Almost show time

Jan 12, 2017 22:11

Tomorrow I shall be setting up my booth For VKlive.  Right now I’m trying to wrap up at the day job and start packing everything for the show. It’s slow gong but I am nearly done with work so that’s a win!  I thought  a little preview of what would be available would be nice. Anything that doesn’t sell, except for the show exclusive, will be available in the shop on Monday.

Lots of markers are being restocked, lots of new designs are being released. It should be a fun weekend catching up with people and vending. And getting my hands on just a little yarn and fiber before I go on a small yarn Hiatus.  More motivation to get the sweaters done I guess!

One very new thing that I am vending for the first time is a set of stitch markers made with actual pearls. They have a mermaid charm and are dyed pearls. So we’ll see how that goes.  Also I took a little trip into the upsidedown…


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