty long to-do list. I guess that never changes. On the plus side, Drew and i are still strongly together. Of course, each of us have recently seen the divorces of people we would never have guessed had issues... and both couples had been together at least 10 years. What do we really know?
I haven't done what I promised myself and begun making my wonderful website to explain microbiology to the internet. I know where the starting point is... I just need the money for the binder, the page dividers, and fist I need to sort out some insurance business and the No Brand Con treasury and also figure out a way to not stay awake for a 24 hour period once a week. Overnights suck. So do loud neighbors.
Do I get a score? How well have I scored at life after college, huh? C'mon, what's my score!?
Sometimes I wish for that external approval system to come back. But it doesn't exist. I think that's one of the biggest things that I've wrapped my brain around this year. Toodles.