Handspun Hat

Jan 11, 2017 21:33

I have wanted to make a hat out of my handspun luxury fibers for some time now.  I have been spinning the yarn as finely as I can with the plan to ply 3 or four different fibers together in the end to get a worsted weight. But this is spinning project that if it sees ten minutes of spin time every three months that is a lot. It’s time to pick up the pace.

Needless to say the spinning is very slow going, not only because I am spinning as fine as I can on my golding, but also because I have at least half a dozen spinning projects going at any given time.  I’m sensing a theme here. This project always comes to mind when the weather is cold again, reminding me of the warm soft hat I could have if I just got to Spinning!

It not as if it is a hardship to use a Golding Spindle while spinning Paco Vicuña, with Cashmere and yak silk blends waiting in the wings. I even have a colorful bit of neon Merino if I decided I wanted a pop of color. It has been spun just as finely and is just waiting. So with all this in mind, I have decided that this is the January project I will attempt finish.  At the very least I should be finished spinning the Paco Vicuña, its only half an oz!

I’m also motivated as a few handknit hats seemed to have wandered off in the move. So overall I have a plan for more hats. So while this may take a bit longer it seemed like a good place to start on expanding the hat pile once again.

I also want to amass some cabled hat patterns, and start plotting. I tend to make simple hats or  heavily cabled hats. Also I have quite a bit of leftover yarn from the sweaters so I have some thoughts on that. Possibly a hat for me, and a hat as a gift.


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